PA_TXN_INTERFACE_GT is the global temporary table you use for pre import validation of transactions from external sources to Oracle Projects.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: PJC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
TXN_INTERFACE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes System generated identifier that uniquely identifies a imported transaction
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the Transaction Source.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code of the Transaction Source
DOCUMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier for the Projects-related categorization of the document type that is creating this transaction.
DOCUMENT_CODE VARCHAR2 20 Internally used code. This is defaulted to DOCUMENT_ID for user-defined documents.
DOC_ENTRY_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of Projects-related categorization of the document type that is creating this transaction.
DOC_ENTRY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Internally used Code. This is defaulted to DOC_ENTRY_ID for user-defined document entries.
PERSON_JOB_ID NUMBER 18 Job Identifier
EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the Expenditure Type.
EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE DATE Date on which the transaction occurred
GL_DATE DATE GL_DATE to be copied to PA_COST_DISTRIBUTION_LINES.GL_DATE for transactions that are accounted for in external systems as specified by the GL_ACCOUNTED_FLAG flag on the transaction source. This date is used to derive the PA_DATE on CDLs.
NON_LABOR_RESOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the Non-labor resource utilized when incurring the transaction charge.
NON_LABOR_RESOURCE_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Non-Labor Resource Organization Identifier
QUANTITY NUMBER Number of units for the transaction. This column is defined with a precision of ''2'' in order to maintain consistency with PA''s expenditure entry forms which round expenditure item quantities to ''2'' decimal places when saved to the database
TRANSACTION_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 2 System-defined status of the transaction as it is loaded into Projects
ORIG_TRANSACTION_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 120 User-entered value used to identify the transaction in an external system from which the imported item originated.
INTERFACE_ID NUMBER 18 System-generated number that identifies all the transactions processed by a given concurrent request
UNMATCHED_NEGATIVE_TXN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag used to identify certain adjustments (transactions with negative quantities) as summary-level adjustments for which there is no single matching item in PA to reverse. When this flag is ''Y'', PA does not execute the matching value
ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Indicates the identifier of the business unit associated to the row.
SYSTEM_LINKAGE VARCHAR2 30 System Linkage or Expenditure Type Class of the transaction
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
RECEIPT_CURRENCY_AMOUNT NUMBER Receipt currency amount of the transaction
RECEIPT_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Receipt currency code of the transaction
DENOM_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Transaction currency code of the transaction
DENOM_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost in Transaction currency
DENOM_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost in Transaction currency
ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Functional Currency Code.
ACCT_RATE_DATE DATE Functional conversion rate date for the transaction
ACCT_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Functional conversion rate type for the transaction
ACCT_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Functional exchange rate for the transaction
ACCT_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost in functional currency
ACCT_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost in Functional currency
ORIG_EXP_TXN_REFERENCE1 VARCHAR2 60 Expenditure Identifier in external system(system reference). For Oracle Payables, invoice ID should be populated into this field
REVERSED_ORIG_TXN_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 120 Value used to identify the transaction being reversed in the external system from which the imported item originated
BILLABLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag that indicates if the item can accrue revenue
CAPITALIZABLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag that indicates if a project-related item is eligible for capitalization.
HCM_ASSIGNMENT_ID NUMBER 18 The HCM assignment for which the transaction was created.
WORK_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Work Type Identifier
PROJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Project Identifier
TASK_ID NUMBER 18 Task Identifier
PERSON_ID NUMBER 18 Person Identifier
VENDOR_ID NUMBER 18 Vendor Identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Organization Identifier
OVERRIDE_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Override to Organization Identifier
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory item identifier
PERSON_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Type of person who incurred the expenditure
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
BURDENED_COST_CR_CCID NUMBER 18 Burdened Cost Credit Code Combination Identifier
BURDENED_COST_DR_CCID NUMBER 18 Burdened Cost Debit Code Combination Identifier
RAW_COST_CR_CCID NUMBER 18 Raw Cost Credit Code Combination Identifier
RAW_COST_DR_CCID NUMBER 18 Raw Cost Debit Code Combination Identifier
BURDEN_COST_CR_CCID NUMBER 18 Burden Cost Credit Code Combination Identifier
BURDEN_COST_DR_CCID NUMBER 18 Burden Cost Debit Code Combination Identifier
ORIGINAL_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Original Header Identifier
ORIGINAL_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 18 The subledger line identifier of the transaction.
