Resource Management Dashboard

The Resource Management dashboard displays summary information for resource supply and demand. You can also edit and create a copy of the dashboard to fit your own business requirements.

The dashboard uses the Projects - Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time and Projects - Project Resource Management - Resource Pool Real Time subject areas.

The dashboard consists of the following summary analysis:

  • Projected Utilization Next 13 Weeks

  • Billable Assigned Hours Next 13 Weeks

  • Underutilized Resources Next 13 Weeks

  • Proposed Resources Awaiting Approval

  • Capacity vs Utilization

  • Projected Utilization

Key Insights

This dashboard answers the following business questions:

  • How is my resource supply?

  • Are my resources effectively utilized?

  • What is the billable utilization of my resources?

  • Are my resources assigned effectively on projects and tasks?

  • Are we seeing any trends in demand?

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists the frequently asked questions about this dashboard.



How do I find this dashboard?

Reports and Analytics - Shared Folders - Projects - Dashboards

Who uses this dashboard?

Resource Manager

When do I use this dashboard?

When you need to review effective resource utilization for a project.

What can I do with this dashboard?

You can view how well resource management is functioning. You get an overview of resource demand, capacity, and utilization. It also helps you predict insight into future demand for roles and qualifications and the amount of time requested.

What type of dashboard is this?

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence


The following table lists the prompts and filters used in the dashboard.




Resource Pool Name

Dashboard prompt

  • Choice list

  • Select multiple values enabled

  • Default selection SQL:

    SELECT "- Resource Pool"."Resource Pool Name" FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" WHERE "- Resource Pool"."Resource Pool Name" IN (VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.RESOURCE_POOL_LIST))

  • Presentation variable: vResourcePool

Start Month

Dashboard prompt

  • Choice list

  • Choice List Values SQL:

    SELECT "Time"."Month" FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" WHERE ( "Time"."Date" > TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH,-12, CURRENT_DATE) and "Time"."Date" < TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH,12, CURRENT_DATE) ) order by "Time"."Month" description FETCH FIRST 65001 ROWS ONLY

  • Default selection SQL:

    SELECT "Time"."Month" FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" WHERE ( "Time"."Date" = CURRENT_DATE) FETCH FIRST 65001 ROWS ONLY

  • Presentation variable: vMonthStart

End Month

Dashboard prompt

  • Choice list

  • Choice List Values SQL:

    SELECT '1-5' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" union all SELECT '6-10' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" union all SELECT '11-15' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" union all SELECT '>15' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time"

  • Default selection SQL:

    SELECT '1-5' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time

  • Presentation variable: vMonthEnd

Resource Pool Name

Dashboard prompt

  • Choice list

  • Select multiple values enabled

  • Default selection SQL:

    SELECT "- Resource Pool"."Resource Pool Name" FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" WHERE "- Resource Pool"."Resource Pool Name" IN (VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.RESOURCE_POOL_LIST))

  • Presentation variable: vResourcePool

Resource Staffing Owner Name

Dashboard prompt

  • Choice list

  • Select multiple values enabled

  • Default selection: None

  • Presentation variable: vResourceStaff

Project Role Name

Dashboard prompt

  • Choice list

  • Select multiple values enabled

  • Default selection: All Column Values

  • Presentation variable: vProjectRole

Top Roles/Qualification

Dashboard prompt

  • Choice list

  • Select multiple values SQL

    SELECT '1-5' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" union all SELECT '6-10' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" union all SELECT '11-15' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time" union all SELECT '>15' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time"

  • Default selection SQL:

    SELECT '1-5' FROM "Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time"

  • Presentation variable: V_Rank1

The following table lists the views for the Resource Management analysis.


Displayed Information

View Name

Resource Management

View Sections

  • Projected Utilization Next 13 Weeks

  • Billable Assigned Hours Next 13 Weeks

  • Underutilized Resources Next 13 Weeks

  • Proposed Resources Awaiting Approval

  • Capacity vs Utilization

  • Projected Utilization

Graphs and Tables

Demand Trend Of Requests

  • Month

  • Project Role Name

  • Total Requests

Demand Trend Of Request Time

  • Month

  • Project Role Name

  • Total Requested Time (In Hours)