Get all project billing events




Query Parameters
  • This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. The value of this query parameter is a string having a date in yyyy-MM-dd format
  • When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).
  • This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.

    Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2

    Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2
  • Used as a predefined finder to search the collection.

    Format: ?finder=<finderName>;<variableName>=<variableValue>,<variableName2>=<variableValue2>

    The following are the available finder names and corresponding finder variables:

    • PrimaryKey: Finds the billing event with the specified primary key.
      Finder Variables:
      • EventId; integer; Unique identifier of the billing event.
    • UnprocessedEventsFinder: Finds list of billing events which have not been processed for invoicing or revenue generation.
      Finder Variables:
      • UntargetedEventsFinder: Finds list of billing events without a completion date.
        Finder Variables:
      • This parameter restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count then the framework will only return the available resources.
      • This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>

      • Used to define the starting position of the resource collection. If offset exceeds the resource count then no resources are returned. Default value is 0.
      • The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).
      • This parameter orders a resource collection based on the specified fields. The parameter value is a comma-separated string of attribute names, each optionally followed by a colon and "asc" or "desc". Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. The default value is "asc". For example, ?orderBy=field1:asc,field2:desc
      • This query parameter defines the where clause. The resource collection will be queried using the provided expressions. The value of this query parameter is one or more expressions. Example: ?q=Deptno>=10 and <= 30;Loc!=NY

