How can I create a program communications report template?

Program communications templates enable you to design the contents and layout of your program communications reports.

To create a program communications template:
  1. Navigate to Programs > Communications and click Actions > Create Template. The Create template side-panel drawer appears.
  2. Enter a Name, and optionally, a Description of the template.
  3. If you want to use a custom BIP file for your template, enter the complete location, including the file name and .xdo extension, of the BIP file in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. Example: /Custom/Projects/LandscapeExecutiveCommunication.xdo. For detailed guidance on creating and designing reports using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, see Design Reports in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher documentation.
  4. Click Create Template. Your template details are saved, and you must now populate your template with program and project-related details.
  5. On the page that appears, search for and select the template that you want to use as the base for your new template.

Adding Content to your Report Template

Report templates in Program Management use pre-set components, which you can easily search and add to your template. These components are organized into content types, which are available as tabs in the Add content section.

You can add the following types of content to your report templates:
  • Groups: Groups are flexible groups of metrics and text that you can create and reuse in your templates.
  • Metrics: Each metric in this tab represents a program performance measure, which you can include into your template.
  • Text: These are static text elements, such as display text, headings, enterable paragraph, and so on, that you can add to your template.
  • Others: These are prebuilt charts and tables that you can add to your template with a single click.

To add a component to your template, navigate to the appropriate tab, and search and click on components that you want to add to include them in the template.

Updating Report Template Components

After you add a component to a report template, click its handle on the top-right to edit, move, duplicate, or remove it. Depending on the nature of the component, the edit options you encounter may be different.

When you include a group to your template, you can separately edit each component in the group.

Publishing Report Templates

Once you're satisfied with your template, click Publish Layout to update the template and make it available to you for use in reports.