Public Event for Project Change Order Changes

If you want Oracle PPM Cloud to signal whenever project change order status or stage or priority changes, then you must use the ERP Business REST Endpoints to enable the feature. Keep in mind that creating or deleting change orders doesn't generate signals.

For example, if you want to initiate an activity in another application whenever a change order status changes to In Progress, then:

  1. You, as a project application administrator, must enable this feature. Oracle PPM Cloud signals when project change order status changes.
  2. Integration developers must create event handlers that subscribe to these signals and initiate an activity whenever the project change order status changes to In Progress.

Attributes in the Payload for Project Change Order Changes Event

This table lists and describes the attributes in the payload.



ChangeDocumentId Unique identifier of a project change order. Required for PATCH operation.
ChangeDocumentNumber Unique number of the change order. Application calculated field.
Comments User comments for the change order.
CreatorId Identifier of the creator for a change order. Required for POST operation if Creator Name or Creator Email isn't provided.
Name Name of the change order.
OwnerId Unique identifier of the owner of the change order. The default value is the creator of the change order.
Priority The code of the priority of a change order. Valid values are HIGH, LOW, and MEDIUM. The default value is MEDIUM.
ProjectId Unique identifier of the project for which the change document is created.
Reason The code of the reason for which the change order is created, rejected, and canceled. Valid values are BUDGET_REVISION, CLIENT_SCOPE_CHANGES, CONTRACT_MODIFICATION, DESIGN_CHANGES, GENERAL, OTHER, SCHEDULE_MODIFICATION, and SCOPE_REVISION. The default value is GENERAL.
Stage The code of the current stage of a change order. Valid values are CREATE, IMPACT_ANALYSIS, APPROVAL, CLOSE, REVIEW, and IMPLEMENTATION. The default value is CREATE.
Status The code of the current status of a change order. Status is derived from the stage of the change order. You need to mention status only when you want to cancel the change order. Valid value is CANCELED.
TaskId Unique identifier of the task for which a change document is created.

Name of the person who last updated the record.

LastUpdateDate Displays the date when the record was last updated.

Sample Payload for Project Change Order Changes Event

Let's look at a sample payload that's generated when a change order is moved from the create stage to the impact assessment stage.

<ns0:ProjectChangeOrderStatusChangedInfo xmlns:ns0="">
               <ns0:newValue value="300100576852651"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="300100576852651"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="20082"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="20082"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="RequirementRevisionCO"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="RequirementRevisionCO"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="300100024326751"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="300100024326751"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="MEDIUM"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="MEDIUM"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="300100576408595"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="300100576408595"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="300100576470668"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="300100576470668"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="300100024326751"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="300100024326751"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="IN_PROGRESS"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="DRAFT"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="IMPACT_ANALYSIS"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="CREATE"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="GENERAL"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="GENERAL"/>
               <ns0:newValue value=""/>
               <ns0:oldValue value=""/>
               <ns0:newValue value="ABRAHAM.MASON"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="ABRAHAM.MASON"/>
               <ns0:newValue value="2023-05-29T06:55:05"/>
               <ns0:oldValue value="2023-05-29T06:51:59"/>