Create a planning amount detail for a period for a forecast plan line




Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, the server performs an Upsert operation instead of a Create operation. During an Upsert operation, the server attempts to find an existing resource that matches the payload. If a match is found, the server updates the existing resource instead of creating a new one. If not found or false (default), the server performs a Create operation. Note that the Upsert operation isn't supported for date-effective REST resources.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Burdened Cost: EAC
    Estimated cost in planning currency, including raw and burden costs, at the completion of the task for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Quantity: EAC
    Measure of the effort planned for in the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Raw Cost: EAC
    Estimated cost in planning currency at the completion of the task in the period for the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Revenue
    Estimated revenue amount in planning currency recognized for the forecast version resource assignment at the completion of the task.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Effective Rate
    Cost rate that is used to calculate amounts for a forecast version resource assignment. Quantity multiplied by the effective burdened cost rate gives the burdened cost amounts.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Effective Rate
    Cost rate that is used to calculate amounts for a forecast version resource assignment. Quantity multiplied by the effective raw cost rate gives the raw cost amounts.
  • Title: Effective Revenue Rate
    Revenue rate that is used to calculate amounts for a forecast version resource assignment. Quantity multiplied by the effective revenue rate gives the revenue.
  • Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates if the periodic planning is modified and retained for the plan line on date changes.
  • Title: Period
    Maximum Length: 30
    Period for which the periodic forecast amount is entered.
  • Identifier of the periodic level planning amounts for a resource assignment in the forecast version.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : projectForecasts-PlanningResources-PlanningAmounts-PlanningAmountDetails-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Actual Amounts
    Read Only: true
    Actual cost incurred for the forecast version resource assignment, including raw and burden costs, in planning currency from the start of the project till the current date.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Currency: Actual Amounts
    Read Only: true
    Actual cost incurred for the forecast version resource assignment, including raw and burden costs, in project currency from the start of the project till the current date.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Ledger Currency: Actual Amounts
    Read Only: true
    Actual cost incurred for the forecast version resource assignment, including raw and burden costs, in project ledger currency from the start of the project till the current date.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Rate
    Read Only: true
    Actual burdened cost rate that is used to calculate the actual cost for the forecast version resource assignment that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Quantity: Actual Amount
    Read Only: true
    Actual effort for the forecast version resource assignment from the start of the project till the current date.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Actual Amount
    Read Only: true
    Actual cost incurred for the period in the forecast version resource assignment in planning currency that is directly attributable to the work performed from the start of the project till the current date.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Currency: Actual Amounts
    Read Only: true
    Actual cost incurred for the forecast version resource assignment in project currency that is directly attributable to the work performed from the start of the project till the current date.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Ledger Currency: Actual Amounts
    Read Only: true
    Actual cost incurred for the forecast version resource assignment in project ledger currency that is directly attributable to the work performed from the start of the project till the current date.
  • Title: EAC Actual Raw Cost Rate
    Read Only: true
    Rate that is used to calculate the actual cost for the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Revenue: Actual Amount
    Read Only: true
    Amount of revenue recognized for the forecast version resource assignment in planning currency from the inception of the project to date.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Currency: Actual Amounts
    Read Only: true
    Amount of revenue recognized for the forecast version resource assignment in project currency from the inception of the project to date.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Ledger Currency: Actual Amounts
    Read Only: true
    Amount of revenue recognized for the forecast version resource assignment in project ledger currency from the inception of the project to date.
  • Title: Revenue Rate: Actual Amount
    Read Only: true
    Rate that is used to calculate the actual revenue for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: EAC
    Estimated cost in planning currency, including raw and burden costs, at the completion of the task for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Currency: EAC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated cost in project currency, including raw and burden costs, at the completion of the task for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Ledger Currency: EAC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated cost in project ledger currency, including raw and burden costs, at the completion of the task for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Total Burdened Cost Rate
    Read Only: true
    Rate that is used to calculate the actual cost for the forecast version resource assignment that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Quantity: EAC
    Measure of the effort planned for in the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Raw Cost: EAC
    Estimated cost in planning currency at the completion of the task in the period for the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Currency: EAC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated cost in project ledger currency at the completion of the task for the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Ledger Currency: EAC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated cost in project ledger currency at the completion of the task for the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Total Raw Cost Rate
    Read Only: true
    Rate that is used to calculate the estimated cost at the completion of the task for the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Revenue
    Estimated revenue amount in planning currency recognized for the forecast version resource assignment at the completion of the task.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Ledger Currency: EAC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated revenue amount in project currency recognized for the forecast version resource assignment at the completion of the task.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Ledger Currency: EAC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated revenue amount in project ledger currency recognized for the forecast version resource assignment at the completion of the task.
