Tolerance Percentage

Use tolerance percentages to compare the previous key performance indicator (KPI) value with the current value. The application calculates trend indicators based on the percentage increase or decrease in a KPI value and the tolerance percentage in the KPI definition.

Example of Tolerance Percentage

When you create a KPI, you must enter a tolerance percentage that's used to determine the trend indicator for a KPI. The percentage change in KPI value is calculated using the following formula:

Percentage Change in KPI values equals absolute value of open bracket, open parenthesis, current value minus previous value, closed parenthesis, multiplied by hundred, closed bracket, divided by previous value.

This table describes how the application uses tolerance percentage to calculate the trend indicator.


Tolerance Percentage and Trend Indicator Setting

Current Period KPI Value and Status Indicator

Previous Period KPI Value and Status Indicator

Percentage Change

Trend Indicator Based on Previous Period

PTD Actual Invoice Amount

5 percent

Up is Favorable





27 percent

Down, Unfavorable

PTD Actual Spent Labor Effort Percentage


Up is Favorable


On Track


On Track

5.6 percent

Up, Favorable

PTD Actual Margin Percentage

2 percent

Up is Favorable

28.5 percent


30.2 percent

On Track

5.6 percent

Down, Unfavorable