ORIGINAL_DIST_ID NUMBER 18 Source Transaction Distribution Reference which is the identifier used to retrieve the account for the inventory and receipt costs imported into Project Costing. For example, in the case of miscellaneous issue to project transactions, this is the offset account identifier.
CONTRACT_ID NUMBER 18 Contract Identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
CONTEXT_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 40 Segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for project-related standardized cost collection.
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - Funding Source Identifier.
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 User defined attributes for Cost Collection Widget.
COMMITMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Specifies if the transaction is a Commitment or Actual. It is derived from the document_id of transaction.
ORIGINAL_DIST_ID2 NUMBER 18 Peer Source Transaction Distribution Reference which is the identifier used to retrieve the counterpart account of the source transaction distribution reference. For example, in the case of miscellaneous issue to project transactions, this is the inventory valuation account identifier.
DOC_REF_ID1 VARCHAR2 120 Source Document Reference 1. In the case of sales order issue transactions, this is the shipment number.
DOC_REF_ID2 VARCHAR2 120 Source Document Reference 2. In the case of sales order issue transactions, this is the sales order number.
REFERENCE_ID1 NUMBER 18 Source Document Reference Identifier 1. In the case of sales order issue transactions, this is the fulfillment line ID.
BUDGET_DATE DATE Date for which funds must be reserved for the transaction.
ADJUSTED_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 The identifier of the project cost transaction adjusted by this transaction. Adjustments are entered by users with negative amounts to fully reverse a transaction, or are system generated to reverse a transaction.
ADJUSTED_TXN_INTERFACE_ID NUMBER 18 The Import Costs process uses this column to indicate the transaction interface identifier of an adjusted project cost transaction.
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 The system-generated number that uniquely identifies the project cost transaction.
NET_ZERO_ADJUSTMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Identifies whether the item is fully reversed or the item is one of the adjusting items that fully reverses another item. Generate Draft Invoice uses this flag to exclude fully reversed, uninvoiced items from a customer invoice.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_1 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_2 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_3 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_4 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_5 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_6 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_7 NUMBER 18 Unique id of the project role associated with the project cost transaction.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_8 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_9 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_10 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_11 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_12 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_13 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_14 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_NUM_15 NUMBER 18 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_1 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_2 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_3 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_4 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_5 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_6 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_7 VARCHAR2 150 Name of the project role associated with the project cost transaction.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_8 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_9 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_10 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_11 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_12 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_13 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_14 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_CHAR_15 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_DATE_1 DATE Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_DATE_2 DATE Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_DATE_3 DATE Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_DATE_4 DATE Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
PATC_RESERVED_DATE_5 DATE Reserved for Projects - future functionality.
ACCRUAL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the imported transaction is automatically reversed in the next accounting period.
TRANSFERRED_FROM_EXP_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 The identifier of the original project cost transaction from which this transaction originated.
UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Base unit of measure code.
BATCH_NAME VARCHAR2 200 User-entered or system derived name for grouping of expenditures. When processed together for a transaction source, all items with the same batch name are imported into Oracle Project Costing in the same expenditure group.
VALIDATION_TECH_COMPONENT VARCHAR2 30 The user interface or web service or other cloud service requesting validation for the project transaction. Examples include FBDI, ADFdi, REST.
VALIDATION_MODULE VARCHAR2 30 The module validating the transaction. Examples include COST_VALIDATION, AWARD_DISTRIBUTION.
VALIDATION_SCOPE VARCHAR2 20 The validation scope for the transaction. Valid values include SKIP, NULL. A value of SKIP will bypass all validations and NULL will enforce all validations.
DESTINATION_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 The destination type code for a purchase requisition. Examples include Expense, Inventory.
