Add Funding to an Award

Before you add funding to an award, ensure that the award has a sponsor and the budget periods are defined.

  1. Click Manage Awards in the panel drawer.

  2. Click the award to which you want to add funding.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. In the Edit Award Details page, click the Funding train stop.

  5. In the Manage Award Funding page, click Add Funding.

  6. Select the budget period and funding source. If the award is set to cost sharing, then you can select the funding source to be either an internal or external funding source.

  7. Select the issue type and enter the issue number and date.

  8. Enter the direct and indirect funding amounts to be allocated to the award projects. Amounts are rounded using the half-up rounding rule to the standard precision for the currency if needed (1.125 rounds to 1.13 for USD).

  9. Click Save and Close.


If your OTBI analysis includes rounded and unrounded values, use the ROUND function to improve accuracy. Use the ROUND() function and the SUM aggregation rule for a column if you want the line amounts and totals of the column to show the sum of the rounded amounts. While using the round function, define the decimal places as the standard precision defined for the concerned currency being reported.

Funding Graphs

After you added funding to an award, review the following graphs to understand the funding allocation for an award and its projects:

  • Funding Summary

  • Funding Amount by Funding Source

  • Allocated Funding Amount by Funding Source

  • Unallocated Funding Amount

  • Project Funding Details - Select to view this graph for all projects or for a single project.

Considerations for Adding Direct and Indirect Amounts for an Award Project

Consider these points when adding direct and indirect amounts for an award project:

  • If the award has only one project, the funding is automatically allocated to the award project and you can view the award project in the Project Funding Allocation region. If the award has more than one project, then add the project and allocate the amount.

  • The total funding amount for an award can't be less than the award project budget amount.

  • You can't decrease the funding amount at the issue level beyond the amount allocated to an award project.

  • You can add a negative funding amount for the Supplement funding type, however, ensure that there's enough funding allocated to the award, projects, budget, and other award related entities. The application validates to ensure that the reduced amount isn't lesser than the existing allocated amount, based on existing spending rules such as expanded authority.

    Suppose that there's a base funding amount of $50,000 allocated to an award for a budget period, you can't decrease by more than $50,000. Likewise, if $20,000 of the $50,000 is allocated to an award project or budgeted, you can't decrease the funding amount by more than $30,000.

  • Keep in mind these factors when you add a negative amount to an award:

    • If the award is in expanded authority, then the total funding across budget periods must be positive. The funding amounts within each budget period must be positive.

    • Check the decrease against your budgeted amount; the amount allocated to the award project.