Award and Award Project Validations

When you create an award and define award attributes, the application validates certain award details. After details are validated, you can create and associate projects to the award and define award project attributes. The award project details are validated before you can add funding for the award.

The award, award project, and award funding validations are as follows:

  • Budget periods for the award are within the award date range.

  • Budget period names are unique and budget periods are contiguous. They must not overlap or have a gap.

  • The total credit percentage for all organizations adds up to 100 percent for the award.

  • The total credit percentage for the internal personnel adds up to 100 percent for the award.

  • One or more principal investigators can exist for the entire award duration. But at any point of time only one principal investigator must be assigned to the award.

  • Certificates are valid and haven't passed the expiration date.

  • The funding amount allocated to project must not exceed the total award funding amount.

  • The funding issue can't be deleted if funding is allocated to a project.


You can't delete award internal or external projects, if a contract line, budget line, or funding exists for the award.

These validations are applicable when you create and define awards and award projects from an award template or another award.