Import Project Rate Schedules Process

Use the Import Project Rate Schedules process to import project rate schedules from third-party applications, create new project rate schedules, or update existing project rate schedules.

You can use the Project Rate Schedules Interface macro-enabled Excel workbook template to prepare data for loading and importing, and ensure that your data conforms to the structure and format of the target application database tables. The workbook contains the following worksheets:

  • Instructions and CSV Generation: Table-specific instructions, guidelines, formatted spreadsheets, and recommendations for preparing the data file for upload.

  • Rate Schedules: Project rate schedule details such as schedule name, schedule type, currency, and so on.

  • Person Rates: Labor rate details such as person name, rate, markup percentage, and so on.

  • Job Rates: Job rate details such as the job code, cost or billing rate, and so on.

  • Nonlabor Rates: Nonlabor rate details such as expenditure type, rate, markup percentage, and so on.

  • Resource Class Rates: Resource class rate details such as resource class, unit of measure, rate, and so on.

  • Cost Rate Overrides: Cost rate overrides details such as person, job, expenditure type, rate, and so on.

  • Bill Rate Overrides: Bill and revenue rate overrides details such as contract, plan type, person, job, expenditure type, rate, and so on.

After you prepare the data in the Project Rate Schedules Interface Excel template, click the Generate CSV File button in the template to create the CSV files in a ZIP file format to load data to the interface tables. Optionally, you can bypass the Excel template and manually create the CSV files.

On the Scheduled Processes page, submit the Load Interface File for Import process followed by the Import Project Rate Schedules process to transfer data to the application database tables. After the import process is complete all records are purged from the open interface tables.

Import Project Rate Schedules Process: Parameters

Rate Schedule

Name of the project rate schedule that's imported from the interface tables into the application. If you don't specify a value, then all the rate schedules that exist in the interface tables are imported.

Report Success Details

Option to display or hide the successfully imported rate schedules, person rates, job rates, nonlabor rates, and resource class rates in the Import Project Rate Schedules Report. The default value is No.

Output Reports

The Import Project Rate Schedules process generates an Import Project Rate Schedules report in PDF format. In case the Import Project Rate Schedules process result in errors, the application also generates an additional output file named Import Project Rate Schedules Rejections.xls.

The Import Project Rate Schedules report (PDF format) displays the processing errors, warnings, and exceptions encountered during the import process. The report can optionally display all the rate schedules and rates that were successfully imported. Review the PDF report for the rate schedules and fix the issues in your data. Reload the updated data to the interface tables and resubmit the Import Project Rate Schedules process.

The Import Project Rate Schedules Rejections sheet contains only the records that failed due to an error and includes a detailed message for each failed row. You can use the Import Project Rate Schedules Rejections sheet to correct the errors and generate the CSV files again. Repeat the error correction steps and resubmit the process until all rows are imported successfully.