Enable Access to the Project Performance Dashboard

Project administrators and project application administrators can provide project managers access to the Project Performance Dashboard.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  2. Search for the ORA_PJS_SHOW_ALL_DASHBOARDS profile option code and set its value to Yes.

    Project managers should now be able to access the Project Performance Dashboard. However, if you're still unable to access the Project Performance Dashboard, then continue with the following steps.

  3. Create and activate a sandbox.

  4. In the Sandbox menu, click the down arrow next to Tools and click Structure.

  5. Scroll to Projects and expand it.

  6. Click Project Performance Dashboard.

  7. In the Edit Page Entry: Project Performance Dashboard page, set Show on Navigator to Yes, and click Save and Close.

  8. Click the down arrow next to the sandbox link at the top of the page and click Publish.

  9. Click Publish in the Sandbox Detail page.

  10. Click Yes to close the warning message.

  11. Log in to verify that the Project Performance Dashboard link is available under Projects.

Project administrators can view projects and project data only for those projects that they administer, that belong to the organizations or business units that they administer, or to which they have access to.

To enable access to the Project Performance Dashboard, assign a custom role to the project administrator.

  1. Click Navigator> Tools > Security Console.

  2. In the Roles page, search for the Project Administrator role.

    The Project Administrator role is displayed in the Search Results section.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Copy Role.

  4. In the Copy Options page, select Copy top role and inherited roles and click Copy Role.

  5. In the Copy Role: Basic Information page, enter the required values. For example, for a Custom Project Administrator role, enter:



    Role Name

    Custom Project Administrator

    Role Code


    Role Category

    Projects-Job Roles


    Desired role description. For example, Assists the project manager with the administrative functions of a project, particularly the functions related to collecting and entering information into the project application.

  6. Click Next.

  7. In the Copy Role: Function Security Policies page, click Add Function Security Policy.

  8. In the Add Function Security Policy dialog box, search for Manage Project Performance.

  9. Select the function security policy in the Search Results section and click Add Privilege to Role.

  10. Click OK to close the confirmation message.

    The custom role is created with the privileges. You can now assign this custom role to the project administrator who wants to access Project Performance Dashboard.