Get all planning options




Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • This parameter specifies dependencies which are fields that are set before and rolled back after generating the response. Generally they are used to preview the effects of an attribute change. The fields specified in this parameter are always set in the resource instance in question. When a child resource collection is requested and the parameter is set, the fields will be set in the parent resource instance before generating the resource collection payload. The value of this query parameter is a set of dependency fields. Example: dependency=ProductId=2

    Format: <attr1>=<val1>,<attr2>=<value2>
  • When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).
  • This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.

    Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2

    Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2
  • Used as a predefined finder to search the collection.

    Format: ?finder=<finderName>;<variableName>=<variableValue>,<variableName2>=<variableValue2>

    The following are the available finder names and corresponding finder variables:

    • PrimaryKey: Identifier of the planning option setup for the project forecast version.
      Finder Variables:
      • PlanningOptionId; integer; Finds the planning options for the forecast version.
  • This parameter restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count then the framework will only return the available resources.
  • This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>

  • Used to define the starting position of the resource collection. If offset exceeds the resource count then no resources are returned. Default value is 0.
  • The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).
  • This parameter orders a resource collection based on the specified fields. The parameter value is a comma-separated string of attribute names, each optionally followed by a colon and "asc" or "desc". Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. The default value is "asc". For example, ?orderBy=field1:asc,field2:desc
  • This query parameter defines the where clause. The resource collection will be queried using the provided expressions. The value of this query parameter is one or more expressions. Example: ?q=Deptno>=10 and <= 30;Loc!=NY

