12PSC Inspections Supervisor (Job Role)


Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Role Hierarchy

The PSC Inspections Supervisor job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • PSC Inspections Supervisor
    • PSC Ad hoc Alerts Management

    • PSC Add Comments to Inspections

    • PSC Add Comments to Permits

    • PSC Add Comments to Planning and Zoning

    • PSC Add Inspection Checklist

    • PSC Add Inspection Checklist Items

    • PSC Add Property Attachments

    • PSC Agency Permits Inquiry
      • PSC Download Permit Attachments

      • PSC Permit Property Inquiry
        • PSC View Property Attachments

        • PSC View Property Attachments Detail

        • PSC View Property Detail Attachments

      • PSC Run Permit Activity Report

      • PSC View Hidden from Public sections in the Permit Applications

      • PSC View Inspection Attachments

      • PSC View Permit Attachments

      • PSC View Property Attachments

      • PSC View Property Information in Permit Intake form

    • PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry
      • PSC Access Planner Calendar

      • PSC Hearings Inquiry

      • PSC Pre-Application Meeting Inquiry

      • PSC View Planner Assignment

      • PSC View Planning and Zoning Attachments

      • PSC View Property Information in Planning Intake form

    • PSC Agency Staff
      • PSC Access Redacted Information

      • PSC Agency Permits Inquiry
        • PSC Download Permit Attachments

        • PSC Permit Property Inquiry
          • PSC View Property Attachments

          • PSC View Property Attachments Detail

          • PSC View Property Detail Attachments

        • PSC Run Permit Activity Report

        • PSC View Hidden from Public sections in the Permit Applications

        • PSC View Inspection Attachments

        • PSC View Permit Attachments

        • PSC View Property Attachments

        • PSC View Property Information in Permit Intake form

      • PSC Agency Springboard

      • PSC Manage Related Transactions

      • PSC Map User

      • PSC Projects Inquiry
        • PSC View Permit Project Attachments OBSOLETE

      • PSC Property Setup Inquiry
        • PSC View Property Setup Attachments

      • PSC Task Management

      • PSC View Public Sector Project Attachments

    • PSC Agency Staff Comments User

    • PSC Agency Staff Profile Inquiry
      • PSC HCM Employee Data Inquiry

    • PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry
      • PSC Hearings Inquiry

      • PSC Review Summary Inquiry

    • PSC Apply Permit
      • PSC Add Comments to Permit intake form

      • PSC Cancel Inspection Request

      • PSC Download Permit Attachments

      • PSC Permits Attachments User
        • PSC Add Permit Attachments

        • PSC Delete Permit Attachments that were added by self

        • PSC Update Permit Attachments that were added by self

      • PSC View Inspection Attachments

      • PSC View Permit Attachments

      • PSC View Property Attachments

    • PSC Delete Inspection Comments added by self

    • PSC Inspection Request Management
      • PSC Cancel Inspection Request

      • PSC Schedule Inspection Duty

    • PSC Inspections Attachments User
      • PSC Add Inspection Attachments

      • PSC Delete Inspection Attachments added by self

      • PSC Update Inspection Attachments added by self

    • PSC Map User

    • PSC Permit Conditions Management

    • PSC Permit Related Management Record

    • PSC Permits Attachments User
      • PSC Add Permit Attachments

      • PSC Delete Permit Attachments that were added by self

      • PSC Update Permit Attachments that were added by self

    • PSC Permits Communication Management

    • PSC Permits Fees and Payments Administration

    • PSC Permits Workflow User
      • PSC Add Comments to Permit Workflow Task assigned to self

      • PSC Add Permit Workflow Attachments

      • PSC Delete Permit Workflow Attachments that were added by self

      • PSC Delete Permit Workflow Comments added by self

      • PSC Update Permit Workflow Attachments that were added by self

      • PSC Update Permit Workflow Comments added by self

      • PSC View Permit Workflow Attachments

    • PSC Print Building Permit

    • PSC Projects Administration
      • PSC Add Public Sector Project Attachments

      • PSC Delete Public Sector Project Attachments added by Self

      • PSC Update Public Sector Project Attachments added by Self

      • PSC View Public Sector Project Attachments

    • PSC Public User Account Inquiry

    • PSC Run Inspection Activity Report

    • PSC Run Inspection Job card Report

    • PSC Run Inspection Summary Report

    • PSC Run Planning Application Report

    • PSC Update Inspection Comments added by self


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the PSC Inspections Supervisor job role.

