Load Project Organizations Using HCM Data Loader

In this example, you will understand how you can use the HCM Data Loader to load project organizations.

There are three classifications of project organization:

  1. Project Unit
  2. Project Expenditure Organization (PEO)
  3. Project Task Owning Organization (PTO)

You can either use the Setup and Maintenance UI or HCM Data Loader (DL) to load project organizations.

Use the Setup and Maintenance UI in the following scenarios:

  • When you create or modify a small number of project organizations.
  • Requiring immediate organizational updates.
  • Preferring a user-friendly interface.

Use the HCM Data Loader in the following scenarios:

  • When you create or manage many project organizations, for example, during the implementation of Project Management Cloud or to build an integration.
  • Requiring efficient bulk data processing.

To load project organizations using HCM DL, perform the following steps:

  1. Familiarize yourself with HCM DL, and perform the prerequisite HCM DL setup steps. For more information on loading data using HCM DL, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, HCM Data Loader guide.
  2. Prepare Organization.dat and OrganizationTreeNode.dat files as required.
    • An organization has to have at least one classification. You can add a Project Unit classification to an organization at the same time it's created.
    • Conversely, you can add PEO and PTO classifications only to an existing organization with at least one other classification, for example, an organization classified as a Department, Division, and so on.
    • You can optionally add Project Units, PEOs, and PTOs to trees.
    • Pay careful attention to date formats and ensure they match your HCM DL environment.
  3. Zip the Organization.dat and OrganizationTreeNode.dat files and load them using HCM DL.
  4. Run HCM DL post-load processes. For more information, see the section Postload Processing in the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, HCM Data Loader guide.

The following is a sample Organization.dat HCM DL file for creating or updating an organization classified as a project unit:

MERGE|Organization|SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER|PU1|01/01/0001||My Project Unit Name|PRJ_PROJECT_UNIT

The following is a sample Organization.dat HCM DL file for loading an organization ('My Organization Name') classified as a department (including cost center and company GL information, which you can use in project-related SLA rules):

MERGE|Organization|SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER|DEP1|01/01/0001||My Organization Name|DEPARTMENT

The following is a sample OrganizationTreeNode.dat HCM DL file for adding the above organization into a tree version (as identified by a tree structure code, tree code, and tree version name), along with an existing organization as its parent ('My Parent Organization', which is classified as a Division). You can load the file in the same zip file as the Organization.dat file above; HCM DL will process them in the correct order:

MERGE|OrganizationTreeNode|PER_ORG_TREE_STRUCTURE|My Tree Code|My Tree Version Name|My Parent Organization Name|HCM_DIVISION||
MERGE|OrganizationTreeNode|PER_ORG_TREE_STRUCTURE|My Tree Code|My Tree Version Name|My Organization Name|DEPARTMENT|My Parent Organization Name|HCM_DIVISION

The following is a sample Organization.dat HCM DL file for adding PEO and PTO classifications to the above department (you can load this only after the above department is created). The PTO is enabled for all project-type classes (contract, capital, indirect). The effective dates should match those of the organization record.

METADATA|OrgInformation|FLEX:PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF|allowIndirectProjects(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF=Project Type Class Information)|allowProjectsEnabledForCapital(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF=Project Type Class Information)|allowProjectsEnabledForBilling(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF=Project Type Class Information)|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|ClassificationCode|OrgInformationContext|EFF_CATEGORY_CODE|SequenceNumber|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|OrganizationId(SourceSystemId)
MERGE|OrgInformation|Project Type Class Information|Y|Y|Y|01/01/0001||PA_PROJECT_ORG|Project Type Class Information|PA_PROJECT_ORG|DEP1|1|SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER|DEP1_PTOO_INFO|DEP1