Manage Sponsors

Customer organizations from Customer Management are added as sponsors for grants management. Sponsors are a funding source for sponsored projects. When you add a sponsor, a funding source record is created indicating that the sponsor is an external funding source.

Internal sponsors can fund an award internally as internal funding sources, for example, university departments. They fund the sponsored work only if an award is enabled for cost sharing.

Note: An organization can only be a sponsor if it's assigned the External Legal Entity usage.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Sponsors task.

  2. Perform any one of the following actions based on whether you want to create or edit a sponsor:

    • Click the Create icon to open the Create Sponsor page. Select the sponsor from the Name field.


      Ensure that the customers exist before you add them as sponsors in grants management.

    • Select the sponsor you want to edit and click the Edit icon to open the Edit Sponsor page.

  3. In the Billing Details tab, select Federal if this is a federal sponsor. complete these attributes for one or more accounts for the sponsor:



    Sponsor Account Number

    Identifies the sponsor account's bill-to and ship-to information.

    Letter of credit

    Specifies if the funding for the sponsor account is through a letter of credit.

    Letter of Credit Details

    If the sponsor account uses a letter of credit, then specify the billing sponsor and LOC number. You can use the current sponsor as the bill-to sponsor or specify a related sponsor as the bill-to sponsor.

    When you specify the related sponsor name and account number, the LOC number of the parent or related sponsor is displayed.


    Use the Manage Customers page to specify a relationship between the bill-to customer accounts. Ensure that the relationship is valid, active, and the bill-to indicator is enabled. For example, for the National Institute of Health (NIH) customer account, the related customer account is DHHS with a bill-to relationship.

    Primary If the sponsor has more than one account, click Set Primary to mark the one primary account. The primary account is the initial bill-to and ship-to account for the bill plan and contract line when the award is submitted to create the contract lines and bill plan details.
  4. Click General Details and complete the following attributes as appropriate:



    Burden Schedule

    Burden schedule of the award. This becomes the default burden schedule, provided that, if the award is created from an award template, then that award template doesn't include a burden schedule.


    References to the sponsor for identification purposes. For example, industry type, such as state government or local government.

  5. Click Save and Close.

If you changed the details of a letter of credit, the changes apply only to new awards created after this change. Manually update existing awards if the letter of credit change applies to them.