3Managing Projects

Using Projects

This topic discusses how to use the Public Sector Compliance and Regulation Projects.

A Project is a collection of various records from transactions, which include permits, planning applications, and pre-applications. It provides a summarized, consolidated view across project-related records.

Agency staff create and manage such inventory of projects comprising of various records and their attributes, and maintain detailed project information – all easily accessible from one location – the Projects page.

You use the Projects page to manage a complete list of projects with all the details, and perform various tasks.

This example illustrates the Projects page:

Projects page

Use the project list on the Projects page to perform these tasks:

  • Manage project activity

  • Create new or update existing project details

  • Assign or Unassign transactions

  • Add and maintain project contacts

  • Access comprehensive project record details

You can access the Projects page by clicking the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard, or by clicking Projects > Project List in the navigation bar.

Using the Projects Page

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, you can perform these actions:

    Page Elements



    Click to add a new project, assign transactions, and create contacts.


    Search by alphanumeric characters on the fields for projects in the list. The projects that meet the search criteria are displayed on the page.


    Apply filters to display projects that contain the selected parameter values in the list. Click the filter button to open the Filter By options, where you can define and save your own filters.

    Sort by

    Select an option to sort the projects in the list by these fields:

    • Project

    • Project Summary

    • Contact

    • Status

    • Start Date

    • End Date


    Click the Details button to access the details for the selected project.

Adding a New Project

As an agency staff, you can create new projects to include transactions and contacts.

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, select the Add button.

  3. On the Project Details page, add values for the fields in the Projects section:

    Page Elements


    Project ID

    Displays the system generated project ID after you save the project.


    Enter the name of the project.


    Enter a detailed description of the project.


    Select the type of project from the list of options.


    Select the status of the project:

    • Active

    • Canceled

    • On Hold

    • Inactive

    • Completed

    Estimated Valuation

    Enter an estimated amount for the project.

    Start Date

    Enter the start date for the project.

    End Date

    Enter the end date of the project.

    Primary Contact

    Click the prompt to open the Look Up page, which lists all the registered contacts. You can search for your desired contact using the Searchoption.

    Select the desired contact and use the Select Contact Type option to select the type of contact.

  4. In the Primary Address section, click the prompt to open the Search Property page.

  5. Use the Search box to filter the parcel, address, or owner values by keyword. Select the record you want by clicking the Select button. The Search Property page closes and the selected address appears on the Project Details page.

  6. Click Save to save the new project and return to the Projects page. The new project record now appears in the projects list.

Assigning Transactions to a Project

As an agency staff, you assign permits to a project that you have created. You use the Assign page to assign transactions to your project. Transactions include permits, planning applications, and pre-applications.

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, select the Details button on the project record that you want to assign transactions to.

  3. On the Project Detail page, click Transactions on the left panel.

  4. On the Transactions page, click the Assign button.

  5. The Assign page opens with a list of all transactions available in the system. Use the Search option to search transactions by address, applicant, or transaction ID.

  6. The Filter allows you to refine your search results further using the permit applicant’s name and address.

  7. Select the transactions using the check box available against each transaction record.

  8. Click the Assign button to assign the selected transactions and return to the Transactions page, which lists the new transaction assignments.

Note: As a project manager, you can assign transactions to your project. The Assign page lists only those permits, planning applications, and pre-applications that were applied by you. The system ensures that project managers can assign only those transactions that were created by them. See the documentation on Security.

Unassigning Transactions from a Project

As an agency staff, you can unassign transactions from a project that you have created. You use the Transactions page to unassign transactions from your project.

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, select the Details button on the project record from which you want to unassign transactions.

  3. On the Project Detail page, click Transactions on the left panel.

  4. On the Transactions page click the Edit button, which enables you to select transaction records to unassign.

  5. Use the check box available against each transaction record that you want to unassign and then click the Unassign button.

Viewing and Updating Project Details

You view and manage projects comprising of transaction assignments and project contacts on the Project Details page.

The header displays the project code, project type description, and the project primary address. A map marker displays the primary location of the selected project on the map.

The left panel lists the five links to the project detail pages – Overview, Transactions, Inspections, Fees and Payments, and Contacts. Clicking each link opens the detail view on the right panel.

This example illustrates the Project Details page:

Project Details page

Using the Overview Page

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, select the Details button for a project in the grid.

  3. The Overview page displays the information about the selected project in three sections – Overview, Primary Contact, and Fees and Payments.

  4. The Overview section lists the basic information about the project. You can edit values for all the fields except for the Project ID and the Created By fields, which are system generated. The field descriptions are detailed under Adding a New Project.

    • A graphical chart displays the top five transactions and their percentage fees distribution, calculated using the transaction total fees from all the assignments for the project.. Others accounts to the fees from the rest of the transactions assigned to the project.

