View Analytics, Reports, and Dashboards

There are different ways to view and work with your analytics and reports. You can view analyses, dashboards, and reports in the course of your work, on your usual pages and infolets. Or you can find them in the business intelligence catalog with the Reports and Analytics work area and the Reports and Analytics panel tab.

View Analytics in Infolets

Use your favorite infolet pages to find analytics.

  1. Use the page controls and Previous and Next icons to explore infolet pages in the home page, where they may appear in infolets with summaries and aggregations or performance metrics. You may also find infolets in some work areas.

  2. Click an infolet to open a detailed analysis. So for example, if an infolet has transactions summed to a total, click it to view details of the underlying transactions.

  3. Click Done.

View Objects in Familiar Work Areas and Pages

Use analyses, dashboards, and reports available in your usual pages and work areas.

  1. Explore your pages. Some may include analysis and report links or embedded objects, sometimes in tabs or panel tabs.

  2. Some work areas have a Reports and Analytics panel tab, where you explore catalog folders for relevant analyses and reports for the work area. And if you have permission, you can map more objects to the work area if they're appropriate.

    1. Open the panel tab.

    2. Expand the Shared Reports and Analytics folder and explore the available content.

    3. Click the link for any object and see its type to determine whether it's an analysis, a report, or a dashboard.

    4. Click View to open the object.

View Objects in the Reports and Analytics Work Area

Use the Reports and Analytics work area to search or browse the catalog and view any analysis, dashboard, or report you have access to. It opens at the highest level of the catalog's folder hierarchy with all objects you have marked as favorites.

Here are some things you can do in the Reports and Analytics work area.

  1. Click Navigator > Tools > Reports and Analytics.

  2. Filter and search for objects:

    1. From the Filter list, select what you want to find.

    2. To view objects you have marked as favorites, select Favorites in the list. Or select Recent Items to view objects you recently worked with, or a recent search to run it again. Enter a name or part of a name and click the Search icon.

    3. In the search results, use the icons to identify what the objects are.

    4. Click the name of an object to open it, or click More and select an action.

  3. In the breadcrumbs, browse the catalog folders for analytics and reports. Click any Hierarchical Selector icon to select a different node for the next level in the hierarchy.

  4. Mark objects as favorites.

    • Select Favorites in the Saved Searches to display your favorite objects.

    • Click the Add Favorites icon for an object to mark it as a favorite.

    • Click the Remove from Favorites icon to remove an object from your favorites.

  5. Create and edit analyses and reports.

    1. Click Create and select Report or Analysis.

    2. Use wizards to create your analysis or report.

  6. Click the Browse Catalog button (or click the More icon for a specific report, dashboard, or analysis) to use more features.
    Note: If you don't see an analysis in the work area, browse the catalog for it. In the Catalog, select Show Hidden Items to display any hidden analyses.

View Analyses

An analysis queries against your company's data and answers business questions with visualizations, such as charts and tables. They may appear on your pages, or as parts of a dashboard.

  1. From the catalog folders or search results, open an analysis to view.

  2. Click Refresh to rerun the analysis and refresh its data.

  3. Click Print and select either Printable PDF or Printable HTML to open a printable version.

  4. Click Export to get analysis data in various formats, for example PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, comma-separated value (CSV), and XML.


    When you export data in a CSV format, dates are exported in raw format and converted to UTC time zone.

View Grouped Analyses in Dashboards

Some analyses are grouped in dashboards to give you meaningful related information. A dashboard contains pages of analyses, prompts that filter information, and other objects.

  1. From the catalog folders or search results, open a dashboard to view.

  2. Select values for any dashboard prompts to filter the dashboard.

  3. Click Apply to refine the results of all of the analyses in the dashboard.

View Reports

Reports show data in a predefined format that's optimized for printing.

  1. From the catalog folders or search results, open a report.

  2. Click the View Report icon if you want a different format.

    • Choose HTML or PDF to display the report in a format for printing. Because it's optimized for printing, PDF often provides the best results.

    • You can also export the report as RTF for editing in a word processor, or as Excel or PowerPoint.

  3. From the catalog folders or search results, you can also do these tasks:

    • Click Edit to edit the report properties, layout, and data model.

    • Click Report History to see details about past submissions of the report.

    • Click Schedule to schedule the report to be run.