Create a Fixed Choice List Field

Use Application Composer to add a fixed choice list field for an existing Projects object as per your business requirements.

Note: The Name and API Name of a field can't be changed after it's created. Even if the Display Label changes, the name used to refer to this field in Groovy expressions doesn't change.

Creating and Describing the Fixed Choice List Field

Use the following steps to create and describe a fixed choice list field.

  1. Ensure that you're working in a sandbox.

  2. Click Navigator > Tools > Application Composer.

  3. Select ERP and SCM Cloud from the Application list, enable PPM as the Object Tags and expand Standard Objects.

  4. Expand any of the following objects and click Fields to add a fixed choice list:

    • Backlog Item

    • Project Deliverable

    • Project Issue

    • Project Resource Request

    We will explain the following steps to show how a fixed choice list field is added to the Project Resource Request object for Project Management work area.

  5. Click the Fields link under the Project Resource Request object.

  6. In the Custom tab, click the Create a custom field icon.

  7. In the Select Field Type window, select Choice List (Fixed), and click OK.

  8. In the Create Fixed Choice List page, enter the basic information for the field, such as Display Label, Name, and the Constraints.

  9. Select the display type:

    • If the users can select only one value, then select Single Select Choice List.

    • If the users can select multiple values, then select Multiple Select Choice List.

      For example, create a single select choice list named Travel Required for Project Resource Request in Project Management work area with values Yes and No.

  10. If the lookup type was previously defined, click the Search and Select Lookup Type icon next to the Lookup Type field, search for the lookup type, select it, and click OK. Otherwise, create the lookup type as described in the next section.

  11. Click Save and Close. You can view the new fixed choice list field (Travel Required) under the Custom tab on the Fields page.

  12. Expand the Project Resource Request object and click the Pages link.

  13. On the Project Resource Requests: Pages page, click the Duplicate icon in the Landing Page Layouts section of the Project Management work area.

  14. In the Duplicate Layout window, enter the new layout and source layout name. For now, keep the new layout name and the source layout to the default value.

  15. Click Save and Close. You can now see the Default custom layout link under the Landing Page Layouts section of the Project Management work area.

  16. Click the Default custom layout link from the Landing Page Layouts section of the Project Management work area.

  17. On the Landing Page Layout: Default custom layout page, click the Edit icon next to the Project Resource Requests Table in Project Management work area heading.

  18. In the Configure Summary Table section, select the new fixed choice list field (Travel Required) from the Available Fields table and move it to the Selected Fields table.

  19. Click Save and Close. You can now see the new fixed choice list field (Travel Required) on the Project Resource Requests page in the Project Management work area.

Creating the Lookup Type

If the lookup type isn't defined, then use the Create Lookup Type window to add lookups and to specify the list of values. Note that you can reuse lookup types for other fields.

Note: Although you're working in a sandbox, lookup types are created outside of a sandbox and become part of the mainline metadata.
  1. Click the Create a New Lookup Type icon that's displayed next to the Lookup Type field.

  2. Enter the lookup type properties listed in the following table.




    Unique name for the lookup type. Use a name that enables others to search for a lookup type that meets their needs for other fixed choice fields.


    Optional description that enables others to determine if the lookup type meets their needs for other fixed choice fields.

    Lookup Type

    Unique internal identifier for this lookup.

    Lookup Code

    Value for the lookup type.

  3. In the Lookup Codes table, from the Action menu, click Create to add an item to the list of valid values. For the fixed choice list field (Travel Required) you need to create the values, Yes and No.

  4. In the Meaning column, enter the value to display in the list of valid values. The value must be unique to the list.

  5. In the Lookup Code column, enter the internal code for the item. The value must be unique to the list. Use headline case without spaces to make it obvious in Groovy scripts that the lookup code isn't a string displayed in the interface.

  6. Enter the Display Sequence and Description for the lookup code.

  7. Create additional items to complete the list.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Save and Close. The fixed choice list field (Travel Required) is displayed on the Project Resource Request page in the Project Management work area.

Note: After you make your changes in a sandbox, work with your applications administrator to either delete or publish the sandbox. Deleting the sandbox reverts your changes. Publishing the sandbox applies the changes you made across your organization.