    • The Primary Contact section displays the details of the contact that was entered at the time of creating the project. You cannot edit the values for these fields on this page.

      Note: You can change the primary contact from the Contacts page.
    • The Fees and Payments section displays:

      Page Elements


      Total Fees

      The sum of all the fee values from all the transactions assigned to the project.

      Total Payable

      The sum of the payable amounts from all the transactions assigned to the project.

      Total Paid

      The sum of the amounts paid for all the transactions assigned to the project.

      Balance Due

      The sum of the amounts that is due for all the transactions assigned to the project.

      Note: Balance amount is the difference between the total payable amount and the total paid amount.

      The fields in this section are displayed if there is at least one assignment (permit, planning application, or pre-application) for the project. You cannot edit the values for these fields on this page.

  5. Click Save to save your changes, if any.

Using the Transactions Page

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, select the Details button for a project in the grid.

  3. Click Transactions on the left panel to access the list of transactions that are assigned to the project. The Transactions page provides these details:

    Page Elements



    Click to enable the selection of transactions for unassigning them from the project. See Unassigning Transactions from a Project under Adding a New Project.


    Click to open the Assign page and select transactions to assign to the project.

    See Assigning Transactions under Adding a New Project.


    Apply filters to display projects that contain the selected parameter values in the list. Click the filter button to open the Filter By options, where you can define and save your own filters.


    Sort the list of transactions by:

    • Date

    • Transaction ID

    • Status

    Alert icon

    Identify transactions with a status affected by a condition or if they are pending submit.


    Displays the name and description of the transaction.


    Displays the status of the transaction.

    Created By

    Displays the name of the user who created the transaction, with the date and time of creation.


    Displays the name, email ID, and contact number of the applicant associated to the transaction.


    Displays the address of the property for which the transaction is applied.


    Displays the total fees paid and the balance due, if any.


    Click to access the Transaction page and view the details of the transaction assigned the project. All sections on this page are display-only. See Navigating to Planning Application Details.

Using the Inspections Page

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, select the Details button for a project in the grid.

  3. Click Inspections on the left panel to access the list of permit inspections that are assigned to the project. The Inspections page provides these details:

    Page Elements



    Displays the permit ID.


    Displays the inspection ID.


    Displays the schedule status of the inspection, for example, Scheduled, Requested, Completed, and Canceled.


    Displays the inspector assigned to the inspection.


    Displays the property associated with the inspection.


    Displays the result of the inspection, Pass or Fail.


    Click to access the Inspection Detail page and review the details of the inspection assigned the project. All sections on this page are display-only. See Reviewing Inspection Details.

Using the Fees and Payments Page

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, select the Details button for a project in the grid. Click Fees and Payments on the left panel to access the details of the fees and payments associated with a submitted transaction. The Fees and Payments page provides these details:

    Page Elements


    Total Fees

    Displays the total amount of fees that may be applicable to the transaction.

    Total Payable

    Displays the amount of fees that is designated as payable. Fees that are not payable include fees on hole, for example.

    Total paid

    Displays the amount of the total fees already collected.

    Balance Due

    Displays the remaining portion of the fees yet to be collected.


    Displays the transaction ID.

    Fee Description

    Displays the description of the fee item as defined when creating a fee item.


    Displays the amount due for each fee item.


    Displays the currency in which the transaction will be paid.


    Displays the status of the fees and payment transaction, for example Canceled, Pending, Hold, and Due.

    Assessed Date

    Displays the date the request for payment was issued.

    Payment Date

    Displays the date payment was received.

    Payment Reference

    Displays the payment reference issued for the transaction.


    Displays the invoice number of the agency associated with the permit transaction application.


    Click to access the Fee Item Details page and review the details of the fees.

Using the Contacts Page

  1. Select the Project List tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Projects page, select the Details button for a project in the grid.

  3. Click Contacts on the left panel to access the list of contacts that are added to the project. You will see the primary contact that was added at the time of creating the project.

  4. Click the Details button for the contact record to open the Contact Details page. You can view the contact details and edit certain fields.Note: You cannot delete a primary contact or turn off the Primary Flag option. However, when you are adding a contact from registered contacts, you can assign that contact as Primary. Such an assignment will automatically update the earlier primary contact as not primary.

  5. Click Save to save your changes to the Contact Details page and return to the Contacts page.

  6. Click Add New Contact to access the Contact details page. You can:

    • Add a contact from registered contacts: You just select a contact from a list of contacts that are already registered in the system and include in the project. Click Select on the row to open the Select Contact Type page. You can select the contact type and set the contact as primary contact. The primary contact that was selected at the time of creating the project will longer be a primary contact.

    • Add a brand new contact manually: You create a new contact by entering all the contact details and then include in the transaction.