3Setting Up GIS

Setting Up Map Profiles

Use map profiles to configure specific instances of map functionality in the system. Profiles set the default extent for the map as well as controlling the availability of certain map options.

Mapping capabilities depend on integration with a map service such as Esri’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Before you set up map profiles, publish your map service so that it can be referenced from within the Oracle system.

Required Map Profiles

Maps appear on various pages in the Oracle system. To configure each map, you need to set up its map profile.

The following tables describe the map profiles that you need to set up and identify the related maps for each profile.

Caution: Each map is hard-coded to use a map profile with a specific name. So when you set up your map profiles, you must use the exact names given below.

This table lists map profiles for the main maps that appear outside the context of a specific application. There are separate map profiles depending on who accesses this map.

Map Profile

Related Map


The main map that appears when an agency staff member clicks the Main Map icon in the page header.


The main map that appears when an anonymous user clicks the Explore Your City tile on the landing page.


The main map that appears when a public user who is signed in clicks the Explore Your City tile on the landing page.

Registered users and anonymous users see different maps because the map for registered users has an additional option for limiting searches to just the user’s own applications. This option is not configured on the map profile, but the existence of two separate maps means that you must set up two separate map profiles.

This table lists additional maps that support applications and inspections.

Map Profile

Related Map


The property picker map. This map appears in a modal window that is accessed from an application intake form or, for submitted applications, from the application details Property Information page.


The map that appears at the top of the application detail pages, the parcel details pages, the address detail pages, and the owner detail pages.


The map that inspectors see when using mobile inspection functionality.


The map that appears on the application list pages when they are in map view.

These list pages are the Transactions page for agency staff and the Applications page for registered public users. Both pages have List View and Map View buttons for toggling between views.


The map that appears on the Generate Notifications List page.

Agency staff uses this page to define a notification area for a hearing. See Generating a Hearing Notifications List.

Adding a Map Profile

  1. Select GIS Setup > Map Profile.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter the profile name in the Map Profile field.

    Caution: You must use the exact names that are listed above. Each page that displays a map is hard-coded to look for a specific map profile name.
  4. Enter the URL for your map service in the Map Service URL field.

    When you enter the URL, the system asks if you want to use the default map extent from your map service. Typically you will answer Yes.

    The URL itself is not required in the map profile, and saving it to the profile can impact performance. However, for profiles other than PSC_DEFAULT_EXTENT, saving the map URL and turning on the Enable Layers switch enables the Identify GIS Information icon on the map toolbar. Users who switch on the Identify GIS Information toggle can click map objects such as parcels to display a pop-up window with object information.

    Tip: Entering the Map Service URL to bring in the default map extent and then clearing the field will improve performance. This is a good option for the PSC_DEFAULT_EXTENT map profile. For other map profiles, you need to weigh the performance impact against the value of giving users the Identify GIS Information option on the maps.
  5. Verify or modify the default map extent supplied by the map service URL.

    If it’s necessary to use values other than the default values that come from the map service, your GIS analyst, who understands the map service data, should provide the new values.

    Note: If the PSC_DEFAULT_EXTENT map profile (for maps that appear in the header area of various pages) is able to show a marker related to the map context, it ignores the default map extent from the map profile. For example, in the application detail page for a permit, the map displays a marker for the permit location, if available, rather than showing the default extent from the map profile.

    These fields define the default map extent:

    Page Element


    X-Min of Default Map View

    The top-left X-coordinate of the initial map view extent.

    X-Max of Default Map View

    The bottom-right X-coordinate of the initial map view extent.

    Y-Min of Default Map View

    The bottom-left Y-coordinate of the initial map view extent.

    Y-Max of Default Map View

    The top-right Y-coordinate of the initial map view extent.

    Spatial Reference

    The geographic coordinate system or map projection used by the mapping service to display the map.

  6. Configure the map’s user controls.
    Note: Most of these settings do not affect the maps that are controlled by the PSC_DEFAULT_EXTENT map profile. The only setting that is relevant to this profile is the Base Map field.

    Maps can include various widgets that let users manipulate the appearance of the map . These fields let you choose which options are available to users:

    Page Element


    Enable Default Map View

    Indicate whether to display the icon for restoring the map to its initial extent. A user who has zoomed or panned the map clicks this icon to restore the default map area.

    When this option is enabled, the Show Default Map View icon is included on the map tool ribbon.

