Contract Templates for Project Billing

When you create a contract template, you can provide values for project-related attributes that appear on contracts created from the contract template.

Project Attributes to Specify on Contract Templates

The following table describes the project-related attributes for contract templates.



Bill plan

Specify the invoice method, its classification, billing currency type, payment terms, billing cycle, bill set, and invoice summarization formats such as labor, nonlabor, and event.

You don't need to enter values for bill plan attributes such as the bill-to account, bill-to contract, and bill-to site because these are specific to customer or contract.

Revenue plan

Specify the revenue method and its classification.

Billing extensions, if used, are specific to each contract. Therefore, don't enter a billing extension on the contract template.

Contract template lines

Link contract template lines to a bill plan and a revenue plan defined on the template.

Billing controls and overrides

Specify on the contract.

Rate schedules

Specify labor schedule, nonlabor schedule, and burden schedule on the contract.

If you create a contract from the contract template, you only need to enter the organization and contract-specific attributes.