Project Milestones

A milestone is a task with zero duration that marks a significant achievement in a project.

Project managers use milestones to track events such as completion of project stages, major project deliverables, key decision points, and approvals. Milestones are used to monitor progress and determine if a project is on schedule.

User Responsibilities

The following table lists the user responsibilities for milestones:



Project Manager

  • Creates the milestone in the project plan.

  • Assigns dependencies to the milestone.

  • Marks a milestone as finished.

  • Views milestones in various statuses.

Team member

Marks a milestone as finished.


The following are the various statuses in milestone.

  • Past Due: Milestones that are past the finish date.

  • At Risk: Milestones that can't be completed on time because a predecessor task has an exception.

  • Upcoming: Milestones that are due for completion in next 12 months.

  • Complete: Milestones that are finished.

  • Unscheduled: Milestones without a finish date.

Actions on Milestones

The following table lists the various actions, users who can perform the actions, and the location where you perform the actions.


User Role


Create Milestone

Project Manager

Manage Project Plan page

Assign finish date to a milestone

Project Manager

Note: The task creator can assign a finish date to a milestone task. However, a team member can't edit the start date or finish date for milestones. If the task creator enters a finish date for a milestone task, the start date is automatically updated with the same date.

Manage Project Plan page

Mark a milestone as finished

Project Manager

  • Manage Tasks page of My Work work area

  • Quick Progress and New Activity regions of the Team Member Dashboard

  • Percent Complete column in the Manage Project Plan page

    Tip: Enter 100 in the Percent Complete column
  • Project Milestones page

Team Member

  • Manage Tasks page of My Work work area

  • Quick Progress and New Activity regions of the Team Member Dashboard

Filter milestones by statuses

Project Manager

Project Milestones page