Project Contract Bill Transactions REST Endpoints

Project Contract Bill Transactions
The Project Contract Bill Transactions resource can be used to create, update, delete, and get bill transactions. Bill transactions are the smallest unit of transactional detail that can appear on a customer invoice, and are a record of the project, product or service-related line items to be billed. Each bill transaction has a bill quantity, a unit of measure (which provides context to the bill quantity), a unit price and an amount to be billed. When invoicing and revenue generation are both based on the same source transaction, bill transactions record both invoice and revenue measures on a single transaction, unifying the two processes. The history of invoicing and revenue generation for a bill transaction is tracked through related invoice distribution lines and revenue distribution lines respectively.
Get a project contract bill transaction
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{projectContractBillTransactionsUniqID}
Get many project contract bill transactions
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/