Confirm Invoice Acceptance Status in Receivables

Service to operate on a project contract invoice exported to an external receivables application, based on the acceptance or rejection of that invoice by the external receivables application. If the invoice was accepted, the service also derives accounting dates and periods, converts invoiced amounts to project and ledger currencies, indicates invoice distributions are ready for as-billed revenue recognition, invokes contract summarization for invoicing, and manages invoice document exceptions.

Life Cycle Status: Active

QName: {}ProjectContractInvoiceService

Service WSDL URL: https://servername/fscmService/ProjectContractInvoiceService?WSDL

Logical Business Objects

  • Projects : Project Billing : Project Contract Invoice


The following table describes how this service data object is related to other service data objects or business object services.

Relationship Type Object or Service


Confirm Invoice Acceptance Status Output Parameters


Confirm Invoice Acceptance Status Input Parameters



Updates the status of project contract invoices based on the acceptance or rejection of those invoices by an external receivables application.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description


Confirm Invoice Acceptance Status Input Parameters

Identifies the project contract invoices to be updated as accepted or rejected by an external receivables application.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Confirm Invoice Acceptance Status Output Parameters

Indicates the success or failure of the project contract invoice update to accepted or rejected by an external receivables application.


An operation to retrieve user interface hints, such as the service data object label and object attribute labels, for the specified service data object and locale. As a prerequisite, invoke the getEntityList operation defined on this service to get the list of possible values for the viewName request payload element.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



The service view usage name, an internal name for the service data object. Specify the value of the <name> element from the getEntityList operation response payload.



The locale to use when evaluating locale-based user interface hints. The localeName is in ISO 639-1 format.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The label and user interface hints for the specified service data object and its attributes in a name-value pair format.


An operation that returns the date and time when the schema files referenced in the service definition last changed.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The date and time when the service definition last changed in ISO 8601 format.


An operation to get the list of service data objects defined on this service.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



A list of service data objects defined on this service. For each service data object, the result includes the QName, internal name, and Boolean values indicating whether create, update, merge, and delete operations can be performed on the object.


The following tables list the privileges required to perform the service operations, and the duty roles that each privilege is granted to.

Service Operations to Privileges Mapping

Operation Name Privilege Code Privilege Name Privilege Description

All Operations


Run Update Invoice Details from Receivables Process

Allows submission of the process to update project contract invoice with information from Receivables.

Privileges to Duty Roles Mapping

Privilege Code Granted to Duty Role Code Granted to Duty Role Name Granted To Duty Role Description



Project Contract Invoice Management

Perform tasks related to managing project contract invoices, billing events and billing transaction exceptions.

Duty Roles to Duty or Job Roles Mapping

Duty Role Code Granted to Duty or Job Role Code Granted to Duty or Job Role Name Granted To Duty or Job Role Description



Subledger Accounting Specialist

Creates accounting for a given transaction and reviews journal entries.