Examples of Project and Task Codes

Project application administrators can manage project and task codes from the Manage Enterprise Project Codes page and the Manage Enterprise Task Codes page respectively.

Examples of Project Codes

Suppose your business needs project managers to capture savings that they must achieve on each negotiation made with a supplier and their actual savings for each project. In such cases, project application administrators can create the required custom attributes using project codes to capture the required values.

Here's a table that lists the custom attributes that must be created using project codes.

Data Type

Project Code

Column Name

Column Description


Number 01

Sourcing Savings Goal

The savings goal for your negotiation.


Number 02

Sourcing Savings Goal (%)

The savings goal for your negotiation in percentage.


Number 03

Negotiated Savings

The actual savings achieved for your negotiation.


Number 04

Negotiated Savings (%)

The actual savings achieved for your negotiation in percentage.

After you create these attributes, project managers can enter values for these attributes when creating and managing projects.

Examples of Task Codes

Suppose project managers want to select a role required to perform each task before assigning resources to tasks. In such cases, project application administrators can create custom attributes using task codes to capture the values.

Here's a table that lists the custom attribute that must be created using task codes.

Data Type

Task Code

Column Name

Column Description

Value Set

List of Values 01


The role of the resource.

And, here's a table that contains the values in the value set.




Software Developer


Project Manager




Quality Analyst


Information Developer

After you create the Role value set, project managers can select a role when creating and managing tasks.