Considerations for Managing Labor Schedules

Here are a few considerations that you must keep in mind while working with labor schedules:

  • Only one version of a labor schedule type can be active for any given day. However, you can create one version each of other labor schedule types simultaneously. For example, a person assignment labor schedule version for July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 can be in Active status, and so can a person Assignment Pay Element labor schedule version, for the same or overlapping period.

  • You can't change the status of inactive labor schedules to New, but you can change their status to Active, as long as it doesn't overlap dates with another active labor schedule.

Examples of Labor Schedules

Let's look at a few examples of labor schedules and see how labor schedule types, labor schedule versions, and distribution rules work together to help you manage payroll costs of different types. Consider the following labor schedules created for two employees, Bob Price, who has the role of Analyst, and Hector Campos, who has the roles of Project Manager and Director.

Here are the person assignment labor schedules created for Bob Price and Hector Campos.

Labor Schedule Type

Labor Schedule

Labor Schedule Version

Start and End Dates

Labor Schedule Version Status

Distribution Rules


Person Assignment

Bob Price, Analyst

Version 1

July 1 2019 - June 30 2020


P1-T1-A1 (50%)

Version 1 of the Bob Price, Analyst labor schedule is active and, between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, will be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute imported payroll costs that match Bob Price and his assignment of Analyst, as defined by the distribution rules.

GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)

Version 2

July 1 2020 - June 30 2021


GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)

Version 2 of the Bob Price, Analyst labor schedule is in New status, and won't be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.

Hector Campos, Project Manager

Version 1

July 1 2019 - June 30 2020


P4-T2-A4 (50%)

Version 1 of the Hector Campos, Project Manager labor schedule is in Inactive status and won't be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.

GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)

Version 2

July 1 2019 - June 30 2020


P1-T1-A1 (50%)

Version 2 of the Hector Campos, Project Manager labor schedule is active and, between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, will be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute imported payroll costs that match Hector Campos and his assignment of Project Manager, as defined by the distribution rules.

GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)

Version 3

July 1 2020 - June 30 2021


GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)

Version 3 of the Hector Campos, Project Manager labor schedule is in Active status and, between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2020, will be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute imported payroll costs that match Hector Campos and his assignment of Project Manager, as defined by the distribution rules.

Hector Campos - Director

No Version

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

There's no labor schedule for this person and assignment combination that can be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.

Here are the pay element labor schedules applicable for Bob Price and Hector Campos.

Labor Schedule Type

Labor Schedule

Labor Schedule Version

Start and End Dates

Labor Schedule Version Status

Distribution Rules


Pay Element

Car Allowance - Vision City Operations

Version 1

July 1 2019 - June 30 2020


GL: 000-410-0000 (100%)

Version 1 of the Car Allowance - Vision City Operations pay element labor schedule is Active between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Therefore, during that period, the Import Payroll Costs process will distribute any payroll costs for Hector Campos and Bob Price that have Car Allowance as the pay element, as specified in the distribution rules.

This type of labor schedule has the second order of precedence. This means that if any labor schedules for Car Allowance exist at the person assignment pay element level for the same days, those labor schedules will take precedence for the applicable days.

Parking - Vision City Operations

Version 1

July 1 2019 - June 30 2020


GL: 000-710-0000 (100%)

Version 1 of the Parking - Vision City Operations pay element labor schedule is Active between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Therefore, during that period, the Import Payroll Costs process will distribute any payroll costs for Hector Campos and Bob Price that have Parking as the pay element, as specified in the distribution rules.

This type of labor schedule is the second order of precedence. This means that if any labor schedules for Parking exist at the person assignment pay element level for the same days, those labor schedules will take precedence for the applicable days.

Here are the person assignment pay element labor schedules created for Bob Price.

Labor Schedule Type

Labor Schedule

Labor Schedule Version

Start and End Dates

Labor Schedule Version Status

Distribution Rules


Person Assignment Pay Element

Bob Price, Analyst, Parking

Version 1

July 1 2019 - June 30 2020


P1-T1-A1 (50%)

Imported payroll costs for Bob Price that have Parking as the pay element with pay period start and end dates between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020 will be distributed as defined by the person assignment pay element labor schedule for Larry.

GL: 000-001-0510 (50%)

Version 2

July 1 2020 - June 30 2021


GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)

Imported payroll costs for Bob Price that have Parking as the pay element with pay period start and end dates between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021 will be distributed as defined by Version 2 of the person assignment pay element labor schedule for Larry.