This is an internal table that is used to store temporary data required for Calculate and Spread API internal processing in Project Control.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: PJO

  • Object type: TABLE



PROJECT_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the project.

PLAN_VERSION_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the plan version.

PLAN_VERSION_TYPEVARCHAR230Specifies the type of the plan version.

PLAN_LINE_DETAIL_IDNUMBER18Specifies the type of the plan version.

PLANNING_ELEMENT_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the planning element.

TXN_CURRENCY_CODEVARCHAR230Code identifying the transaction currency.

START_DATEDATEStart date of the accounting or project accounting period.

END_DATEDATEEnd date of the accounting or project accounting period.

PERIOD_NAMEVARCHAR230Name of the accounting or project accounting period.

PROJECT_CURRENCY_CODEVARCHAR215Code identifying the project currency.

PROJFUNC_CURRENCY_CODEVARCHAR215Code identifying the project ledger currency.

PC_COST_RATE_TYPEVARCHAR230Currency conversion cost rate type for project currency.

PC_COST_EXCHANGE_RATENUMBERCurrency conversion cost exchange rate for project currency.

PC_COST_RATE_DATE_TYPEVARCHAR230Currency conversion cost rate date type for project currency.

PC_COST_RATE_DATEDATECurrency conversion cost rate date for project currency.

PC_REV_RATE_TYPEVARCHAR230Currency conversion revenue rate type for project currency.

PC_REV_EXCHANGE_RATENUMBERCurrency conversion revenue exchange rate for project currency.

PC_REV_RATE_DATE_TYPEVARCHAR230Currency conversion revenue rate date type for project currency.

PC_REV_RATE_DATEDATECurrency conversion revenue rate date for project currency.

PFC_COST_RATE_TYPEVARCHAR230Currency conversion cost rate type for project ledger currency.

PFC_COST_EXCHANGE_RATENUMBERCurrency conversion cost exchange rate for project ledger currency.

PFC_COST_RATE_DATE_TYPEVARCHAR230Currency conversion cost rate date type for project ledger currency.

PFC_COST_RATE_DATEDATECurrency conversion cost rate date for project ledger currency.

PFC_REV_RATE_TYPEVARCHAR230Currency conversion revenue rate type for project ledger currency.

PFC_REV_EXCHANGE_RATENUMBERCurrency conversion revenue exchange rate for project ledger currency.

PFC_REV_RATE_DATE_TYPEVARCHAR230Currency conversion revenue rate date type for project ledger currency.

PFC_REV_RATE_DATEDATECurrency conversion revenue rate date for project ledger currency.

TXN_RAW_COSTNUMBERRaw cost in transaction currency.

TXN_BURDENED_COSTNUMBERBurdened cost in transaction currency.

TXN_REVENUENUMBERRevenue in transaction currency.


TXN_INIT_RAW_COSTNUMBERActual raw cost in transaction currency.

TXN_INIT_BURDENED_COSTNUMBERActual burdened cost in transaction currency.

TXN_INIT_REVENUENUMBERActual revenue in transaction currency.


COST_RATENUMBERRate for calculating raw cost.

COST_RATE_OVERRIDENUMBEROverride rate for raw cost calculation.

BURDEN_COST_RATENUMBERRate for calculating burdened cost.

BURDEN_COST_RATE_OVERRIDENUMBEROverride rate for burdened cost calculation.

BILL_RATENUMBERRate for calculating revenue.

BILL_RATE_OVERRIDENUMBEROverride rate for revenue calculation.

BILL_MARKUP_PERCENTAGENUMBERMarkup percentage for revenue calculation.

BILL_MARKUP_PERCENT_OVRNUMBEROverride markup percentage for revenue calculation.

PROJECT_RAW_COSTNUMBERRaw cost in project currency.

PROJECT_BURDENED_COSTNUMBERBurdened cost in project currency.

PROJECT_REVENUENUMBERRevenue in project currency.

PROJFUNC_RAW_COSTNUMBERRaw cost in project ledger currency.

PROJFUNC_BURDENED_COSTNUMBERBurdened cost in project ledger currency.

PROJFUNC_REVENUENUMBERRevenue in project ledger currency.

COST_IND_COMPILED_SET_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the burdened cost compiled set.

ETC_START_DATEDATEDate from which estimate-to-complete amounts are calculated.

OLD_BL_START_DATEDATEOriginal start date of the accounting or project accounting period.

OLD_BL_END_DATEDATEOriginal end date of the accounting or project accounting period.

OLD_PLAN_START_DATEDATEOriginal start date of the plan line.

OLD_PLAN_END_DATEDATEOriginal end date of the plan line.

NEW_PLAN_START_DATEDATENew start date of the plan line.

NEW_PLAN_END_DATEDATENew end date of the plan line.

OLD_SP_FIX_DATEDATEOriginal date used if the selected spread curve is Fixed Date.

NEW_SP_FIX_DATEDATENew date used if the selected spread curve is Fixed Date.

OLD_SPREAD_CURVE_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the original spread curve.

NEW_SPREAD_CURVE_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the new spread curve.

OLD_MFC_COST_TYPE_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the previous cost type.

NEW_MFC_COST_TYPE_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the new cost type.

