Why does the budget baseline fail or the version reverted to current working status when integrating budget with Budgetary Controls?

The control budget baseline might fail due to any of the following reasons.

Reason Solution

The baseline amounts are less than the consumed amount.

Note: Consumed amount includes actual amounts and commitments.

Run the Budgetary Control Analysis Report process and verify the balances, specifically the consumed amounts for the project and top resources. Then, resubmit the baseline with a budget amount that’s greater than or equal to the consumed amount for the project or the top resources.

For the project ledger, the Control Budget Filter option is set to Ledger only in the Manage Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting setup page.

If you’re using project budgetary controls, set the Control Budget Filter option to either Ledger or project or Project in the Manage Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting setup page.