        Format: ?q=expression1;expression2

        You can use these queryable attributes to filter this collection resource using the q query parameter:
        • AdjustedEventId; integer; Unique identifier of the adjusted event if the billing event is an adjustment of another billing event. This value is automatically populated when the application creates an adjustment billing event.
        • Automatic; string; Indicates that the event is created automatically by the application.
        • BillCurrencyOptCode; string; Indicates the code for the classification of the billing currency that is used for invoicing. The billing currency can be contract currency, transaction currency, or user currency. It is defined on the bill plan attached to the contract line selected for the event.
        • BillHold; string; Indicates that the event is held from invoicing. Mandatory for POST and PATCH operations. Valid values are Y - Indefinitely, N - No, and O - Once. The default value is N.
        • BillHoldMeaning; string; Displays the meaning of the value in the Hold Invoice attribute. Valid values are No, Once, or Indefinitely.
        • BillTrnsAmount; number; Amount of the billing event in the transaction currency. Mandatory for all POST and PATCH operations.
        • BillTrnsCurrencyCode; string; Indicates the code of the transaction currency for the billing event. Mandatory for POST and PATCH operations. Defaults to the contract currency if you only provide the contract number.
        • BillingResource; string; Name of the billing resource for the billing event. This attribute is automatically populated based on the setup of the Manage Planning and Billing Resource Breakdown Structures.
        • BillingResourceId; integer; Unique identifier of the billing resource. This attribute is automatically derived based on the attributes on the event and the resource breakdown structure.
        • BusinessUnitId; integer; Unique identifier of the business unit for the event. Mandatory for POST operation and derived based on the Business Unit Name attribute.
        • BusinessUnitName; string; Name of the business unit for the event. Mandatory for POST operation. Valid values include any business unit to which a user has access.
        • CompletionDate; string; The date on which the event is complete and on or after which the event is processed for revenue accrual and invoicing. Not mandatory for creating a billing event but mandatory for processing the event. Mandatory for creating a reversal event if the Reverse This Event in the Next Period attribute is set to Y.
        • ContractCurrencyAmount; number; The potential amount of the billing event in the currency of the contract when the event is created or the Amount in Bill Transaction Currency is updated. When the billing event is invoiced or recognized for revenue, this attribute is updated with the actual amount.
        • ContractCurrencyCode; string; Indicates the code of the currency for the contract entered on the event.
        • ContractCurrencyExchgDate; string; The exchange date of contract currency used to convert the billing event amount.
        • ContractCurrencyExchgRate; number; The exchange rate of contract currency used to convert the billing event amount.
        • ContractCurrencyRateType; string; A classification of conversion rates that is used to convert the billing event amount to contract currency.
        • ContractId; integer; Unique identifier of the contract for the event. The Contract ID is mandatory and it is automatically derived based on the Contract Number attribute during POST and PATCH operations.
        • ContractLineId; integer; Unique identifier of the contract line for the event. Mandatory for POST and PATCH operations and automatically derived based on the Contract Line Number attribute.
        • ContractLineNumber; string; Number that identifies the contract line on the event. Mandatory for POST operation.The Contract Line ID attribute is derived from this attribute. Valid values are any line number that exists on the contract specified in the Contract Number attribute and associated to a bill plan.
        • ContractNumber; string; Number that uniquely identifies the contract for the event. Mandatory attribute that is used to derive the Contract ID attribute. Valid values are all contracts that belong to the business unit populated on the event in the Business Unit Name attribute and are not in Closed or Cancel status.
        • ContractRateDateType; string; A classification of conversion dates that is used to convert the billing event amount to contract currency.
        • ContractRateDateTypeMeaning; string; Displays the meaning for the Rate Date Type attribute.
        • ContractTypeId; integer; Identifier of the type of contract on the billing event. This attribute is populated based on the value selected in the Contact Type Name attribute on the event during POST and PATCH operations.
        • ContractTypeName; string; Name of the type of contract that is assigned to the billing event. Valid values are all the contract types defined in the application.
        • ConversionRateTypeMeaning; string; Displays the meaning of the value in the Conversion Rate Type attribute. Valid values are Spot, Corporate, User, and Fixed.
        • CreatedRequestId; integer; Unique identifier of the latest request.
        • EventDescription; string; The description of the event. For billing events, the description is displayed as the invoice line description. Mandatory attribute that is automatically populated during POST and PATCH operations based on the selected event type name if a value is not provided.
        • EventId; integer; Unique identifier of the billing event. Mandatory for POST operation and automatically generated during the operation.
        • EventNumber; integer; Number that identifies the event.This number is automatically populated sequentially as events are created for the selected contract line.
        • EventNumberReversed; integer; Number of the reversed billing event. This occurs when a billing event is cancelled and cannot be deleted and as a result, the event is cancelled by reversing the original event.
        • EventTypeCode; string; Indicates the code for classification of the event. Valid values are R - Revenue only, I - Invoice only, and B - Both invoice and revenue.
        • EventTypeId; integer; Identifier of the event type.This attribute is derived during POST or PATCH operations based on the value selected in the Event Type Name attribute. Valid values are all active event types.
        • EventTypeName; string; Name of the event type that classifies the event by category and identifies whether the event is to be used for revenue only, invoice only, or both invoice and revenue. Mandatory for POST operation. Mandatory for PATCH operation if you specify the Contract Line attribute.
        • InvCurrencyDateTypeMeaning; string; Displays the meaning for the value of the Invoice Currency Date Type attribute.
        • InvCurrencyRateTypeMeaning; string; Displays the meaning of the value in the Invoice Currency Rate Type attribute.
