What happens when I calculate amounts for a selected budget or forecast line or period line?

When you calculate amounts for a selected line, revenue and cost are derived based on the relevant quantity and rates.

Amounts in planned currency are converted to the project currency and project ledger currency. Changes, if any, roll up the hierarchy from resources to lowest tasks and then to summary tasks, depending on the row that you selected for calculation.


If you select a summary row, calculations are performed for all lines in the hierarchy.

If you change the planning currency of a planned resource in a budget line or forecast line, the raw cost and burdened cost amounts are recalculated accordingly.

When you calculate amounts for a budget or forecast line, amounts and quantities are distributed to the period lines based on the associated spread curve. Conversely, amounts and quantities roll up to the budget or forecast lines if you calculate at the period level.

Populated values aren't saved automatically. You can revise rates or quantity and calculate amounts for what-if analysis as required.