Overview of Common Applications Configuration for Project Execution Management

Tasks that are common across multiple products are grouped into the Define Common Applications Configuration for Project Execution Management task list. You can perform these tasks once and they're applicable in all the relevant products.

So, if you have already performed these tasks, you don't have to do it again.

Here's the list of tasks in the Define Common Applications Configuration for Project Execution Management task list.


Is This Required?

It Enables You To

Run User and Roles Synchronization Process


Run a batch process to synchronize users and roles.

Manage Applications Security Preferences


Manage applications security preferences including user name generation rules, password policy and user notification templates.

Import Users and Roles into Application Security


Import users and role data from LDAP and store it in Application Security tables.

Import User Login History


Import information that the Inactive Users Report uses to identify inactive users.

Manage Job Roles


Review, create, or update enterprise-wide abstract and job roles. Create role hierarchies.

Manage Duties


Review the logical groupings of tasks that define duty roles. Provision duty roles to abstract, job, or other duty roles.

Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules


Create and manage rules for provisioning roles to people based on assignment information, such as job, position, and person type.

Import Worker Users


Import Worker users as HCM Workers from legacy applications. The import process automatically creates user accounts and assigns roles to workers using HCM role provisioning rules.

Manage Users


Manage application user definitions.