        • InventoryItemId; integer; Unique identifier of the item number.
        • InvoiceCurrencyCode; string; Indicates the code of the currency used for the invoice amount of the billing event.
        • InvoiceCurrencyDateType; string; Indicates the invoice currency date type that is used when the amounts are calculated for the invoice.
        • InvoiceCurrencyExchgDate; string; Indicates the exchange date for the conversion of the invoice currency.
        • InvoiceCurrencyExchgRate; number; Indicates the exchange rate used to convert to the invoice currency.
        • InvoiceCurrencyRateType; string; Indicates the rate type used to calculate the invoice revenue currency.
        • InvoiceException; string; Indicates whether exception occurred on the event during invoice generation.
        • InvoicePotentialAmount; number; Indicates the potential amount in invoice currency.
        • InvoiceStatusMeaning; string; Indicates that invoice is generated for the event.
        • Invoiced; string; Indicates the invoice generation status on the event. Valid values are P - Partial, U - Uninvoiced, F - Fully Invoiced, and A - Pending Adjustment.
        • InvoicedAmount; number; Indicates the potential event amount in invoice currency.
        • InvoicedPercentage; number; Indicates the percent of the total event amount which has been invoiced.
        • ItemEventFlag; boolean; Indicates an item based event.
        • ItemNumber; string; Number that identifies the item on the event.
        • ItemOrganizationId; integer; Unique identifier of the organization to which the item is associated.
        • LedgerCurrencyCode; string; Indicates the currency used for accounting and reporting in a ledger, often referred to as the accounting currency, base currency, or functional currency.
        • LedgerInvoiceAmount; number; Indicates the invoice amount in ledger currency.
        • LedgerRevenueAmount; number; Indicates the revenue amount is ledger currency.
        • LinkedTaskId; integer; Unique identifier of the linked task when task level linkage is present on the billing event.
        • OrganizationId; integer; Unique identifier of the organization for the event. Mandatory attribute that is automatically populated based on the value in the Organization attribute.
        • OrganizationName; string; Name of the organization for the event. Mandatory for POST operation and defaults to the organization associated to the contract on the event. For a PATCH operation the default value is also set to organization on the contract if a value is not provided.
        • ProjectCurrencyCode; string; Indicates the code of the currency of the project for the billing event.
        • ProjectId; integer; Unique identifier of the project for the event. This attribute is populated based on the value in the Project Name attribute for POST and PATCH operations. Mandatory if the Require Project on Event profile option is set to Yes.
        • ProjectInvoiceAmount; number; Invoice amount in project currency.
        • ProjectNumber; string; Identifier of the project on the event. Valid values are the project numbers associated to the contract line. Mandatory if the Require Project on Event profile option is set to Yes. This attribute can be populated during POST and PATCH operations.
        • ProjectRevenueAmount; number; The revenue amount in project currency. This is calculated by applying the project currency setup conversion rules to the bill transaction base revenue amount during revenue generation.
        • Quantity; number; Quantity of the item on the item based event.
        • QuantityBilled; number; Quantity of item invoiced.
        • QuantityRevenueRecognzd; number; Quantity of item for which revenue is recognized.
        • RevenueAmount; number; Indicates the recognized revenue amount in contract currency.
        • RevenueCurrencyCode; string; Indicates the code of the currency for the revenue amount.
        • RevenueException; string; Indicates whether exception occured on the event during revenue generation.
        • RevenueHold; string; Indicates that the event is held from recognizing revenue. Mandatory for POST and PATCH operations. Valid values are Y - Indefinitely, N - No, and O - Once. The default value is N.
        • RevenueHoldMeaning; string; Displays the meaning of the value in the Hold Revenue attribute. Valid values are No, Once, or Indefinitely.
        • RevenueRecognized; string; Indicates if revenue is generated on the event. Valid values are P - Partial, U - Unrecognized, F - Fully, A - Pending Adjustment.
        • RevenueRecognizedPercentage; number; Indicates the percent of the total event amount which has been recognized as revenue.
        • RevenueStatusMeaning; string; Indicates revenue is generated for the event.
        • ReverseAccrual; string; Indicates if the event should automatically reverse in the next period. Default value is N. Set the value to Y to have the application automatically create a reversal event. The Completion Date is also mandatory to create a reversal event.
        • SourceName; string; Name of the source application from which the event originated.
        • SourceReference; string; Identifier of the event in the source application.
        • TaskId; integer; Unique identifier of the task for the event.
        • TaskNumber; string; Identifier of the transaction task on the event. Valid values are tasks that are associated to the contract line and any sub task of an associated task. This attribute can be populated during POST and PATCH operations.
        • UOMCode; string; Unit of measure code.
        • UnitPrice; number; Price of each unit of item.
        • UnitPriceCurrency; string; Currency in which the unit price of item is mentioned.
        • Version; integer; Indicates the previously active version of the contract or the current version if there is no previously active version.
      • The resource collection representation will include the "estimated row count" when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included. The default value is "false".
      Header Parameters
      • This header accepts a string value. The string is a semi-colon separated list of =. It is used to perform effective date range operations. The accepted parameters are RangeMode, RangeSpan, RangeStartDate, RangeEndDate, RangeStartSequence and RangeEndSequence. The parameter values are always strings. The possible values for RangeMode are SET_LOGICAL_START, SET_LOGICAL_END, END_DATE, SET_EFFECTIVE_START, SET_EFFECTIVE_END, REPLACE_CORRECTION, REPLACE_UPDATE, RECONCILE_CORRECTION, CORRECTION, RECONCILE_UPDATE, UPDATE, ZAP and DELETE_CHANGES. The possible values for RangeSpan are PHYSICAL_ROW_END_DATE and LOGICAL_ROW_END_DATE. The values for RangeStartDate and RangeEndDate have to be a string representation of a date in yyyy-MM-dd format. The value for RangeStartSequence and RangeEndSequence must be strings such that when parsed they yield positive integers.
      • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
      • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

