Person Assignment Pay Element Labor Schedules

Use person assignment pay element labor schedules to create distribution rules applicable to a specific person, assignment, and pay element.

Manage Person Assignment Pay Element Labor Schedules

To create person assignment pay element labor schedules, you create a person assignment labor schedule, and associate a pay element with it as well. Click the Create button in the top-right corner of the Manage Labor Schedules page to create a labor schedule. In the Create Labor Schedule side-sheet that appears, click Assignment to indicate that you want to create a person assignment labor schedule.

To update an existing labor schedule, use the Search field to search by person name or number, email ID, element name, or labor schedule name. Click the Assignments tab to view person assignment labor schedules that match your search string. Click to edit a labor schedule from the search results that appear.

Use the following fields to manage person assignment labor schedules:

  • Person: The name of the person for whom you want to create the labor schedule.
  • Assignment Number: The assignment with which the person is associated. This is the assignment for which you are creating the labor schedule.
  • Pay Element: The pay element that you want to associate with the labor schedule.
  • Version Name: The labor schedule version name.
  • Start: The start date of the labor schedule.
  • End: The end date of the labor schedule.
Note: You cannot edit the start and end dates of a labor schedule version if its status is Active. To update the start and end dates of a labor schedule version, you must first change its status to Inactive. For more information, see Why am I unable to change the dates on which a labor schedule version is active?

Use the Edit icon adjacent to the name of the labor schedule to edit its name.

Updating Labor Schedule Versions

When you create a person assignment labor schedule, you also add a labor schedule version to the labor schedule.

To update a person assignment labor schedule version, click the ellipsis under the Actions column in the row representing the labor schedule version and select Edit. Use the following fields to update the labor schedule version:

  • Version Name: The name of the labor schedule version.
  • Start: The start date of the labor schedule version.
  • End: The end date of the labor schedule version.
    Note: You cannot edit the start and end dates of a labor schedule version if its status is Active. To update the start and end dates of a labor schedule version, you must first change its status to Inactive. For more information, see Why am I unable to change the dates on which a labor schedule version is active?
  • Status: The status (New, Active, Inactive) of the labor schedule version.
  • Comments: Any additional information, if required.

You can also duplicate an existing schedule version and modify the copied version to create a new one.

Managing Distribution Rules

A labor schedule version can have multiple distribution rules. Click any of the distribution rules listed under a labor schedule version to update it.

Use the Create Rule button to add a distribution rule to a labor schedule version. The Create Distribution Rule side-sheet appears.

Use the Project and Nonproject toggle buttons to specify whether you want to associate a distribution rule with a project or with a general ledger. You cannot change this option once you save the distribution rule.

If you want to associate a distribution rule with a project, you must specify:

  1. The Project, Task, Award (if it is a sponsored project), and Funding Source with which you want to associate the distribution rule.
  2. The Expenditure Organization associated with the project, the Expenditure Type of the distribution rule, and the Percentage of the cost associated with the labor schedule that you want to allocate to the distribution rule.
  3. The Percentage of the cost associated with the labor schedule that you want to allocate to the distribution rule.

If you want to associate a distribution rule with a nonproject general ledger, you must specify:

  1. The GL Account that you want to use for the distribution rule.
  2. The Percentage of the cost associated with the labor schedule that you want to allocate to the distribution rule.

    Each distribution rule can account for any percentage of the total costs. Put together, however, the distribution rule percentages in a labor schedule version must be less than or equal to 100.

Click View all applicable schedules to see all the labor schedules that use the selected pay element.