OLD_TIME_PHASE_CODEVARCHAR230Identifier of the previous period profile.

NEW_TIME_PHASE_CODEVARCHAR230Identifier of the new period profile.

SPREAD_AMTS_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether plan amounts must be spread across associated period.

RE_SPREAD_AMTS_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether plan amounts must be spread again across associated periods.

DELETE_BL_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether a period must be deleted.

REFRESH_RATES_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether cost or bill rates must be refreshed.

REFRESH_CONV_RATES_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether currency conversion rates must be refreshed.

MASS_ADJUST_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether adjustments must be performed.

CALLING_CONTEXTVARCHAR230Identifies the calling context.

TXN_CURR_CODE_OVERRIDEVARCHAR230Code identifying the override transaction currency.

APPLY_PROGRESS_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether progress information must be applied to the plan version.

SP_CURVE_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether the spread curve has changed.

SP_FIX_DATE_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether the date has changed if the selected spread curve is Fixed Date.

MFC_COST_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether cost amounts have changed.

PLAN_DATES_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether plan dates have changed.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_NUM1NUMBERColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_NUM2NUMBERColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_NUM3NUMBERColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_NUM4NUMBERColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_NUM5NUMBERColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_NUM6NUMBERColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_VAR1VARCHAR2100Column used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_VAR2VARCHAR2100Column used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_VAR3VARCHAR2100Column used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_VAR4VARCHAR2100Column used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_VAR5VARCHAR2100Column used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_VAR6VARCHAR2100Column used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_DAT1DATEColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_DAT2DATEColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_DAT3DATEColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_DAT4DATEColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_DAT5DATEColumn used for system reference.

SYSTEM_REFERENCE_DAT6DATEColumn used for system reference.

PROCESSED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether the line was processed.

SKIP_RECORD_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether the line should be processed.

PLAN_START_DATE_SHRUNK_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether the start date has moved to a later date.

PLAN_END_DATE_SHRUNK_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether the end date has moved to an earlier date.

G_WPRABL_CURRENCY_CODEVARCHAR230Code identifying the currency.

QUANTITY_CHANGED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether quantity has changed.

COST_RATE_CHANGED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether raw cost rate has changed.

BURDEN_RATE_CHANGED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether burdened cost rate has changed.

BILL_RATE_CHANGED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether bill rate has changed.

RAW_COST_CHANGED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether raw cost has changed.

BURDEN_COST_CHANGED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether burdened cost has changed.

REVENUE_CHANGED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether revenue has changed.

RLM_ID_CHANGED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether the resource breakdown structure element was changed.

MFC_COST_REFRESH_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether cost was refreshed.

RA_RATES_ONLY_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether only rates were changed.


BL_TXN_RAW_COSTNUMBERRaw cost in transaction currency.

BL_TXN_BURDENED_COSTNUMBERBurdened cost in transaction currency.

BL_TXN_REVENUENUMBERRevenue in transaction currency.

BL_TXN_INIT_RAW_COSTNUMBERActual raw cost in transaction currency.

BL_TXN_INIT_BURDENED_COSTNUMBERActual burdened cost in transaction currency.

BL_TXN_INIT_REVENUENUMBERActual revenue in transaction currency.


BL_COST_RATENUMBERRate for calculating raw cost.

BL_COST_RATE_OVERRIDENUMBEROverride rate for raw cost calculation.

BL_BURDEN_COST_RATENUMBERRate for calculating burdened cost.

BL_BURD_COST_RATE_OVERRIDENUMBEROverride rate for burdened cost calculation.

BL_BILL_RATENUMBERRate for calculating revenue.

BL_BILL_RATE_OVERRIDENUMBEROverride rate for revenue calculation.

OLD_TXN_CURRENCY_CODEVARCHAR230Code identifying the transaction currency previously associated with the plan line.

BILLABLE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether the task is billable.

RESOURCE_NAMEVARCHAR2250Name of the resource.

TASK_IDNUMBER18Identifier of the task.

TASK_NAMEVARCHAR2250Name of the task.

RA_IN_MULTI_CURR_FLAGVARCHAR21Multicurrency indicator.

RATE_BASED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether a resource is rate based.

COST_RATE_G_MISS_NUM_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether raw cost rate is missing.

BURDEN_RATE_G_MISS_NUM_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether burdened cost rate is missing.

BILL_RATE_G_MISS_NUM_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether bill rate is missing.

REVENUE_ONLY_ENTERED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether only revenue amounts are entered.

QUANTITY_G_MISS_NUM_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether quantity is missing.

BURDEN_COST_G_MISS_NUM_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether burdened cost is missing.

RAW_COST_G_MISS_NUM_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether raw cost is missing.

REVENUE_G_MISS_NUM_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether revenue is missing.

BURDEN_ONLY_ENTERED_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether only burdened cost is entered.

NEG_QUANTITY_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether quantity reductions are allowed.

NEG_RAWCOST_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether raw cost reductions are allowed.

NEG_BURDEN_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether burdened cost reductions are allowed.

NEG_REVENUE_CHANGE_FLAGVARCHAR21Specifies whether revenue reductions are allowed.


Index Uniqueness Columns