The table is used to store report data for BIP report. The table gets populated by following processes :a)    Generate Burden Transactions b) Accounting Sweeper etc .The data in the table is purged in the after report trigger of the BIP report


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: PJC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
REPORT_DETAIL_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique Identifier of the report ****
BU_ID NUMBER 18 Stores transaction business unit identifier for Period Close Exception.
EXPENDITURE_BU_ID NUMBER 18 Stores expenditure business unit identifier for Period Close Exception.
CONTRACT_BU_ID NUMBER 18 Stores contract business unit identifier for Period Close Exception.
CONTRACT_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Stores contract organization identifier for Period Close Exception.
PERSON_ID NUMBER 18 Stores person identifier for Period Close Exception.
NON_LABOR_RESOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Stores nonlabor resource identifier for Period Close Exception.
VENDOR_ID NUMBER 18 Stores supplier identifier for Period Close Exception.
JOB_ID NUMBER 18 Stores job identifier for Period Close Exception.
WORK_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Stores work type identifier for Period Close Exception.
ACCT_EVENT_ID NUMBER 18 Stores accounting event identifier for Period Close Exception.
RCA_MESSAGE_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Stores transaction root cause message name for Period Close Exception.
PRIMARY_MESSAGE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Stores primary root cause message flag for a error transaction.
RCA_MESSAGE_TEXT VARCHAR2 1000 Stores transaction root cause message text for Period Close Exception.
RCA_MESSAGE_USER_DETAILS VARCHAR2 1000 Stores transaction root cause message user details for Period Close Exception.
RCA_MESSAGE_ADMIN_DETAILS VARCHAR2 1000 Stores transaction root cause message admin details for Period Close Exception.
RCA_MESSAGE_CAUSE VARCHAR2 1000 Stores transaction root cause message cause for Period Close Exception.
RCA_MESSAGE_USER_ACTION VARCHAR2 1000 Stores transaction root cause message user action for Period Close Exception.
RCA_MESSAGE_ADMIN_ACTION VARCHAR2 1000 Stores transaction root cause message admin action for Period Close Exception.
SRC_REPORT_DETAIL_ID NUMBER 18 Stores period exception source record identifier for the detailed error records generated during transaction processing.
PERIOD_NAME VARCHAR2 15 Fiscal period a company uses to report financial results, such as a calendar month or fiscal period. A portion of time in which the accounting calendar may be divided. Accounting periods make up an accounting calendar.
LEDGER_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the ledger.
AWARD_ID NUMBER 18 Award Identifier.This column is used to display award information in OTBI period close exception subject area.
PROJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Project Identifier.This column is used to display project information in OTBI period close exception subject area.
PROJ_ELEMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Project Element identifier.This column is used to display task information in OTBI period close exception subject area.
TXN_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the Organization.
EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique Identifier for the Expenditure Types.
SYSTEM_LINKAGE_FUNCTION VARCHAR2 3 The system linkage that classifies the expenditure type in order to drive expenditure processing for the items classified by the expenditure type.
EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 expenditure item Identifier.This column is used to display expenditure information in OTBI period close exception subject area.
CDL_LINE_NUM NUMBER 18 Line Number of the Cost Distribution Line.
CONTRACT_MAJOR_VERSION NUMBER 18 Identifies the Contract Major Version
PA_DATE DATE The end date of the PA Period in which the distribution was processed. The PA date is determined by the cross charge process from the open or future PA period on or after the expenditure item date.
GL_DATE DATE The end date of the GL accounting period to which the distribution is posted. This date is determined by the transfer program from the first open or future GL period on or after the distributions PA date.
TXN_INTERFACE_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction identifier that uniquely identifies a imported transaction.
INVOICE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique invoice identifier.This column is used to display invoice information in OTBI period close exception subject area.
INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER 18 Unique invoice distribution identifier.
INVOICE_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the Invoice Line *****
EVENT_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the event type *****
EVENT_ID NUMBER 18 Event Identifier.This column is used to display event information in OTBI period close exception subject area.
REV_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the Revenue Line *****
CONTRACT_ID NUMBER 18 Contract Identifier.This column is used to display contract information in OTBI period close exception subject area.
CONTRACT_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Contract Line Id for which this event got created *****
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory Item Identifier. *****
INVENTORY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 The inventory organization id of the scm transaction
REPORT_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Yes Name of the report shown in the BIP and OTBI period close exception subject area.
REPORT_LINE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Report Line Type. Example : SUCCESS, ERROR, ERROR_02,SUMMARY_01 etc. *****
REPORT_LINE_NUM NUMBER 18 Yes Serial number of a report for a given report line type. *****
TEXT_COL1 VARCHAR2 1000 This column stores MESSAGE_NAME for period exception process and Generate Burden Cost Process.
