Overview of Grants Management

Oracle Fusion Grants Management lets you manage the funding that you received from sponsors to execute a project in the form of an award. These projects can either be research or nonresearch projects.

Grants administrators and principal investigators can create awards and sponsored projects in the Awards work area. They can :

  • Add one or more projects to an award and use these award projects to manage the award.

  • Create award budgets to plan and manage the financial performance of award projects.

  • Capture and process award costs, send invoices to sponsors, and recognize revenue.

Here are some organizations that receive funding from sponsors (the federal and nonfederal organizations) to execute sponsored projects:

  • Higher education organizations, such as universities and colleges

  • State and local government organizations

  • Nonprofit organizations

  • Healthcare organizations

You can track the funds explicitly, bill, and report on the funding source. Also, you must comply with the terms and conditions and get fiscal mandates of the funding agreement.