Configure the Project Costing Details Flexfield

You can configure the Project Costing Details flexfield by using the Manage Project Standard Cost Collection Flexfield setup task to cater to your business needs.

For example, you can restrict expenditure types for specific expenditure organizations, derive project expenditure type based on purchase category, make the project-owning organization as your default expenditure organization, and so on.

Creating New Value Sets

  1. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Manage Value Sets task.

  2. Click the Manage Value Sets link.

  3. Click Create in the Search Results section to create a new value set.

  4. On the Create Value Set page, enter the Value Set Code, select Cost Collection as the Module, select Table as the Validation Type, and select Value Data Type as required.

  5. In the Definition section, enter the table or view name in the FROM Clause field.

  6. Enter the column you want to add in the Value Column Name field.

  7. Enter your query criteria in the WHERE Clause field. To refer to an existing segment value, use the format :{SEGMENT.<segment column>}. For example, :{SEGMENT.EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE}. To refer to a parameter value, use the format :{PARAMETER.<parameter name>}. For example, :{PARAMETER.PurchaseCategory}.

  8. Click Save and Close.

Using Value Sets in Existing Segments

  1. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Manage Project Standard Cost Collection Flexfield task.

  2. Click the Manage Project Standard Cost Collection Flexfield link.

  3. On the Manage Project Standard Cost Collection Flexfield page, verify that the Project Costing Details flexfield row is selected in the Search Results table, and click Edit.

  4. On the Manage Project Standard Cost Collection Flexfield page, click Manage Contexts.

  5. On the Manage Contexts page, select your context code in the Context Code field and click Search. For example, EXM: Expense Report Line, POR: Requisition, and so on.

  6. Select your context in the Search Results table and click Edit.

  7. On the Edit Context page, select the segment row in the Context Sensitive Segments section for which you want to use the new value set and click Edit.

  8. On the Edit Segment page, select the new value set for the Value Set field in the Validation section.

  9. If your value set returns only a single value then that value is used as the default value for that segment. If your value set returns multiple values then you must explicitly set a default value using the Initial Default section.

  10. Click Save and Close.

  11. Click Save and Close.

  12. Click Save and Close.

  13. Click Save and Close.

  14. On the Manage Project Standard Cost Collection Flexfield page, select the Project Costing Details row in the Search Results section.

  15. Click Deploy Flexfield.

  16. Monitor the deployment and click OK to dismiss the confirmation window after the deployment is complete.

  17. Verify that the Deployment Status changes to Deployed.

  18. Sign out of the application and sign in to activate the changes.

Configuring Segments to Limit List of Values

To conditionally control the list of values returned by a field based on the value selected for a previous field, you can change the order of the segments in the flexfield to create a master-child relationship between two segments. For example, if you want the tasks list of values to be controlled by the expenditure item date, then move the EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE segment immediately before the TASK_ID segment, edit the query criteria for the value set of the TASK_ID segment, and redeploy the flexfield.