      There's no request body for this operation.

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      Supported Media Types

      Default Response

      The following table describes the default response for this task.
      • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
      • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
      Body ()
      Root Schema : projectBillingEvents
      Type: object
      Show Source
      Nested Schema : Items
      Type: array
      Title: Items
      The items in the collection.
      Show Source
      Nested Schema : projectBillingEvents-item-response
      Type: object
      Show Source
      • Title: Adjusted Event ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the adjusted event if the billing event is an adjustment of another billing event. This value is automatically populated when the application creates an adjustment billing event.
      • Title: Automatic
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 1
        Default Value: N
        Indicates that the event is created automatically by the application.
      • Title: Billing Currency Type
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the code for the classification of the billing currency that is used for invoicing. The billing currency can be contract currency, transaction currency, or user currency. It is defined on the bill plan attached to the contract line selected for the event.
      • Title: Hold Invoice
        Maximum Length: 1
        Default Value: N
        Indicates that the event is held from invoicing. Mandatory for POST and PATCH operations. Valid values are Y - Indefinitely, N - No, and O - Once. The default value is N.
      • Title: Hold Invoice Meaning
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 80
        Displays the meaning of the value in the Hold Invoice attribute. Valid values are No, Once, or Indefinitely.
      • Project Billing Event Descriptive Flexfields
        Title: Project Billing Event Descriptive Flexfields
        A listing of all the descriptive flexfields available for project billing events.
      • Title: Billing Resource
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 240
        Name of the billing resource for the billing event. This attribute is automatically populated based on the setup of the Manage Planning and Billing Resource Breakdown Structures.
      • Title: Billing Resource ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the billing resource. This attribute is automatically derived based on the attributes on the event and the resource breakdown structure.
      • Title: Amount in Bill Transaction Currency
        Default Value: 0
        Amount of the billing event in the transaction currency. Mandatory for all POST and PATCH operations.
      • Title: Bill Transaction Currency
        Maximum Length: 15
        Indicates the code of the transaction currency for the billing event. Mandatory for POST and PATCH operations. Defaults to the contract currency if you only provide the contract number.
      • Title: Business Unit ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the business unit for the event. Mandatory for POST operation and derived based on the Business Unit Name attribute.
      • Title: Business Unit
        Maximum Length: 240
        Name of the business unit for the event. Mandatory for POST operation. Valid values include any business unit to which a user has access.
      • Title: Completion Date
        The date on which the event is complete and on or after which the event is processed for revenue accrual and invoicing. Not mandatory for creating a billing event but mandatory for processing the event. Mandatory for creating a reversal event if the Reverse This Event in the Next Period attribute is set to Y.
      • Title: Amount in Contract Currency
        Read Only: true
        The potential amount of the billing event in the currency of the contract when the event is created or the Amount in Bill Transaction Currency is updated. When the billing event is invoiced or recognized for revenue, this attribute is updated with the actual amount.
      • Title: Contract Currency
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 15
        Indicates the code of the currency for the contract entered on the event.
      • Title: Conversion Date
        Read Only: true
        The exchange date of contract currency used to convert the billing event amount.
      • Title: Conversion Rate
        Read Only: true
        The exchange rate of contract currency used to convert the billing event amount.
      • Title: Conversion Rate Type
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 15
        A classification of conversion rates that is used to convert the billing event amount to contract currency.
      • Title: Contract ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the contract for the event. The Contract ID is mandatory and it is automatically derived based on the Contract Number attribute during POST and PATCH operations.
      • Title: Contract Line ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the contract line for the event. Mandatory for POST and PATCH operations and automatically derived based on the Contract Line Number attribute.
      • Title: Contract Line Number
        Maximum Length: 150
        Number that identifies the contract line on the event. Mandatory for POST operation.The Contract Line ID attribute is derived from this attribute. Valid values are any line number that exists on the contract specified in the Contract Number attribute and associated to a bill plan.
      • Title: Contract Number
        Maximum Length: 120
        Number that uniquely identifies the contract for the event. Mandatory attribute that is used to derive the Contract ID attribute. Valid values are all contracts that belong to the business unit populated on the event in the Business Unit Name attribute and are not in Closed or Cancel status.
      • Title: Conversion Date Type
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 15
        A classification of conversion dates that is used to convert the billing event amount to contract currency.
      • Title: Contract Rate Date Type Meaning
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 80
        Displays the meaning for the Rate Date Type attribute.
      • Title: Contract Type ID
        Read Only: true
        Identifier of the type of contract on the billing event. This attribute is populated based on the value selected in the Contact Type Name attribute on the event during POST and PATCH operations.
