Task Management

Collaborate with team members in the Team Member Dashboard and My Work work area on tasks that you created, on which you're a resource, and tasks that you follow. Review and edit action items, to-do tasks, milestone tasks, and project tasks.

Depending on the task type, you can view and edit the following task attributes:

  • Task list

  • Task details and progress

  • Followers

  • Task dependencies and deliverables

Task List

The task list on the Manage Tasks page displays tasks that you're assigned to work on and tasks that you follow. Filter tasks by project, priority, date, task type, tags, and exceptions.

Create tasks from the task list. New tasks are to-do tasks by default. You can edit the task on the Manage Tasks page, and add the task to an existing project if you're a team member on the project.

Task Details and Progress

Review task details and enter progress for the task. The following table describes each attribute.

Task Type

Task Attribute


Project, To-do Task

Start Date

The proposed start date for the task.

Project, To-do Task, Action Item

Finish Date

The proposed finish date for the task.



Name of the project associated with the task.



Name of the team member who created the task.

Project, To-do Task, Milestone


The priority assigned to the task.



Team members who are responsible for the overall management of the task.

Note: If a task has multiple resources, then only the primary resource can edit the task and enter progress. Only the project manager can edit the resource list.


Total Planned Hours

The total number of hours planned for you to complete the task.


Proposed Effort

The revised total number of hours needed to complete the task, as suggested by a resource.

Note: If the proposed effort exceed the value defined for Planned Hours Increased in the Progress Exceptions section of the Define Project Management Implementation Options page, the project manager must review the proposal.


Actual Hours Worked

The total number of hours that you worked on the task.


Remaining Hours

The estimated total number of hours required for a person to complete the task.


Percent Complete

The percentage of total planned hours that you worked on the task.

The following formula calculates percentage of work complete on a task:

Percent Complete = Actual Hours Worked / Total Planned Hours

Note: If a task has work items, they drive task progress. When all the work items are complete, the percent complete value automatically changes to 100%.



The percentage of total time that you're planned to work on the task.


Followers are persons who aren't working on the task, but have an interest in reviewing the task progress. Only the resources and other followers can add followers to a task. If a resource assigns the task to another team member, the application automatically changes the original resource to a follower.

Task Dependencies and Deliverables

Project tasks can have peer tasks, task dependencies, and deliverables.

  • Peer tasks exist in the same project task hierarchy as your task.

  • Dependencies are relationships between tasks. When tasks are linked on the project plan, the predecessor task must be finished before you begin work on any successor tasks.

  • View the existing deliverables or add deliverables to the task. A deliverable can result from the need to satisfy an external contractual obligation, or the need to fulfill an internal planned activity.