    Format: ?q=expression1;expression2

    You can use these queryable attributes to filter this collection resource using the q query parameter:
    • ActualAmountsThroughPeriod; string; The period (current, prior, or last closed) through which actual amounts are used when generating forecast amounts.
    • AllowNegativeETCCalculationFlag; boolean; Indicates whether negative estimate-to-complete quantity can be calculated in progress. If the check box isn't enabled, and the calculated value is negative, then the estimate-to-complete quantity is set to zero.
    • AmountScale; string; The scale on which amounts are displayed on the user interface. For example, if you select to view amounts in 1000s, the $100,000,000 amount is displayed as 100,000.
    • AssignTaskResourceInSingleCurrencyFlag; boolean; Indicates whether a forecast line is enabled for assigning resources in a single currency for a task.
    • AssociateProjectCostsOrRevenueToSummaryTasksFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the incurred costs or revenue for resources are associated on the task hierarchy at the level planned.
    • BillRateDerivationDate; string; The date that is used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating revenue amounts.
    • BillRateDerivationDateType; string; The date type, for example, the system date or a fixed date that is used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating revenue amounts.
    • BurdenScheduleCostOptions; string; A set of burden multipliers that is maintained for use across projects. Also referred to as a standard burden schedule.
    • CalendarType; string; The type of calendar, such as accounting calendar or project accounting calendar, used for entering and displaying periodic financial information.
    • CarryForwardUnusedAmountsFromPastPeriodsFlag; boolean; Indicates whether unused forecast amounts can be carried over from the current or closed periods to the next open period.
    • CostDateTypeForConversionInPC; string; Date type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for project currency.
    • CostDateTypeForConversionInPLC; string; Date type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
    • CostFixedDateForConversionInPC; string; Date that's used as a cost conversion attribute for project currency.
    • CostFixedDateForConversionInPLC; string; Date that's used as a cost conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
    • CostRateDerivationDate; string; The date that is used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating cost amounts.
    • CostRateDerivationDateType; string; The date type, for example, the system date or a fixed date that is used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating cost amounts.
    • CostRateTypeForConversionInPC; string; Cost rate type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for project currency.
    • CostRateTypeForConversionInPLC; string; Cost rate type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
    • CurrencyType; string; Indicates whether the project currency or the project ledger currency is used for displaying amounts when reviewing forecast amounts.
    • CurrentPlanningPeriod; string; Current planning period that drives the display of the periodic information. It can be the project accounting period or accounting period depending on the selected calendar type. This value is not applicable when the calendar type is set to NONE.
    • DateTypeForCostConversion; string; Date type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for planning currencies.
    • DateTypeForRevenueConversion; string; Date type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for planning currencies.
    • DefaultReportingOption; string; Indicates whether cost or revenue quantity is used for reporting quantity when planning for cost and revenue in a separate forecast version. By default, it is set to Cost when planning amounts are cost only or cost and revenue together. When the planning amounts are revenue only, it is set to Revenue.
    • DesignateAsPrimaryCostForecastFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the financial plan type is the primary cost forecast.
    • DesignateAsPrimaryRevenueForecastFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the financial plan type is the primary revenue forecast.
    • ETCGenerationSource; string; Specifies whether the estimate-to-complete source for generating a forecast version is the financial project plan, another financial plan, or project resources.
    • FixedDateForCostConversion; string; The date that is used to derive rates for calculating planned costs for planning currencies.
    • FixedDateForRevenueConversion; string; The date that is used to derive rates for calculating planned revenue for planning currencies.
    • ForecastETCMethod; string; Method used to calculate estimate-to-complete values in project forecast.
    • JobCostOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for jobs.
    • JobRevenueOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of revenue amounts for jobs.
    • MaintainManualSpreadOnDateChanges; string; Indicates whether the periodic planning is retained in the plan version on plan line date modifications. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected. A value of N means that the attribute is not selected.
    • MultipleTransactionCurrencies; string; Indicates that the plan can use multiple transaction currencies. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected. A value of N means that the attribute is not selected.
    • NonlaborResourceCostOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for non-labor resources.
    • NonlaborResourceRevenueOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of revenue amounts for non-labor resources.
    • OpenCommitments; string; Indicates whether project costs from commitments are included when generating budgets or forecasts.
    • PeriodProfile; string; Defines how time periods are grouped and displayed when editing forecast versions.
    • PersonCostOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for named persons.
    • PersonRevenueOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of revenue amounts for named persons.
    • PlanningLevel; string; Level of the forecast at which amounts can be entered.
    • PlanningOptionId; integer; Identifier of the summary level planning option in the project forecast version.
    • PlanningResourceBreakdownStructure; string; Planning resource breakdown structure associated with the project.
    • ProjectCurrency; string; Currency for the project.
    • ProjectLedgerCurrency; string; Project ledger currency for the project.
    • ProjectRoleCostOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for project role.
    • ProjectRoleRevenueOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for project role.
    • RateDerivationDate; string; The date that's used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating amounts on a None time phased forecast version.
    • RateDerivationDateType; string; The date type, for example, the system date or a fixed date that's used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating amounts on a None time phased forecast version.
    • RateTypeForCostConversion; string; Cost rate type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for planning currencies.
    • RateTypeForRevenueConversion; string; Revenue rate type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for planning currencies.
    • ReportCost; string; Determines the cost amount types that are used to calculate and report margins on forecasts.
    • ResourceClassCostOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for resource classes. This is used for cost calculation when rates are unavailable in rate schedules for named persons, jobs, or non-labor resources.
    • ResourceClassRevenueOptions; string; Rate schedule used for the calculation of revenue amounts for resource classes. This is used for revenue calculation when rates are unavailable in rate schedules for named persons, jobs, or non-labor resources.
    • RetainManuallyAddedForecastLinesFlag; boolean; Indicates whether manually added plans lines are retained when the forecast version is regenerated.
    • RetainOverrideRatesFromSourceFlag; boolean; Indicates whether user specified cost and revenue rates from the source must be retained when generating the target budget or forecast version.
    • RetainSpreadFromSourceFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the periodic planning from the source is retained in the generated forecast version.
    • RevenueDateTypeForConversionInPC; string; Date type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for project currency.
    • RevenueDateTypeForConversionInPLC; string; Date type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
    • RevenueFixedDateForConversionInPC; string; Date that's used as a revenue conversion attribute for project currency.
    • RevenueFixedDateForConversionInPLC; string; Date that's used as a revenue conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
    • RevenueGenerationMethod; string; Determines whether forecast revenue is calculated based on quantity and rates, event amounts, or the spread ratio specified for tasks.
    • RevenueRateTypeForConversionInPC; string; Revenue rate type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for project currency.
    • RevenueRateTypeForConversionInPLC; string; Revenue rate type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
    • UsePlanningRatesFlag; boolean; Enables utilization of planning rates for resources and resource classes when calculating forecast amounts.
  • The resource collection representation will include the "estimated row count" when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included. The default value is "false".
Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : projectForecasts-PlanningOptions
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items
The items in the collection.
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectForecasts-PlanningOptions-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Actual Amounts Through Period
    Maximum Length: 255
    The period (current, prior, or last closed) through which actual amounts are used when generating forecast amounts.
  • Title: Allow Negative ETC Calculation
    Indicates whether negative estimate-to-complete quantity can be calculated in progress. If the check box isn't enabled, and the calculated value is negative, then the estimate-to-complete quantity is set to zero.
  • Title: Amount Scale
    Maximum Length: 255
    The scale on which amounts are displayed on the user interface. For example, if you select to view amounts in 1000s, the $100,000,000 amount is displayed as 100,000.
  • Amount Types
    Title: Amount Types
    The Amount Type resource is used to select the cost and revenue items to include in a financial plan type.
  • Title: Assign Resource in Single Currency for a Task
    Indicates whether a forecast line is enabled for assigning resources in a single currency for a task.
  • Title: Associate project costs or revenue to summary tasks
    Maximum Length: 255
    Indicates whether the incurred costs or revenue for resources are associated on the task hierarchy at the level planned.
  • Title: Bill Rate Derivation Date
    The date that is used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating revenue amounts.
  • Title: Bill Rate Derivation Date Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    The date type, for example, the system date or a fixed date that is used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating revenue amounts.
  • Title: Burden Schedule
    Maximum Length: 255
    A set of burden multipliers that is maintained for use across projects. Also referred to as a standard burden schedule.
  • Title: Calendar Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    The type of calendar, such as accounting calendar or project accounting calendar, used for entering and displaying periodic financial information.
  • Title: Carry Forward Unused Amounts from Past Periods
    Indicates whether unused forecast amounts can be carried over from the current or closed periods to the next open period.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Cost Date Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Date type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for project currency.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Cost Date Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Date type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Cost Fixed Date
    Date that's used as a cost conversion attribute for project currency.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Cost Fixed Date
    Date that's used as a cost conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
  • Title: Cost Rate Derivation Date
    The date that is used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating cost amounts.
  • Title: Cost Rate Derivation Date Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    The date type, for example, the system date or a fixed date that is used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating cost amounts.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Cost Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Cost rate type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for project currency.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Cost Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Cost rate type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
  • Title: Currency Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Indicates whether the project currency or the project ledger currency is used for displaying amounts when reviewing forecast amounts.
  • Title: Current Planning Period
    Maximum Length: 15
    Current planning period that drives the display of the periodic information. It can be the project accounting period or accounting period depending on the selected calendar type. This value is not applicable when the calendar type is set to NONE.
  • Title: Date Type for Cost Conversion
    Maximum Length: 255
    Date type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for planning currencies.
  • Title: Date Type for Revenue Conversion
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    Date type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for planning currencies.
  • Title: Default Reporting Option
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    Indicates whether cost or revenue quantity is used for reporting quantity when planning for cost and revenue in a separate forecast version. By default, it is set to Cost when planning amounts are cost only or cost and revenue together. When the planning amounts are revenue only, it is set to Revenue.
  • Title: Designate as Primary Cost Forecast
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the financial plan type is the primary cost forecast.
  • Title: Designate as Primary Revenue Forecast
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the financial plan type is the primary revenue forecast.
  • Title: ETC Generation Source
    Maximum Length: 255
    Specifies whether the estimate-to-complete source for generating a forecast version is the financial project plan, another financial plan, or project resources.
  • Export Options
    Title: Export Options
    The Export Option resource is used to select the planning options attributes to export.
  • Title: Fixed Date for Cost Conversion
    The date that is used to derive rates for calculating planned costs for planning currencies.
  • Title: Fixed Date for Revenue Conversion
    The date that is used to derive rates for calculating planned revenue for planning currencies.
  • Title: Forecast ETC Method
    Maximum Length: 255
    Method used to calculate estimate-to-complete values in project forecast.
  • Title: Job Cost Options
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for jobs.
  • Title: Job Revenue Options
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of revenue amounts for jobs.
  • Links
  • Title: Maintain manual spread on date changes
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the periodic planning is retained in the plan version on plan line date modifications. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected. A value of N means that the attribute is not selected.
  • Title: Multiple Transaction Currencies
    Maximum Length: 255
    Indicates that the plan can use multiple transaction currencies. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected. A value of N means that the attribute is not selected.
