Document and Document Entry Edit Options of Predefined and Third-Party Sources

You can define the transaction document and document entry options for transactions that originate from predefined sources and third-party application sources.

However, there is a limitation in editing these options. The options that you can edit for each source depend on whether the document entry is predefined for use with Oracle Fusion Applications or defined during implementation for use with third-party application sources.

Document Edit Options

The following table provides a list of document options that you can edit for predefined and third-party application source transactions. For third-party application source transactions, the table specifies whether the options are editable after you have created and imported transactions for the source.

Document Options

Predefined Sources

Third-Party Application Sources

Import raw cost amounts

Not editable

Not editable

Import burdened cost amounts

Not editable

Not editable

Allow duplicate reference

Not editable

Not editable

Allow override of person organization

Not editable

Not editable

Reconcile with source

Not editable


Archive after import



Revalidate during import


Not editable

Accounted in source application

Not editable

Not editable

Create raw cost accounting journal entries

Not editable

Not editable

Create adjustment accounting journal entries



Document Entry Edit Options

The following table provides a list of document entry options that you can edit for predefined and third-party application source transactions. For third-party application source transactions, the table specifies whether the options are editable after you have created and imported transactions for the source.

Document Entry Options

Predefined Sources

Third-Party Application Sources

Expenditure type class

Not editable

Not editable

Allow adjustments



Allow reversals

Not editable


Allow modifications to unprocessed transactions

Editable for Oracle Fusion Projects

Not editable for other predefined sources


Process cross-charge transactions



Create related items

