URL Paths

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) path identifies the REST API resource that you want to call. A complete URL path consists of the server name and the resource path:


The <server> is the REST API Server URL mentioned in the welcome email sent to your Oracle Cloud service administrator. For example:


The <resource-path> is the relative path or endpoint to the REST resource you're working with. For example, for accounts in the CRM service, the resource path is as follows:


So, the combined request URL for the accounts resource becomes:


Note that the resource path typically contains the context root for the REST API web module and the API version of a resource. For example, for the accounts resource, the context root for the REST API web module is crmRestApi and the version is If a resource path doesn't contain a version number, then it resolves to the latest version of the resource.

In Release 13, REST service URL paths use the following root context values:
  • Services under the /crmCommonApi, /crmPerformanceApi, and /salesApi paths now use /crmRestApi

  • Services under the /hcmCoreApi, /hcmCoreSetupApi, and /hcmWorkforceMgmtApi now use /hcmRestApi

  • Services under the /costManagementApi, /incentiveCompensationApi, / logisticsApi , /manufacturingApi , / productManagementCommonApi , and /projectsFinancialsApi now use /fscmRestApi

To ensure backward compatibility, Oracle Applications Cloud automatically redirects the REST service calls that contain the older root context values. For example, if a current version (11.13.x.x) REST service call is:


The call is automatically redirected as:


Although redirecting the REST service calls happens automatically, it's highly recommended that you update the client applications to use the correct revised URL paths. Don't rely exclusively on the redirect functionality.