TRANSACTION_NUMBER VARCHAR2 240 Alphanumeric transaction number that uniquely identifies the subledger transaction within the application. Examples include Purchase Order Number, Invoice Number.
SOURCE_ID_1 NUMBER 18 The distribution line identifier.
SOURCE_ID_2 NUMBER 18 The distribution line identifier.
SOURCE_ID_3 NUMBER 18 The distribution line identifier.
SOURCE_ID_4 NUMBER 18 The distribution line identifier.
SOURCE_ID_5 NUMBER 18 The distribution line identifier.
SOURCE_ID_6 NUMBER 18 The distribution line identifier.
BILL_TO_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the Bill-to Customer location used on an internal sales order.
SHIP_TO_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the Ship-to Party Site used on an internal sales order.
BUSINESS_UNIT VARCHAR2 240 Indicates the business unit associated to the row.
USER_TRANSACTION_SOURCE VARCHAR2 240 The descriptive name of the transaction source.
DOCUMENT_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Projects-related categorization of the document type that is creating this transaction.
DOC_ENTRY_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the document entry used to capture the transaction.
PROJECT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 25 Number of the project to which the transaction is charged.
PROJECT_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the project to which the transaction is charged.
TASK_NUMBER VARCHAR2 100 Number of the task to which the transaction is charged.
TASK_NAME VARCHAR2 255 Name of the task to which the transaction is charged.
PERSON_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Number that uniquely identifies the person who is associated with the transaction.
PERSON_NAME VARCHAR2 2000 Name that uniquely identifies the person who is associated with the transaction.
HCM_ASSIGNMENT_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Name of the human resources assignment of the person that incurred the transaction that was charged to the project.
EXPENDITURE_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 A classification of cost that is assigned to the transaction.
ORGANIZATION_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the expenditure organization to which the transaction is charged.
NON_LABOR_RESOURCE VARCHAR2 240 Name of the non labor resource utilized when incurring the transaction charge.
NON_LABOR_RESOURCE_ORG VARCHAR2 240 The organization that owns the nonlabor resource incurring the transaction charge.
UNIT_OF_MEASURE_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Name of the unit of measure for the item that is requested, ordered, or supplied.
WORK_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the work type for the transaction.
SUPPLIER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Number of the supplier that provided the goods or services that resulted in the transaction.
SUPPLIER_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Name of the supplier that provided the goods or services that resulted in the transaction.
INVENTORY_ITEM_NUMBER VARCHAR2 300 Number of the inventory item for the transaction.
RAW_COST_CR_ACCOUNT VARCHAR2 2000 The ledger account that receives the credit amount for the raw cost associated with the transaction.
RAW_COST_DR_ACCOUNT VARCHAR2 2000 The ledger account that receives the debit amount for the raw cost associated with the transaction.
BURDENED_COST_CR_ACCOUNT VARCHAR2 2000 The ledger account that receives the credit amount for the burdened cost associated with the transaction.
BURDENED_COST_DR_ACCOUNT VARCHAR2 2000 The ledger account that receives the debit amount for the burdened cost associated with the transaction.
BURDEN_COST_CR_ACCOUNT VARCHAR2 2000 The ledger account that receives the credit amount for the burden cost associated with the transaction.
BURDEN_COST_DR_ACCOUNT VARCHAR2 2000 The ledger account that receives the debit amount for the burden cost associated with the transaction.
CONTRACT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 120 Number of the contract for the transaction of a sponsored project.
CONTRACT_NAME VARCHAR2 300 Name of the contract for the transaction of a sponsored project.
FUNDING_SOURCE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Number of the funding source of a transaction for a sponsored project.
FUNDING_SOURCE_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the funding source of a transaction for a sponsored project.
SPONSORED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether projects classified with this project type are sponsored projects.
REQUESTID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
ENABLE_BILLING_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the billable status of the project type.
ENABLE_CAPITALIZATION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the capitalization status of the project type.
BURDEN_COST_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that burden costs will be calculated for projects classified with this project type.
TEMPLATE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the project is a template or not.


Index Uniqueness Columns Status