  • Title: Revenue Rate
    Read Only: true
    Rate that is used to calculate the estimated revenue at the completion of the task for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Effective Rate
    Cost rate that is used to calculate amounts for a forecast version resource assignment. Quantity multiplied by the effective burdened cost rate gives the burdened cost amounts.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Effective Rate
    Cost rate that is used to calculate amounts for a forecast version resource assignment. Quantity multiplied by the effective raw cost rate gives the raw cost amounts.
  • Title: Effective Revenue Rate
    Revenue rate that is used to calculate amounts for a forecast version resource assignment. Quantity multiplied by the effective revenue rate gives the revenue.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining cost in planning currency, including raw and burden costs, required for completion of the task by the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Currency: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining cost in project currency, including raw and burden costs, required for completion of the task by the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Ledger Currency: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining cost in project ledger currency, including raw and burden costs, required for completion of the task by the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Quantity: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining effort by the forecast version resource assignment for completion.
  • Title: Raw Cost: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining cost in planning currency required for completion of the task in the period by the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Currency: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining cost in project currency required for completion of the task by the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Ledger Currency: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining cost in project ledger currency required for completion of the task by the forecast version resource assignment that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Revenue: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining revenue amount in planning currency to be recognized for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Previous Forecast Revenue in Project Currency: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining revenue amount in project currency to be recognized for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Revenue in Project Ledger Currency: ETC
    Read Only: true
    Estimated remaining revenue amount in project ledger currency to be recognized for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Links
  • Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates if the periodic planning is modified and retained for the plan line on date changes.
  • Title: Period
    Maximum Length: 30
    Period for which the periodic forecast amount is entered.
  • Identifier of the periodic level planning amounts for a resource assignment in the forecast version.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments: Purchase Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through purchase orders in planning currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Purchase Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through purchase orders in project currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Purchase Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through purchase orders in project ledger currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Quantity Commitments: Purchase Orders
    Read Only: true
    Effort for the forecast version resource assignment committed through purchase orders.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments: Purchase Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through purchase orders in planning currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Purchase Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through purchase orders in project currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Purchase Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through purchase orders in project ledger currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments: Requisitions
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through requisitions in planning currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Requisitions
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through requisitions in project currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Requisitions
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through requisitions in project ledger currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Quantity Commitments: Requisitions
    Read Only: true
    Effort for the forecast version resource assignment committed through requisitions.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments: Requisitions
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through requisitions in planning currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Requisitions
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through requisitions in project currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Requisitions
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through requisitions in project ledger currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Standard Rate
    Read Only: true
    Average rate derived from the rate schedule for calculating the planned burdened cost for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Standard Rate
    Read Only: true
    Rate derived from the rate schedule for calculating the planned raw cost for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Standard Revenue Rate
    Read Only: true
    Rate derived from the rate schedule for calculating the planned revenue for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments: Supplier Invoices
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through supplier invoices in planning currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Supplier Invoices
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through supplier invoices in project currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Supplier Invoices
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through supplier invoices in project ledger currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Quantity Commitments: Supplier Invoices
    Read Only: true
    Effort for the forecast version resource assignment committed through supplier invoices.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments: Supplier Invoices
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through supplier invoices in planning currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Supplier Invoices
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through supplier invoices in project currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Supplier Invoices
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through supplier invoices in project ledger currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Burdened Cost: Total Commitments
    Read Only: true
    Total committed cost for the forecast version resource assignment in planning currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Currency: Total Commitments
    Read Only: true
    Total committed cost for the forecast version resource assignment in project currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost in Project Ledger Currency: Total Commitments
    Read Only: true
    Total committed cost for the forecast version resource assignment in project ledger currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Quantity: Total Commitments
    Read Only: true
    Committed effort for the forecast version resource assignment.
  • Title: Raw Cost: Total Commitments
    Read Only: true
    Total committed cost for the forecast version resource assignment in planning currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Currency: Total Commitments
    Read Only: true
    Total committed cost for the forecast version resource assignment in project currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost in Project Ledger Currency: Total Commitments
    Read Only: true
    Total committed cost for the forecast version resource assignment in project ledger currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments: Transfer Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through transfer orders in planning currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Transfer Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through transfer orders in project currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Burdened Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Transfer Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through transfer orders in project ledger currency that includes both raw and burden costs.
  • Title: Quantity Commitments: Transfer Orders
    Read Only: true
    Effort for the forecast version resource assignment committed through transfer orders.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments: Transfer Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through transfer orders in planning currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Currency: Transfer Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through transfer orders in project currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
  • Title: Raw Cost Commitments in Project Ledger Currency: Transfer Orders
    Read Only: true
    Cost for the forecast version resource assignment committed through transfer orders in project ledger currency that is directly attributable to the work performed.
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