  • Title: Nonlabor Resource
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for non-labor resources.
  • Title: Nonlabor Resource
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of revenue amounts for non-labor resources.
  • Title: Open Commitments
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether project costs from commitments are included when generating budgets or forecasts.
  • Title: Period Profile
    Maximum Length: 255
    Defines how time periods are grouped and displayed when editing forecast versions.
  • Title: Person Cost Options
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for named persons.
  • Title: Person Revenue Options
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of revenue amounts for named persons.
  • Planning Currencies
    Title: Planning Currencies
    The Planning Currency resource is used to view, create, update, and delete project and planning currencies.
  • Title: Planning Level
    Maximum Length: 255
    Level of the forecast at which amounts can be entered.
  • Identifier of the summary level planning option in the project forecast version.
  • Planning Options Descriptive Flexfields
    Title: Planning Options Descriptive Flexfields
    The Planning Options Descriptive Flexfields resource is used to capture, view, and update additional information for planning options in project forecast versions.
  • Title: Planning Resource Breakdown Structure
    Maximum Length: 255
    Planning resource breakdown structure associated with the project.
  • Title: Project Currency
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 15
    Currency for the project.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 15
    Project ledger currency for the project.
  • Title: Project Role Cost Options
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for project role.
  • Title: Project Role Revenue Options
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for project role.
  • Title: Rate Derivation Date
    The date that's used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating amounts on a None time phased forecast version.
  • Title: Rate Derivation Date Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    The date type, for example, the system date or a fixed date that's used as the basis for deriving rates for calculating amounts on a None time phased forecast version.
  • Title: Rate Type for Cost Conversion
    Maximum Length: 255
    Cost rate type that is used as a cost conversion attribute for planning currencies.
  • Title: Rate Type for Revenue Conversion
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    Revenue rate type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for planning currencies.
  • Title: Report Cost
    Maximum Length: 255
    Determines the cost amount types that are used to calculate and report margins on forecasts.
  • Title: Resource Class Cost Options
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of cost amounts for resource classes. This is used for cost calculation when rates are unavailable in rate schedules for named persons, jobs, or non-labor resources.
  • Title: Resource Class Revenue Options
    Maximum Length: 255
    Rate schedule used for the calculation of revenue amounts for resource classes. This is used for revenue calculation when rates are unavailable in rate schedules for named persons, jobs, or non-labor resources.
  • Title: Retain manually added forecast lines
    Indicates whether manually added plans lines are retained when the forecast version is regenerated.
  • Indicates whether user specified cost and revenue rates from the source must be retained when generating the target budget or forecast version.
  • Title: Retain Spread from Source
    Indicates whether the periodic planning from the source is retained in the generated forecast version.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Revenue Date Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Date type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for project currency.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Revenue Date Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Date type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Revenue Fixed Date
    Date that's used as a revenue conversion attribute for project currency.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Revenue Fixed Date
    Date that's used as a revenue conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
  • Title: Revenue Generation Method
    Maximum Length: 255
    Determines whether forecast revenue is calculated based on quantity and rates, event amounts, or the spread ratio specified for tasks.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Revenue Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Revenue rate type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for project currency.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Revenue Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 255
    Revenue rate type that is used as a revenue conversion attribute for project ledger currency.
  • Title: Use Planning Rates
    Enables utilization of planning rates for resources and resource classes when calculating forecast amounts.
  • Title: Use Same Conversion Attribute for All Currency Conversions
    Indicates whether you can use the same currency conversion attribute for all currencies.
Nested Schema : Amount Types
Type: array
Title: Amount Types
The Amount Type resource is used to select the cost and revenue items to include in a financial plan type.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Export Options
Type: array
Title: Export Options
The Export Option resource is used to select the planning options attributes to export.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Planning Currencies
Type: array
Title: Planning Currencies
The Planning Currency resource is used to view, create, update, and delete project and planning currencies.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Planning Options Descriptive Flexfields
Type: array
Title: Planning Options Descriptive Flexfields
The Planning Options Descriptive Flexfields resource is used to capture, view, and update additional information for planning options in project forecast versions.
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectForecasts-PlanningOptions-AmountTypes-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectForecasts-PlanningOptions-ExportOptions-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual burdened cost amounts incurred on the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Currency: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual burdened costs incurred on the project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Ledger Currency: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual burdened costs incurred on the project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin in Project Currency: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts calculated using project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin in Project Ledger Currency: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts calculated using project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Quantity: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual quantity of resource effort spent on a task or project, including labor and equipment. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual cost amounts incurred on the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Currency: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual cost amounts incurred on the project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Ledger Currency: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual cost amounts incurred on the project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a plan line in the forecast. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Currency: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a financial plan line in the forecast, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Ledger Currency: Actual Amounts
    Maximum Length: 1
    Actual revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a financial plan line in the forecast, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Effective Multiplier
    Maximum Length: 1
