Considerations for Setting Up Class Categories

You define project classifications to group projects. Project classifications include a class category and a class code.

The category is a broad subject within which you can classify projects, such as Industry Sector. The code is a specific value of the category, such as Construction, Banking, or Health Care.

You specify the following options when setting up project classifications.

  • Assign to all projects

  • Assign to all project types

  • Available as accounting source

  • One class code per project

  • Enter class codes percent

  • Class codes

  • Project types

Assign to All Projects

Enable this option if all projects must have a code assigned to this class category. Do not enable if this class category is optional.

Assign to All Project Types

Enable this option if you want this class category to be required for projects of all project types.

Available as Accounting Source

This option indicates if the class category is available as an accounting source so that Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting can use the category to create mapping sets, account rules, journal line rules, and description rules.

Only one class category at a time is available as an accounting source in Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting. To change the class category that Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting uses, deactivate the old class category and create a new one with a different date range.

One Class Code Per Project

Specify whether you want to allow entry of only one class code with this class category for a project.

Note: Defining multiple class codes for one category for a project may affect reporting by class category. For example, defining multiple class codes may cause a code to be reported more than once.

Enter Class Codes Percent and Total Percent Must Equal 100

Enable this option if you want to associate percentages with the class codes associated with this category. When you have multiple classification codes associated with a single class category, you can report the relative values of your projects in terms of sales or a similar metric. When you enable this option, the application requires class code percentages for the category regardless of the project type.

Enable the Total Percent Must Equal 100 option if you want the application to require that the sum of all class code percentages to be 100% for the selected class category. You can clear this option at any time. After the class category is added to a project, you can't change the Enter Class Codes Percent option and you can't check the Total Percent Must Equal 100 check box.

Class Codes

You can define class codes for the category to create more specific groups of projects for reporting. Assign each class code to a reference data set so that only codes that are relevant to the project unit are available for the project.

Project Types

Associate project classifications with project types for the classification to be available for selection on projects with that project type. You can add classifications to a project type definition, and add project types to a class category definition.

Select the Assign to all projects option for a project type if you require all projects of the project type to be associated with the class category.