Global temporary table that stores actual amounts after summarization for mapping with project plan and forecast versions.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: PJO

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Comments
PROJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the project whose actual amounts are mapped.
STRUCT_VERSION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the task structure version.
TASK_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the task.
SRC_RBS_ELEMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Resource breakdown structure identifier of the source planning resource whose actual amounts must be mapped.
SRC_PLAN_VERSION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the source plan version whose actual amounts must be mapped.
SRC_PLAN_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Code identifying the planned unit of measure associated with the source planning resource.
SRC_PLAN_TXN_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Code identifying the transaction currency associated with the planning resource.
SRC_PROJ_PLAN_TXN_CURR_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Code identifying the project plan transaction currency on the source planning resource.
SRC_PLANNING_ELEMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Planning element identifier of the source planning resource.
DEST_RBS_ELEMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Resource breakdown structure identifier of the target planning resource to which actual amounts must be mapped.
DEST_PLAN_VERSION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the target plan version.
RBS_VERSION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the resource breakdown structure version.
PERIOD_NAME VARCHAR2 20 Name of the accounting or project accounting periods for which actual amounts are collected.
PERIOD_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether an accounting or project accounting calendar is used. This column helps in writing optimized queries.
CALENDAR_TYPE VARCHAR2 1 Specifies the calendar type: accounting calendar or project accounting calendar.
START_DATE DATE The start date of the accounting or project accounting period.
END_DATE DATE The end date of the accounting or project accounting period.
PLAN_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Specifies whether a plan type is a financial plan type or a project plan type.
LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the actual lines in the temporary summarization table. Used for internal reference.
SOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Specifies the source of actual amounts.
TXN_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Code identifying the transaction currency associated with the target planning resource.
ACT_QUANTITY NUMBER Actual quantity associated with the planning resource.
ACT_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code identifying the unit of measure on the source planning resource.
ACT_CURRENCY_CONV_RATE NUMBER Actual currency conversion rate. Column reserved for future use.
ACT_LABOR_HRS NUMBER Actual labor effort associated with the planning resource.
ACT_EQUIP_HRS NUMBER Actual equipment effort associated with the planning resource.
ACT_TXN_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in transaction currency.
ACT_TXN_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in transaction currency.
ACT_TXN_LABOR_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in transaction currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Labor.
ACT_TXN_EQUIP_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in transaction currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Equipment.
ACT_TXN_LABOR_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in transaction currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Labor.
ACT_TXN_EQUIP_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in transaction currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Equipment.
ACT_TXN_REVENUE NUMBER Actual revenue in transaction currency.
PC_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code identifying the project currency associated with the project.
ACT_PC_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in project currency.
ACT_PC_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in project currency.
ACT_PC_LABOR_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in project currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Labor.
ACT_PC_EQUIP_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in project currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Equipment.
ACT_PC_LABOR_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in project currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Labor.
ACT_PC_EQUIP_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in project currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Equipment.
ACT_PC_REVENUE NUMBER Actual revenue in project currency.
PFC_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code identifying the ledger currency associated with the project.
ACT_PFC_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in project ledger currency.
ACT_PFC_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in project ledger currency.
ACT_PFC_LABOR_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in project ledger currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Labor.
ACT_PFC_EQUIP_RAW_COST NUMBER Actual raw cost in project ledger currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Equipment.
ACT_PFC_LABOR_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in project ledger currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Labor.
ACT_PFC_EQUIP_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Actual burdened cost in project ledger currency if the resource class of the planning resource is Equipment.
ACT_PFC_REVENUE NUMBER Actual revenue in ledger currency.
TO_BE_CREATED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Specifies that incoming actual amounts are unplanned and that a new assignment must be created in the target plan version.
NEW_LINE_DETAIL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Specifies whether a plan line detail record must be created for the target planning resource.
UNPLANNED_UOM_QUANTITY NUMBER Actual quantity associated with the planning resource if the unit of measure is unplanned.
UNPLANNED_UOM_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Specifies that the unit of measure on the target resource is unplanned.
CMT_SUP_INV_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity associated with supplier invoices.
CMT_PO_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity associated with purchase orders.
CMT_PR_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity associated with purchase requisitions.
CMT_OTH_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity associated with external commitments.
CMT_TXN_SUP_INV_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with supplier invoices in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_SUP_INV_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with supplier invoices in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_PO_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with purchase orders in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_PO_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with purchase orders in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_PR_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with purchase requisitions in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_PR_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with purchase requisitions in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_OTH_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with external commitments in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_OTH_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with external commitments in transaction currency.
CMT_PC_SUP_INV_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with supplier invoices in project currency.
CMT_PC_SUP_INV_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with supplier invoices in project currency.
CMT_PC_PO_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with purchase orders in project currency.
CMT_PC_PO_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with purchase orders in project currency.
CMT_PC_PR_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with purchase requisitions in project currency.
CMT_PC_PR_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with purchase requisitions in project currency.
CMT_PC_OTH_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with external commitments in project currency.
CMT_PC_OTH_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with external commitments in project currency.
CMT_PFC_SUP_INV_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with supplier invoices in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_SUP_INV_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with supplier invoices in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_PO_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with purchase orders in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_PO_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with purchase orders in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_PR_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with purchase requisitions in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_PR_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with purchase requisitions in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_OTH_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with external commitments in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_OTH_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with external commitments in project ledger currency.
CMT_TO_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity associated with transfer orders.
CMT_TXN_TO_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with transfer orders in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_TO_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with transfer orders in transaction currency.
CMT_PC_TO_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with transfer orders in project currency.
CMT_PC_TO_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with transfer orders in project currency.
CMT_PFC_TO_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with transfer orders in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_TO_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with transfer orders in project ledger currency.
CMT_RCPT_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity associated with receipts.
CMT_TXN_RCPT_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with receipts in transaction currency.
CMT_TXN_RCPT_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with receipts in transaction currency.
CMT_PC_RCPT_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with receipts in project currency.
CMT_PC_RCPT_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with receipts in project currency.
CMT_PFC_RCPT_RAW_COST NUMBER Raw cost associated with receipts in project ledger currency.
CMT_PFC_RCPT_BURDENED_COST NUMBER Burdened cost associated with receipts in project ledger currency.
PFC_ACT_INVOICED NUMBER The actual invoiced amount of the project in project ledger currency.
PC_ACT_INVOICED NUMBER The actual invoiced amount of the project in project currency.
TC_ACT_INVOICED NUMBER The actual invoiced amount of the project in transaction currency.