Labor Distribution Accountant (Discretionary Role)

This is a discretionary role provisioned to end-users on an as required basis for the purpose of importing payroll amounts for different pay elements for all people under a higher level organization, and executing the process to distribute the payroll amount to project and nonproject transactions based on the labor schedule defined for the person. The role also performs the task to review any errors generated from distributing and processing the payroll costs, correcting the errors, and re-executing the process. The resulting distributions can be viewed and marked for re-processing if further adjustments need to happen.

Role Hierarchy

The Labor Distribution Accountant discretionary role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Labor Distribution Accountant
    • Report Public Person

    • Upload data for Project Costing Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Labor Distribution Accountant discretionary role.

Duty Role Description

Report Public Person

Contains a data security policy that allows people in the public person security profile to be included in reports.

Upload data for Project Costing Import

Allows to upload data file to import project costing data.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Labor Distribution Accountant discretionary role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Labor Distribution Accountant

This is a discretionary role provisioned to end-users on an as required basis for the purpose of importing payroll amounts for different pay elements for all people under a higher level organization, and executing the process to distribute the payroll amount to project and nonproject transactions based on the labor schedule defined for the person. The role also performs the task to review any errors generated from distributing and processing the payroll costs, correcting the errors, and re-executing the process. The resulting distributions can be viewed and marked for re-processing if further adjustments need to happen.

Delete Project Labor Distributions in Error

Allows user to delete imported and distributed project or non-project labor costs that are in a status of error.

Labor Distribution Accountant

This is a discretionary role provisioned to end-users on an as required basis for the purpose of importing payroll amounts for different pay elements for all people under a higher level organization, and executing the process to distribute the payroll amount to project and nonproject transactions based on the labor schedule defined for the person. The role also performs the task to review any errors generated from distributing and processing the payroll costs, correcting the errors, and re-executing the process. The resulting distributions can be viewed and marked for re-processing if further adjustments need to happen.

Manage Project Labor Distributions

Allows user to import and distribute labor costs on project or nonproject based labor schedules and reprocess errors or adjustments.

Labor Distribution Accountant

This is a discretionary role provisioned to end-users on an as required basis for the purpose of importing payroll amounts for different pay elements for all people under a higher level organization, and executing the process to distribute the payroll amount to project and nonproject transactions based on the labor schedule defined for the person. The role also performs the task to review any errors generated from distributing and processing the payroll costs, correcting the errors, and re-executing the process. The resulting distributions can be viewed and marked for re-processing if further adjustments need to happen.

Process Costs with Unchanged Project Labor Distributions

Allows a user to reprocess imported and distributed project or non-project labor costs even when the distribution rules haven't changed since the original distribution was completed. The default functionality is to reprocess the cost only if the distribution rules have changed.

Labor Distribution Accountant

This is a discretionary role provisioned to end-users on an as required basis for the purpose of importing payroll amounts for different pay elements for all people under a higher level organization, and executing the process to distribute the payroll amount to project and nonproject transactions based on the labor schedule defined for the person. The role also performs the task to review any errors generated from distributing and processing the payroll costs, correcting the errors, and re-executing the process. The resulting distributions can be viewed and marked for re-processing if further adjustments need to happen.

Transfer Payroll Costs to Projects

Transfer to projects