Manage Email Notifications

You can receive notifications for new, open, and closed or completed tasks, deliverables, issues, action items, and change orders depending on the settings you select.

The notifications displays the key data, for example, project name, priority, dates, creator, for the object added, reassigned, or completed.

The aspects of email notifications described here are:

  • Enabling notification settings

  • Receiving notifications

Enabling Notification Settings

Use the email notification settings to determine the notifications you receive. Set notifications separately for projects you work on and projects you manage.

  1. Navigate to the Project Manager Dashboard or Team Member Dashboard.

  2. In the My Profile region, click Edit E-mail Notification Settings. The Edit E-mail Notification Settings window opens.

  3. In the Work I Manage tab, expand each category and set the email delivery frequency to Daily or None for the objects you manage.


    The Daily option is the default setting for all the projects.

  4. In the Work I Own tab, set the email delivery frequency to Daily or None for the objects you work on.

Receiving Notifications

The application automatically sends email notifications when you perform the related action. The following table lists the recipients of the notifications based on action.


Receiver of the Notification

Create, reassign, or complete tasks


Project manager

Creator, on reassignment

Previous owner, if ownership is changed

Create, reassign, or complete issues


Project manager

Creator, on reassignment

Previous owner, if ownership is changed

Create or close action items

Project manager

Create, reassign, or complete deliverables


Project manager

Creator, on reassignment

Previous owner, if ownership is changed

Create or reassign change orders


Creator, on reassignment

Previous owner, if ownership is changed

Close or cancel change orders



Approve, reject, or complete change orders


Assign or remove participant



Project managers also receive a daily summary of the projects they manage. Use the Generate Project Updates E-Mail process to create the daily digest.