      • Title: Contract Type Name
        Maximum Length: 150
        Name of the type of contract that is assigned to the billing event. Valid values are all the contract types defined in the application.
      • Title: Conversion Rate Type Meaning
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 30
        Displays the meaning of the value in the Conversion Rate Type attribute. Valid values are Spot, Corporate, User, and Fixed.
      • Title: Process Request ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the latest request.
      • Title: Description
        Maximum Length: 240
        The description of the event. For billing events, the description is displayed as the invoice line description. Mandatory attribute that is automatically populated during POST and PATCH operations based on the selected event type name if a value is not provided.
      • Title: Billing Event ID
        Unique identifier of the billing event. Mandatory for POST operation and automatically generated during the operation.
      • Title: Event Number
        Read Only: true
        Number that identifies the event.This number is automatically populated sequentially as events are created for the selected contract line.
      • Title: Reversed Event Number
        Read Only: true
        Number of the reversed billing event. This occurs when a billing event is cancelled and cannot be deleted and as a result, the event is cancelled by reversing the original event.
      • Title: Event Type Code
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 1
        Default Value: B
        Indicates the code for classification of the event. Valid values are R - Revenue only, I - Invoice only, and B - Both invoice and revenue.
      • Title: Event Type ID
        Read Only: true
        Identifier of the event type.This attribute is derived during POST or PATCH operations based on the value selected in the Event Type Name attribute. Valid values are all active event types.
      • Title: Event Type
        Maximum Length: 240
        Name of the event type that classifies the event by category and identifies whether the event is to be used for revenue only, invoice only, or both invoice and revenue. Mandatory for POST operation. Mandatory for PATCH operation if you specify the Contract Line attribute.
      • Title: Invoice Currency Date Type Meaning
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 80
        Displays the meaning for the value of the Invoice Currency Date Type attribute.
      • Title: Invoice Currency Rate Type Meaning
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 30
        Displays the meaning of the value in the Invoice Currency Rate Type attribute.
      • Title: Inventory Item Id
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the item number.
      • Title: Invoice Currency
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 30
        Indicates the code of the currency used for the invoice amount of the billing event.
      • Title: Invoice Currency Date Type
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 30
        Indicates the invoice currency date type that is used when the amounts are calculated for the invoice.
      • Title: Invoice Currency Exchange Date
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the exchange date for the conversion of the invoice currency.
      • Title: Invoice Currency Exchange Rate
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the exchange rate used to convert to the invoice currency.
      • Title: Invoice Currency Rate Type
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 30
        Indicates the rate type used to calculate the invoice revenue currency.
      • Title: Invoice Status
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 1
        Indicates the invoice generation status on the event. Valid values are P - Partial, U - Uninvoiced, F - Fully Invoiced, and A - Pending Adjustment.
      • Title: Event Amount in Invoice Revenue Currency
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the potential event amount in invoice currency.
      • Title: Invoiced Percentage
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the percent of the total event amount which has been invoiced.
      • Title: Invoice Exception
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 1
        Default Value: N
        Indicates whether exception occurred on the event during invoice generation.
      • Title: Event Amount in Invoice Revenue Currency
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the potential amount in invoice currency.
      • Title: Invoice Status Meaning
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 80
        Indicates that invoice is generated for the event.
      • Title: Item based event
        Maximum Length: 1
        Default Value: false
        Indicates an item based event.
      • Title: Item Number
        Maximum Length: 300
        Number that identifies the item on the event.
      • Title: Item Organization Id
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the organization to which the item is associated.
      • Title: Ledger Currency
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 30
        Indicates the currency used for accounting and reporting in a ledger, often referred to as the accounting currency, base currency, or functional currency.
      • Title: Ledger Invoice Amount
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the invoice amount in ledger currency.
      • Title: Ledger Revenue Amount
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the revenue amount is ledger currency.
      • Title: Linked Task ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the linked task when task level linkage is present on the billing event.
      • Links
      • Title: Organization ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the organization for the event. Mandatory attribute that is automatically populated based on the value in the Organization attribute.
      • Title: Organization
        Maximum Length: 240
        Name of the organization for the event. Mandatory for POST operation and defaults to the organization associated to the contract on the event. For a PATCH operation the default value is also set to organization on the contract if a value is not provided.
      • Title: Project Currency
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 15
        Indicates the code of the currency of the project for the billing event.