    Multiplier used to calculate the burdened costs. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments: Supplier Invoices
    Maximum Length: 1
    Costs for supplier invoices billed against the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Supplier Invoices
    Maximum Length: 1
    Burdened costs for supplier invoices billed against the project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Supplier Invoices
    Maximum Length: 1
    Burdened costs for supplier invoices billed against the project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments: Purchase Orders
    Maximum Length: 1
    Burdened costs for purchase orders against the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Purchase Orders
    Maximum Length: 1
    Burdened costs for purchase orders against the project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Purchase Orders
    Maximum Length: 1
    Burdened costs for purchase orders against the project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments: Requisitions
    Maximum Length: 1
    Burdened costs for outstanding purchase requisitions against the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Requisitions
    Maximum Length: 1
    Burdened costs for outstanding purchase requisitions against the project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Requisitions
    Maximum Length: 1
    Burdened costs for outstanding purchase requisitions against the project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Standard Multiplier
    Maximum Length: 1
    Standard multiplier derived from the burden schedule for calculating burdened cost. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Standard Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Standard rate derived from the rate schedule for calculating the burdened cost. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Display Commitments
    Indicates whether to display the external commitments present in the budget or forecast plan lines.
  • Title: Display currency conversion attributes and amounts in multiple transaction currencies
    Indicates whether to display the currency conversion attributes and amounts in multiple transaction currencies if the plan type allows planning in multiple transaction currencies.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of burdened cost amounts incurred on the project at completion. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Currency: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of burdened costs incurred on the project at completion, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Ledger Currency: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of burdened costs incurred on the project at completion, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimated difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts at the completion of the task or project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin in Project Currency: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimated difference between project-related costs and revenue amounts at the completion of the task or project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin in Project Ledger Currency: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimated difference between project-related costs and revenue amounts at the completion of the task or project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin Percentage: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimated difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts at the completion of the task or project, denoted as a percentage. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Quantity: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate-at-completion quantity of resource effort spent on a task or project, including labor and equipment. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of cost amounts incurred on the project at completion. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Currency: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of cost amounts incurred on the project at completion, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Ledger Currency: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of cost amounts incurred on the project at completion, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue: EAC
    Maximum Length: 201
    Estimate-at-completion revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a plan line in the forecast. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Currency: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate-at-completion revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a financial plan line in the forecast, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Ledger Currency: EAC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate-at-completion revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a financial plan line in the forecast, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Effective Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    User entered rate for calculating the burdened cost. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Effective Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    User entered rate for calculating the raw cost. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Effective Revenue Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    User entered rate for calculating revenue. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of burdened cost amounts to be incurred to complete the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Currency: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of burdened costs to be incurred to complete the project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Ledger Currency: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of burdened costs to be incurred to complete the project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimated difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts to complete the task or project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin in Project Currency: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimated difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts to complete the task or project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Maximum Length: 1
    Estimated difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts to complete the task or project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Margin Percentage: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimated difference between actual project-related costs and actual revenue amounts to complete the task or project, denoted as a percentage. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Quantity: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate-to-complete quantity of resource effort spent on a task or project, including labor and equipment. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of cost amounts to be incurred to complete the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Currency: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of cost amounts to be incurred to complete the project, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Ledger Currency: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate of cost amounts to be incurred to complete the project, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: ETC Revenue
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate-to-complete revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a plan line in the forecast. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Currency: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate-to-complete revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a financial plan line in the forecast, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Ledger Currency: ETC
    Maximum Length: 1
    Estimate-to-complete revenue that's associated with the accounting period or a financial plan line in the forecast, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Export Options ID
    Identifier of the project forecast version export options.
  • Title: From Date
    Maximum Length: 1
    From date of the forecast line. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Links
  • Title: Planning Currency
