Generate SF270 Forms

You can format invoices for federal grants award contracts in the federal standard form SF270.

Billing specialists generate the federal SF270 invoice form in Project Billing after the following prerequisite steps are completed in Grants Management and Enterprise Contracts.

Grants administrators create awards in the Awards work area. For award contracts that don't use LOC billing, the grants administrator can specify the invoicing format as SF270. Hence, when invoices are created for this contract, they are in SF270 format.

To generate invoices, billing specialists and grants accountants can navigate to the Invoice work area and generate invoices for the award contracts. Cost transactions for sponsored projects store the contract as a specific attribute, because there can be multiple awards (or contracts) for a single sponsored project. The SF270 report displays the federal share of expenditures using the contract on cost transactions. This is available only for sponsored project transactions, not for non-sponsored projects or regular, non-award based contracts. When you use this contract on the project cost transaction, the invoice generation and revenue recognition processes now select the project costs specific to the award or contract.

The following table describes various sequence of actions related to the procedure for generating the SF270 form, locations from where these actions are performed, and their results.







Grants administrator

Set the invoice structure to SF270 and submit the award.

Grants Management

Grants Management creates contract, contract line, bill plan, revenue plan, and associated projects. Grants Management then links these attributes to the contract line in Enterprise Contracts.


Grants administrator

Navigate to the Contract work area and perform the following steps:

  • Search for a contract by using the award number as the contract number.

  • Review the draft contract.

  • Submit the contract for approval.

Enterprise Contracts

The contract is submitted for approval.


Contract administrator

Approve the contract.

Enterprise Contracts

Contract is activated.


Billing specialist

  • Sign into the application and automatically reach the Invoice work area.

  • Generate the invoice for the award contract setup for SF270 invoicing.

  • Ensure that the LOC number is blank.

Project Billing

The Generate Invoice process runs, and the billing specialist monitors the process in the Invoice work area.


Billing specialist

Search by contract number on the Manage Invoices page after the Generate Invoice process is completed. Select the invoice from the search result.

Project Billing

The Review SF270 option is activated.


Billing specialist

Click the invoice number link.

Project Billing

The Edit Invoice Details page opens. The page contains the Review SF270 option.


Billing specialist

Click the Review SF270 option.

Project Billing

The invoice is structured and displayed in the SF270 format.


Billing specialist

View the invoice using the Preview action.

Project Billing

SF270 is displayed in a business intelligence process report in the structure published by the US federal government.


Billing specialist

Submit invoice for approval, saves, and closes the invoice.

Project Billing

Invoice is submitted for approval, and the Manage Invoice Listing page is displayed to the billing specialist.


Billing specialist

Navigate to the Invoice Overview page and perform the following steps:

  • Search for the specific invoice in the submitted invoices list based on the contract number.

  • Approve the invoice.

Project Billing

Invoice status changes to Approved. Invoice status changes to Published.