Currency and Exchange Rate Settings for Analytics

CX Sales applications let you to decide how currency is shown in the application and set preferences for how analytics show currency for different regions and calculate exchange rates.

Currency can be set in different regional currency types, depending on where you do business and what currency types you want to see.

There are three ways you set up currency:

  • User Currency - Set by the business user in Regional settings. This setting applies to the entire application interface for that user only. The available currency options are set by your application administrator.

  • Analytics Currency - Set by the business user in BI in My Account settings in the Reports area. The setting applies to that user only and is only relevant for analyses.

  • Corporate Currency - Set by the application administrator. This setting applies to all users in that company.

Note: The time zone preferences that you set in your fuse simplified user interface are inherited and used as the time zone setting for your existing and new analytics.