    Base Map

    Select the default type of base map. The options are:

    • Dark gray canvas

    • Light gray canvas

    • Imagery with labels

    • National Geographic

    • Topographic

    • Open Street Map

    • Imagery

    • Streets

    • Terrain with labels

    • Oceans

    Enable Base Map Gallery

    Indicate whether users are allowed to switch to a different base map.

    When this option is enabled, the Select Base Map icon is included on the map tool ribbon.

    Enable Map Layers

    Indicate whether the user is allowed to see the list of layers and switch layer visibility on and off. Examples of layers include environmental, zoning, or infrastructure information provided by the map service.

    When this option is enabled, the Select Layers icon is included on the map tool ribbon.

    When this option is enabled and you save a map service URL to the profile, the Identify GIS Information icon is included on the map tool ribbon.

    Enable Detail Window Docking

    Indicate whether the map detail window is docked to the side of the view. The detail window is the pop-up window that appears when a user clicks a map marker or other GIS feature such as a parcel.

    Detail Window Dock Position

    Specify the position where the map detail window is initially docked: Auto, Bottom left, Bottom center, Bottom right, Top left, Top center, or Top right.
  7. Click Save.

Modifying a Map Profile

  1. Select GIS Setup > Map Profile.

  2. On the Map Profiles page, click the row for the profile that you want to modify.

  3. To change the default map extent, enter a new map service URL and answer Yes when asked whether to use the associated default extent.

    Alternatively, a GIS analyst can manually update the fields related to the default map extent.

  4. As needed, update the settings related to user controls on the related map.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Map Profiles

Normally the only reason to delete a map profile is if you accidentally create one with the wrong map name. The correctly-named profiles are required, so you will normally modify the profiles rather than delete them.

To delete a single map profile:

  1. Select GIS Setup > Map Profile.

  2. On the Map Profiles page, click the row for the profile that you want to delete.

  3. On the Map Profile Details page, click Delete.

To delete multiple map profiles

  1. Select GIS Setup > Map Profile.

  2. Click the Edit icon.

  3. Select the check boxes for the map profiles to delete.

  4. Click the Delete icon.

Setting Up GIS Attribute Mapping

Use Global Information Systems (GIS) attribute mapping to specify information about your map service parcel layer.


Before you enter the information about your map service layers, you must:

  • Publish the map service.

  • Ensure that the map service has parcel, address, and owner layers.

  • Ensure that the parcel layer has a field with parcel IDs that match the parcel IDs in the Oracle system.

    Parcel IDs must match exactly, with no formatting differences.

Setting Up the Service Layer URLs

To set up the layer service URLs:

  1. Select GIS Setup > Attribute Mapping.

  2. Enter the following parcel layer information on the GIS Attribute Mapping page:

    Page Element


    Parcel Layer Service URL

    Enter the URL for your parcel layer feature service.

    The URLs for the different layers of an Esri map service have numeric identifiers. The URL that you enter here ends with the number for the parcel layer as in the example https://servername/arcgis/rest/services/Your_City/MapServer/4

    You must publish your parcel layer feature service before you enter the URL here.

    Parcel Number

    Select the parcel layer GIS attribute that provides the unique identifier for each parcel.

    The values in the drop-down list come from the parcel layer that you specify. Select the GIS attribute that provides the same identifiers that are used in the parcel table in the Oracle system.

    For information about setting up the parcel table, see Setting Up Parcels.

    On maps used as property pickers, clicking a parcel on a map retrieves the parcel identifier from the map service. This value is used as criteria for searching the Parcel table, and the search results appear in a modal window. As long as the same parcel number exists in the Parcel table, the search results include just one value, representing the selected parcel.

  3. Enter the following address layer information on the GIS Attribute Mapping page:

    Page Element


    Address Layer Service URL

    Enter the URL for your address layer feature service. The URL ends with the number for the address layer.

    You must publish your address layer feature service before you enter the URL here.

    Parcel Number

    Select the address layer GIS attribute that provides the unique identifier for each parcel.

  4. Enter the following Owner layer information on the GIS Attribute Mapping page:

    Page Element


    Owner Layer Service URL

    Enter the URL for your owner layer feature service. The URL ends with the number for the owner layer.

    You must publish your owner layer feature service before you enter the URL here.

    Parcel Number

    Select the owner layer GIS attribute that provides the unique identifier for each parcel.

  5. Click Save.