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    Currency used for planning in the forecast line. This value is always set to true and the attribute is exported.
  • Title: Planning Resource
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    Resource used for financial planning in the forecast line. This value is always set to true and the attribute is exported.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Cost Date
    Maximum Length: 1
    Date that's used as a cost conversion attribute for project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Cost Date Type
    Maximum Length: 1
    Date type that's used as a cost conversion attribute for project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Cost Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Cost rate used when converting the amounts to project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Cost Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 1
    The type of currency conversion rate for the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Revenue Date
    Maximum Length: 1
    Date that's used as a revenue conversion attribute for project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Revenue Date Type
    Maximum Length: 1
    Date type that's used as a revenue conversion attribute for project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Revenue Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Revenue rate used when converting the amounts to project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Currency Conversion: Revenue Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 1
    The type of currency conversion rate for the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Cost Date
    Maximum Length: 1
    Date that's used as a cost conversion attribute for project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Cost Date Type
    Maximum Length: 1
    Date type that's used as a cost conversion attribute for project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Cost Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Cost rate used when converting the amounts to project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Cost Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 1
    The type of currency conversion rate for the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Revenue Date
    Maximum Length: 1
    Date that's used as a revenue conversion attribute for project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Revenue Date Type
    Maximum Length: 1
    Date type that's used as a revenue conversion attribute for project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Revenue Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Revenue rate used when converting the amounts to project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Project Ledger Currency Conversion: Revenue Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 1
    The type of currency conversion rate for the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Quantity Commitments: Supplier Invoices
    Maximum Length: 1
    Planned quantity of supplier invoice commitments required to complete a project or task. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Quantity Commitments: Purchase Orders
    Maximum Length: 1
    Planned quantity of purchase order commitments required to complete a project or task. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Quantity Commitments: Requisitions
    Maximum Length: 1
    Planned quantity of purchase requisition commitments required to complete a project or task. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments: Supplier Invoices
    Maximum Length: 1
    Costs from supplier invoices that are directly attributable to work performed. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Supplier Invoices
    Maximum Length: 1
    Costs from supplier invoices that are directly attributable to work performed, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Supplier Invoices
    Maximum Length: 1
    Costs from supplier invoices that are directly attributable to work performed, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments: Purchase Orders
    Maximum Length: 1
    Purchase order costs that are directly attributable to work performed. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Purchase Orders
    Maximum Length: 1
    Purchase order costs that are directly attributable to work performed, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Purchase Orders
    Maximum Length: 1
    Purchase order costs that are directly attributable to work performed, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments: Requisitions
    Maximum Length: 1
    Purchase requisition costs that are directly attributable to work performed. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Requisitions
    Maximum Length: 1
    Purchase requisition costs that are directly attributable to work performed, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Requisitions
    Maximum Length: 1
    Purchase requisition costs that are directly attributable to work performed, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Resource Class
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    Resource class associated with the forecast line. This value is always set to true and the attribute is exported.
  • Title: Spread Curve
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    Spread curve associated with the forecast line. This value is always set to true and the attribute is exported.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Standard Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Rate derived from the rate schedule for calculating raw cost. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Revenue: Standard Rate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Rate derived from the rate schedule for calculating revenue. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Task Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    Name assigned to a task. This value is always set to true and the attribute is exported.
  • Title: Task Number
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    Number of the task. This value is always set to true and the attribute is exported.
  • Title: To Date
    Maximum Length: 1
    End date of the forecast line. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Total Commitments
    Maximum Length: 1
    Total burdened costs for all commitments such as purchase order, supplier invoices, and requisitions. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Currency: Total Commitments
    Maximum Length: 1
    Total burdened costs for all commitments such as purchase order, supplier invoices, and requisitions, denoted in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Ledger Currency: Total Commitments
    Maximum Length: 1
    Total burdened costs for all commitments such as purchase order, supplier invoices, and requisitions, denoted in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Quantity: Total Commitments
    Maximum Length: 1
    Total commitments quantity required to complete a project or task. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Total Commitments
    Maximum Length: 1
    Total commitments incurred by the project. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Currency: Total Commitments
    Maximum Length: 1
    Total commitments incurred by the project in project currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Total Commitments
    Maximum Length: 1
    Total commitments incurred by the project in project ledger currency. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
  • Title: Unit of Measure
    Maximum Length: 1
    Unit of measure for a resource. A value of Y indicates that the attribute is selected for export. A value of N indicates that the attribute isn't selected for export.
Nested Schema : projectForecasts-PlanningOptions-PlanningCurrencies-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectForecasts-PlanningOptions-PlanningOptionsDFF-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
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The following example shows how to get all forecast planning options for a project by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl --user ppm_cloud_user -X GET -d @example_request_payload.json<PlanVersionId>/child/PlanningOptions

