Best Practices for Proposed Task Changes

Project managers need to review certain changes to tasks that team members proposed when they entered progress.

To see the effects of a proposed task change, a project manager can preview the impact the change would have on the project plan before deciding whether or not to accept the change.

After previewing the impact to the project plan, a project manager can accept, save, decline, or cancel the proposed task change.

Tip: Project managers can also accept or decline task changes from the Manage Task Exceptions page after previewing the impact.


Accept the proposed change if you agree with the impact. When you accept the change, the proposed dates for the task replace the current dates. The application recalculates the progress and duration for the task and project. You must also save any changes to apply the updates to the project plan.

Alternatively, you can change the proposed dates to different dates than the team member proposed.


Decline the proposed change if you want to retain the original planned dates and reject the proposed changes. When you decline the change, the proposed dates are replaced with the original dates, and changes to the task are disregarded. The application recalculates the progress and duration for the project plan using the original values.


Cancel the proposed change to return to the project plan without accepting any changes. When you cancel the change, the values for the proposed and planned dates don't change.


Save the proposed change to replace the planned dates with the proposed dates, and save the change to the project plan.