      • Title: Project ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the project for the event. This attribute is populated based on the value in the Project Name attribute for POST and PATCH operations. Mandatory if the Require Project on Event profile option is set to Yes.
      • Title: Project Invoice Amount
        Read Only: true
        Invoice amount in project currency.
      • Title: Project Number
        Maximum Length: 25
        Identifier of the project on the event. Valid values are the project numbers associated to the contract line. Mandatory if the Require Project on Event profile option is set to Yes. This attribute can be populated during POST and PATCH operations.
      • Title: Project Revenue Amount
        Read Only: true
        The revenue amount in project currency. This is calculated by applying the project currency setup conversion rules to the bill transaction base revenue amount during revenue generation.
      • Title: Quantity
        Quantity of the item on the item based event.
      • Title: Quantity Invoiced
        Read Only: true
        Quantity of item invoiced.
      • Title: Quantity Revenue Recognized
        Read Only: true
        Quantity of item for which revenue is recognized.
      • Title: Recognized Revenue in Contract Currency
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the recognized revenue amount in contract currency.
      • Title: Invoice Revenue Currency
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 30
        Indicates the code of the currency for the revenue amount.
      • Title: Revenue Exception
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 1
        Default Value: N
        Indicates whether exception occured on the event during revenue generation.
      • Title: Hold Revenue
        Maximum Length: 1
        Default Value: N
        Indicates that the event is held from recognizing revenue. Mandatory for POST and PATCH operations. Valid values are Y - Indefinitely, N - No, and O - Once. The default value is N.
      • Title: Hold Revenue Meaning
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 80
        Displays the meaning of the value in the Hold Revenue attribute. Valid values are No, Once, or Indefinitely.
      • Title: Revenue Status
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 1
        Indicates if revenue is generated on the event. Valid values are P - Partial, U - Unrecognized, F - Fully, A - Pending Adjustment.
      • Title: Revenue Recognized Percentage
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the percent of the total event amount which has been recognized as revenue.
      • Title: Revenue Status Meaning
        Read Only: true
        Maximum Length: 80
        Indicates revenue is generated for the event.
      • Title: Reverse This Event in the Next Period
        Maximum Length: 1
        Default Value: N
        Indicates if the event should automatically reverse in the next period. Default value is N. Set the value to Y to have the application automatically create a reversal event. The Completion Date is also mandatory to create a reversal event.
      • Title: Event Source
        Maximum Length: 80
        Name of the source application from which the event originated.
      • Title: Application Source
        Maximum Length: 80
        Identifier of the event in the source application.
      • Title: Project Task ID
        Read Only: true
        Unique identifier of the task for the event.
      • Title: Transaction Task Number
        Maximum Length: 100
        Identifier of the transaction task on the event. Valid values are tasks that are associated to the contract line and any sub task of an associated task. This attribute can be populated during POST and PATCH operations.
      • Price of each unit of item.
      • Read Only: true
        Currency in which the unit price of item is mentioned.
      • Title: UOM Code
        Maximum Length: 3
        Unit of measure code.
      • Read Only: true
        Unit of measure name.
      • Title: Version
        Read Only: true
        Indicates the previously active version of the contract or the current version if there is no previously active version.
      Nested Schema : Project Billing Event Descriptive Flexfields
      Type: array
      Title: Project Billing Event Descriptive Flexfields
      A listing of all the descriptive flexfields available for project billing events.
      Show Source
      Nested Schema : projectBillingEvents-billingEventDFF-item-response
      Type: object
      Show Source
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      The following example shows how to get all project billing events using select attributes by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL.

      curl --user ppm_cloud_user,ContractNumber,ContractLineNumber,EventTypeName,CompletionDate,BillTrnsAmount

      Response Body Example

      The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.

        "items": [
            "EventId": 100000015522124,
            "ContractNumber": "aPJB contract2 (VO)",
            "ContractLineNumber": "1",
            "EventTypeName": "Bonus",
            "CompletionDate": "2010-01-20",
            "BillTrnsAmount": 1000,
            "links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "projectBillingEvents",
                "kind": "item",
                "properties": {
                  "changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A657870000000017704000000017372001B6F7261636C652E6A626F2E646F6D61696E2E4E756C6C56616C75655899C1C58DAABEEB02000149000A6D53514C54797065496478700000000C78"
                "rel": "canonical",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "projectBillingEvents",
                "kind": "item"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "EventTypePVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "LinkedFinancialTaskVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "ProjOwningOrgVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "ContractLineVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "ContractHeaderVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "BusinessUnitVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "ContractTypeVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "CurrencyPVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "lov",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "LinkedProjectVA",
                "kind": "collection"
                "rel": "child",
                "href": " port/fscmRestApi/resources/",
                "name": "billingEventDFF",
                "kind": "collection"
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