Response Body Example

The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.

"items": [
"PlanningOptionId": 300100102586215,
"PlanningResourceBreakdownStructure": "Research Services Non Centrally Controlled PRBS300100084467438",
"PlanningLevel": "Project and all tasks",
"CalendarType": "Accounting calendar",
"PeriodProfile": "Accounting Period",
"RateDerivationDateType": null,
"RateDerivationDate": null,
"CostRateDerivationDateType": null,
"CostRateDerivationDate": null,
"BillRateDerivationDateType": null,
"BillRateDerivationDate": null,
"DesignateAsPrimaryCostForecastFlag": "false",
"DesignateAsPrimaryRevenueForecastFlag": "false",
"MultipleTransactionCurrencies": "Y",
"CurrentPlanningPeriod": "Feb-17",
"MaintainManualSpreadOnDateChanges": "N",
"AssignTaskResourceInSingleCurrencyFlag": null,
"ProjectCurrency": "USD",
"ProjectLedgerCurrency": "USD",
"UseSameConversionAttributeForAllCurrencyConversionsFlag": false,
"CostRateTypeForConversionInPC": "PRJ_Corporate",
"CostDateTypeForConversionInPC": "From date of forecast line",
"CostFixedDateForConversionInPC": null,
"CostRateTypeForConversionInPLC": null,
"CostDateTypeForConversionInPLC": null,
"CostFixedDateForConversionInPLC": null,
"RateTypeForCostConversion": null,
"DateTypeForCostConversion": null,
"FixedDateForCostConversion": null,
"RevenueRateTypeForConversionInPC": "PRJ_Corporate",
"RevenueDateTypeForConversionInPC": "From date of forecast line",
"RevenueFixedDateForConversionInPC": null,
"RevenueRateTypeForConversionInPLC": null,
"RevenueDateTypeForConversionInPLC": null,
"RevenueFixedDateForConversionInPLC": null,
"RateTypeForRevenueConversion": null,
"DateTypeForRevenueConversion": null,
"FixedDateForRevenueConversion": null,
"UsePlanningRatesFlag": true,
"BurdenScheduleCostOptions": "Planning Burden Schedule",
"PersonCostOptions": "Employee Planning Cost Rates",
"JobCostOptions": "Construction Job Planning Cost",
"NonlaborResourceCostOptions": "Nonlabor Planning Cost Rates",
"ResourceClassCostOptions": "Resource Class Cost Rates",
"PersonRevenueOptions": "Employee Planning Bill Rates",
"JobRevenueOptions": "Construction Job Planning Bill",
"NonlaborResourceRevenueOptions": "Nonlabor Planning Bill Rates",
"ResourceClassRevenueOptions": "Resource Class Revenue Rates",
"RevenueGenerationMethod": "Planning rate based",
"ForecastETCMethod": "Remaining plan",
"CarryForwardUnusedAmountsFromPastPeriodsFlag": true,
"ActualAmountsThroughPeriod": "Current period",
"ETCGenerationSource": "Project plan",
"AllowNegativeETCCalculationFlag": true,
"OpenCommitments": "N",
"RetainOverrideRatesFromSourceFlag": true,
"RetainSpreadFromSourceFlag": null,
"DefaultReportingOption": "Burdened cost",
"ReportCost": "Burdened cost",
"AmountScale": "1",
"CurrencyType": "Project ledger currency",
"RetainManuallyAddedForecastLinesFlag": false,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "",
"name": "PlanningOptions",
"kind": "item",
"properties": {
"changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000278"
"rel": "canonical",
"href": "",
"name": "PlanningOptions",
"kind": "item"
"rel": "parent",
"href": "",
"name": "projectForecasts",
"kind": "item"
"rel": "child",
"href": "",
"name": "AmountTypes",
"kind": "collection"
"rel": "child",
"href": "",
"name": "ExportOptions",
"kind": "collection"
"rel": "child",
"href": "",
"name": "PlanningCurrencies",
"kind": "collection"
"rel": "child",
"href": "",
"name": "PlanningOptionsDFF",
"kind": "collection"
"count": 1,
"hasMore": false,
"limit": 25,
"offset": 0,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "",
"name": "PlanningOptions",
"kind": "collection"
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