Import Unassigned Asset Lines

Update the asset name on unassigned asset lines in the Assets work area by using the Asset Line Assignment workbook template and running a few scheduled processes. The Excel template uploads the newly assigned asset lines to the project assignment interface table.

This spreadsheet contains the following worksheets:

  • Instructions and CSV Generation: Contains table-specific instructions, guidelines, sample data, and recommendations for preparing the data file for upload.

  • Asset Line Assignments: Enables you to import project asset line assignment details, such as asset name, asset ID, transfer status code, and so on. You can also mark asset lines as transferred and update the FA period name. This capability enables you to extract and group asset lines as required without losing the ability to reconcile Projects assets to FA assets.

For more information about the Import Unassigned Asset Lines Excel workbook template, see the File-Based Data Import for Project Portfolio Management guide.

After you prepare the data in the Asset Line Assignment Interface workbook, click the Generate CSV File button in the template to create the CSV files as a ZIP file.

You must now load the zipped data to destination interface tables using the Scheduled Processes page. There are two processes that you must run to perform this task:

  • Load Interface File for Import: Loads the interface files and prepares them for import.

  • Import Unassigned Asset Lines: Imports the asset lines data from the interface files loaded in the previous step.

You must navigate to the Tools > Scheduled Processes page to perform the tasks that follow.

Load Interface File for Import

  1. In the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process.

  2. Enter Load Interface File for Import as the Name of the process and click OK.

  3. Under Process Details, enter Import Asset and Assignments Process as the Import Process and upload or select the zipped CSV files containing the asset lines that you want to import.

  4. Click Submit. The application now loads the asset line data from the CSV files, and you can see the progress of your import until it succeeds.

Import Unassigned Asset Lines

  1. In the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process.

  2. Enter Import Unassigned Asset Lines as the Name of the process and click OK.

  3. Under Process Details, enter the From Line Number and To Line Number to specify the asset lines that you want to import.

  4. Click Submit. The application now imports asset line data from the loaded import files, and you can see the progress of your import until it succeeds.

Output Report

After the Import Unassigned Asset Lines process is complete, the Generate Reports process automatically runs, and if there are errors, creates the Import Unassigned Asset Lines Report. This report offers a summary of the transactions that failed, and associated errors from the import process. Review the processing errors, warnings, and exceptions listed and fix the issues in your data. Once you have updated your transaction data, click the Generate CSV File button again to create the updated ZIP files. Reload the updated data to the interface tables and resubmit the Import Projects process.