Manage Project Unit Options

Use the Manage Project Unit Options setup task to configure general and reporting options for your project unit. In this example, you're setting up the options for the Project Operations project unit.

Here's a summary of the decisions you made about setting up the options for the Project Operations project unit.

Decisions to Make

In This Example

More Information

What's the default reference set for projects in this project unit?

Enterprise Set

The set for each reference data object comes from the default set that's specified in the Manage Project Units: General Properties page.

Use the Manage Project Unit Set Assignments task to assign reference sets to project units. These assignments govern the application-shared reference data across different lines of business in a company.

What method should I use for project numbering?

Method: Manual

Type: Alphanumeric

The project numbering methods available are Manual or Automatic. The default value is Automatic.

If you select Manual, then project managers and project administrators must enter the project number when creating the project. The project number can be either alphanumeric or numeric.

If you want the application to assign numbers to projects, then select Automatic. Enter the first project number, and the application will use subsequent numbers during project creation.

Which business units should I associate with this project unit?

Corporate Enterprise

Corporate Manufacturing

Internal Systems and Support

Select the business units that are accountable for financial transactions for projects in this project unit.

What transactions can I include in project performance data summarization?


Purchase orders

Supplier invoices

Other commitments

Select the commitment types that you want to include in the project performance data summarization.

Before You Start

Ensure that the following setup tasks are complete before you start setting up options for a project unit:
  1. Set up organization hierarchies, organization classifications, and organizations.

  2. Enable the Project Accounting business unit function for all project business units.

  3. Classify organizations as project units.

Set Up General Properties

  1. Use the Manage Project Unit Options task to navigate to the Manage Project Units page.
  2. In the Search Results section of the Manage Project Units page, select the Project Operations project unit, and click Edit.
  3. On the Manage Project Units: General Properties page, complete the fields as follows.

    List of Values to be Entered in the Manage Project Units: General Properties page



    Default Set

    Enterprise Set

    Project Numbering - Method


    Project Numbering -Type


  4. Click Next.

Set Up Related Business Units

  1. On the Manage Project Units: Related Business Units page, select the business units in the Available Business Units column to associate them with this project unit.



    Available Business Units

    Corporate Enterprise

    Corporate Manufacturing

    Internal Systems and Support

  2. Click the right arrow to move the selected business units to the Selected Business Units column.

  3. Click Next.

    The Commitments and Planning Account Allocation sections appear.

Set Up Reporting Options

  1. In the Commitment section of the Manage Project Units: Reporting Setup page, use the Include in Summarization check box to indicate whether you want to include project commitment details of a specific commitment type in summarization reports associated with this business unit. If you select this check box against a commitment type, the Status Value drop-down list associated with that commitment type is enabled. You can then select the status values that you want to include into your report for that commitment type. You can either select Approved or All. If you choose Approved, you will be able to see only approved commitments. If you choose All, you will be able to see all commitments, both approved and unapproved.

    On the Manage Project Units: Reporting Setup page, Commitments region, complete the fields as follows:


Include in Summarization Value

Status Value




Purchase orders



Supplier invoices



Other commitments

Not selected

Not applicable

  1. In the Planning Amount Allocation region, complete the field as follows.




    Period start date

  2. Click Save and Close.

  3. Click Done.

    Run the Maintain Project Organizations process from the Scheduled Processes page after you:

    • Classify organizations as project and task owning or project expenditure owning organizations.

    • Add or classify new organizations.

    • Change the organization hierarchy type.