TEXT_COL2 VARCHAR2 1000 This column stores Project Number for period exception process and Generate Burden Cost Process.
TEXT_COL3 VARCHAR2 1000 This column stores Task Number for period exception process and BTC transaction status for Generate Burden Cost Process.
TEXT_COL4 VARCHAR2 1000 This column stores Expenditure Type Name for period exception process and Generate Burden Cost Process.
TEXT_COL5 VARCHAR2 1000 This column is used in period exception processing. It stores following values depending on transaction type.: part_name person_resource_supplier Provider_Organization supplier organization_name contract_number
TEXT_COL6 VARCHAR2 1000 This column is used in period exception processing to identify the transaction based on the transaction type. It stores following values depending on transaction type.: invoice_num expenditure_item_id / Transaction_Number Receiver_Organization receipt_number txn_source_doc_number line_number
TEXT_COL7 VARCHAR2 1000 This column is used in period exception processing to identify the transaction based on the transaction type. It stores following values depending on transaction type.:invoice_line_number Distribution_Number expenditure_item_id / Transaction_Number inventory_item expenditure_type_name
TEXT_COL8 VARCHAR2 1000 This column is used in period exception processing to identify the transaction based on the transaction type. It stores following values depending on transaction type.: invoice_line_number distribution_line_number Distribution_Number description expenditure_item_id
TEXT_COL9 VARCHAR2 1000 This column stores payment number for supplier transaction type during period exception processing.
TEXT_COL10 VARCHAR2 1000 This column is used in period exception processing to identify the transaction type. It stores following values.: Supplier Invoice, Expenditure, Receipt Accrual, Inventory, Revenue, Supplier Invoice.
TEXT_COL11 VARCHAR2 4000 This column stores business unit name for period exception and fnd_global.user_name for generate burden cost records.
TEXT_COL12 VARCHAR2 4000 This column stores currency code for .period exception and business unit name for generate burden cost records.
TEXT_COL13 VARCHAR2 4000 This column is used in "Generate Burden Cost" process. It stoes un process cdls flag.
TEXT_COL14 VARCHAR2 4000 This column is used in "Generate Burden Cost" process. It stores message user action details.
TEXT_COL15 VARCHAR2 4000 This column is used in "Generate Burden Cost" process. It stores message admin details.
TEXT_COL16 VARCHAR2 4000 This column is used in "Generate Burden Cost" process. It stores message admin action details.
TEXT_COL17 VARCHAR2 4000 For future use only for storing additional information.
NUM_COL1 NUMBER This column stores ledger amount for period exception and error counts for "Generate Burden Cost" process.
NUM_COL2 NUMBER This column stores business unit identifier for period exception and BTC counts for Generate Burden Cost process.
NUM_COL3 NUMBER This column stores CDL counts for Generate Burden Cost process.
NUM_COL4 NUMBER This column stores total error counts for Generate Burden Cost process.
NUM_COL5 NUMBER This column stores ESS request identifier.
NUM_COL6 NUMBER For future use only for storing additional information.
NUM_COL7 NUMBER For future use only for storing additional information.
NUM_COL8 NUMBER For future use only for storing additional information.
NUM_COL9 NUMBER For future use only for storing additional information.
NUM_COL10 NUMBER This column is used in period exception processing to identify the error type . Value 3 indicates error and value 4 indicates Warning
DATE_COL1 DATE This column is used in period exception processing to istore transaction date . The possible values are Supplier invoice date, expenditure item date,receipt_date, transaction_date.
DATE_COL2 DATE For future use only for storing additional information.
DATE_COL3 DATE For future use only for storing additional information.
DATE_COL4 DATE For future use only for storing additional information.
DATE_COL5 DATE For future use only for storing additional information.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_NAME VARCHAR2 100 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_PACKAGE VARCHAR2 900 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE VARCHAR2 30 Implementation-defined classification of a transaction loaded into Project Costing from an external system. This is defaulted to TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID for user-defined sources.
DOCUMENT_CODE VARCHAR2 20 Projects-related categorization of the document type that is creating this transaction. This is defaulted to DOCUMENT_ID for user-defined documents.
DOC_ENTRY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Projects-related sub-categorization of the document type that is creating this transaction. This is defaulted to DOC_ENTRY_ID for user-defined document entries.
TEXT_COL18 VARCHAR2 4000 Reserved for Projects.
TEXT_COL19 VARCHAR2 4000 Reserved for Projects.
TEXT_COL20 VARCHAR2 4000 Reserved for Projects.
SOURCE_FUNDS_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Budgetary control validation status of the source distribution.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns