Overview of Analytics Publisher

Oracle Analytics Publisher enables you to author, generate, and deliver all types of highly formatted documents and operational reports.

You can use familiar office desktop tools to create rich text format (.rtf) documents and reports against any data source. You can view reports, schedule them to run, and distribute them to predefined destinations.

Reports consist of one or more .rtf layouts, a reference to a data model, and a set of properties. A report may also include style templates and subtemplates, which allow reusability of functionality and maintain consistency of design. In the logical architecture depicted in the figure, the report includes a data model and a layout, and the layout references two style templates in the catalog which in turn reference subtemplates.

In the Analytics Publisher logical architecture, the data model accesses data sources and the layout and its optional style template and subtemplates determine the formatting of the report output, which can include email, print, fax, or files, and others. The layout is designed using common office applications, for example Microsoft Word and Excel and Adobe Acrobat and Flash, among others.
Analytics Publisher logical architecture