Forecasting and Reporting on Supply Chain Transactions with Multiple Cost Distributions

Oracle Projects tracks actual quantities on project-related item-cost or resource-cost transactions that have multiple cost distributions in Supply Chain Management as a group. This enables forecasting and reporting on project tasks and resources using transaction quantity, in addition to cost amounts.

Project-related supply chain costs that have multiple cost distributions in Fusion Cost Management are imported in Projects as multiple project cost transactions but are treated as a group. The grouping is based on the inventory cost distribution layer identifier for the applicable cost distributions in Fusion Cost Management. Only one of the project cost transactions in the group, either a material or resource cost, displays the quantity value. All other transactions in the group will have a quantity value of zero. The Source Transaction Quantity attribute continues to capture the quantity value for all the transactions in the group. Because the quantity information is saved at the group level, forecasting and reporting is more accurate. At the same time, you can view the quantity information associated with each project cost transaction individually.

Here's an example to illustrate how grouping and quantity tracking happens.

Projects imports a project-related supply chain cost for the item Cable, which has a cost component for Material and Overheads. Fusion Cost Management creates cost distributions for every cost element, and Projects imports multiple cost distributions as individual project cost transactions (See table below.) Fusion Cost Management uses the inventory cost distribution layer identifier to track inventory depletion, or Projects uses transaction receipts to group these cost distributions from Fusion Cost Management. The Source Distribution Layer Reference attribute denotes this grouping identifier. The quantity information is then captured against only a Material or Resource cost transaction in the group. Other transactions in the group are updated with a zero-quantity value, while the attribute Source Transaction Quantity continues to capture the quantity for each transaction. The Source Transaction Type denotes the inventory transaction type associated with the group.

Here's a table depicting how the the Source Transaction Type, Source Transaction Quantity, and Source Distribution Layer Reference columns appear in the Manage Project Costs page:

Transaction Number Project Number Task Number Inventory Item Expenditure Type Quantity Source Transaction Quantity Source Transaction Type Source Distribution Layer Reference
7234500 PDSC-TEST-001 1.2.2 Cable Material 3 3 Miscellaneous Receipt 12345
7234501 PDSC-TEST-001 1.2.2 Cable Overhead 0 3 Miscellaneous Receipt 12345
7234502 PDSC-TEST-001 1.2.2 Cable Overhead 0 3 Miscellaneous Receipt 12345

Select and add the Source Transaction Quantity, Source Distribution Layer Reference and Source Transaction Type columns to the transaction list view of the Manage Unprocessed Costs, Manage Cost Distributions, and Manage Project Costs pages in the Project Costing and Project Management work areas to identify and manage supply chain costs that have multiple cost distributions.

Adjustments to Imported Supply Chain Transactions with Multiple Cost Distributions

When you perform quantity-based adjustments, such as Split, Split and Transfer, and Transfer, on any project-based supply chain cost that is part of a group, the adjustment impacts all project cost transactions in the group. Any quantity-based adjustment to such transactions result in an update to the Source Transaction Quantity and Quantity values. The Split, Split and Transfer and Transfer adjustment pages notify you of the impact if you attempt to adjust such transactions. These pages also display the list of transactions related to the group that will be impacted as part of the adjustment. If you perform adjustments to such transactions, any attempt to reconcile quantity balances with the source application must always consider the quantity information across all adjustments made.

Non-quantity adjustments, such as adjusting billable and capitalizable values, and applying and releasing holds to invoices and revenues, are allowed at the individual transaction level.

Billing Imported Supply Chain Transactions with Multiple Cost Distributions

The application includes all zero and non-zero-quantity transactions that meet the invoicing eligibility criteria for invoicing. It also includes transactions in the invoice line distributions for amount-based invoices based on the transactions' billable or non-billable status. Rate-based billing does not apply to zero-quantity transactions.

Planning and Forecasting for Inventory Items that Require Multiple Cost Transactions

The application rationalizes quantities across project cost transactions in a group to reflect actual quantities as recorded in the supply chain activities. This enables you to review planned vs actual figures and use accurate quantity information to reliably forecast requirements for supply chain inventory items that are planned on your project.

Reporting on Supply Chain Transactions with Multiple Cost Distributions

The following OTBI Subject Areas of Project Costing offer Source Transaction Quantity, Source Transaction Type, and Source Distribution Layer Identifier attributes that enable you to view quantity-related information associated with project-based supply chain costs.

  • Actual Cost Real Time
  • Expenditure Items Performance Real Time
  • Unprocessed Transactions Real Time
  • Projects Cross Subject Area Analysis - Cross Transaction Measures

REST API for Managing Supply Chain Transactions with Multiple Cost Distributions

Use the Source Transaction Quantity, Source Transaction Type, and Source Distribution Layer Identifier attributes in the Project Costs and Unprocessed Project Costs REST APIs to manage supply chain transactions that have multiple cost distributions.

Considerations for Managing Supply Chain Transactions with Multiple Cost Distributions

  • If you define the PJC_ZERO_QTY_NONBILL profile, the zero quantity transactions in the group of project-based supply chain costs will be marked non-billable during import and adjustments. You can update the billable information of the applicable project cost transactions only at the transaction level manually.
  • When updating expenditure types on supply chain-based project cost transactions belonging to a group, it is recommended to make changes or updates with the expenditure type of the same nature: from rate-based expenditure type to rate-based expenditure type or non-rate-based to non-rate-based expenditure type.
  • Split and Split-and-Transfer adjustments are not supported for supply chain-based project costs that involve acquisition cost adjustments such as invoice price variances.
  • Equal quantity adjustments for supply chain-based project costs belonging to a group are supported only for Split-and-Transfer adjustments. For example, if you want to split an applicable transaction with a quantity of 100 at 50% and later transfer this to a different project and task, we recommend that you use the Split and Transfer adjustment type instead of performing a split or transfer individually.