Duty Role Description

PSC Ad hoc Alerts Management

Allows users to manage public sector ad hoc alerts. This access is assigned to the internal users.

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

PSC Agency Springboard

Agency Springboard Duty

PSC Agency Staff Comments User

Agency Staff Comments User Duty

PSC Agency Staff Profile Inquiry

Agency Staff Profile Inquiry Duty

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

The anonymous Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

PSC HCM Employee Data Inquiry

Allows user to view Employee

PSC Hearings Inquiry

Allows users to view hearings.

PSC Inspection Request Management

Inspection Request Management Duty

PSC Inspections Attachments User

Allows users to manage inspection Attachments

PSC Manage Related Transactions

Manages Related Transactions.

PSC Map User

Map User Duty

PSC Permit Conditions Management

Conditions Management Duty

PSC Permit Property Inquiry

Permit Property Inquiry Duty

PSC Permit Related Management Record

Permit Related Management Record Duty

PSC Permits Attachments User

Permits Attachments User Duty

PSC Permits Communication Management

Permits Communication Management Duty

PSC Permits Fees and Payments Administration

Permits Fees and Payments Administration Duty

PSC Permits Workflow User

Permits Workflow User Duty

PSC Pre-Application Meeting Inquiry

Allows users to view a Pre-Application Meeting.

PSC Print Building Permit

Allows user to print building permit.

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

PSC Projects Inquiry

Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This access is assigned to all users.

PSC Property Setup Inquiry

Allows the agency user to view property setup.

PSC Public User Account Inquiry

Public User Account Inquiry Duty

PSC Review Summary Inquiry

Allows users to view Pre-Application Review Summary.

PSC Run Inspection Activity Report

Allows user to run Inspection Activity Report.

PSC Run Inspection Job card Report

Allows user to run Inspection Job card Report.

PSC Run Inspection Summary Report

Allows user to run inspection summary report.

PSC Run Permit Activity Report

Allows user to run permit activity report.1

PSC Run Planning Application Report

Allows user to run Planning Application Report.

PSC Task Management

Task Management Duty

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the PSC Inspections Supervisor job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

PSC Access Planner Calendar

Allows agency user to access Planner Calendar.

PSC Access Redacted Information

Allows users to access redacted information.

PSC Add Comments to Inspections

Add Comments to Inspections

PSC Add Comments to Permit Workflow Task assigned to self

Add Comments to Permit Workflow Task assigned to self

PSC Add Comments to Permit intake form

Allows users to add comments to permit intake form.

PSC Add Comments to Permits

Add Comments to Permits

PSC Add Comments to Planning and Zoning

Allows user to add comments to Planning and Zoning.

PSC Add Inspection Attachments

Add Inspection Attachments

PSC Add Inspection Checklist

Allows user to Add Inspection Checklist

PSC Add Inspection Checklist Items

Allows user to Add Inspection Checklist Items

PSC Add Permit Attachments

Add Permit Attachments

PSC Add Permit Workflow Attachments

Add Permit Workflow Attachments

PSC Add Property Attachments

Add Property Attachments

PSC Add Public Sector Project Attachments

PSC Cancel Inspection Request

Allows user to Cancel Inspection Request

PSC Delete Inspection Attachments added by self

Delete Inspection Comments added by self

PSC Delete Inspection Comments added by self

Delete Inspection Comments added by self

PSC Delete Permit Attachments that were added by self

Delete Permit Attachments that were added by self

PSC Delete Permit Workflow Attachments that were added by self

Delete Permit Workflow Attachments that were added by self

PSC Delete Permit Workflow Comments added by self

Delete Permit Workflow Comments added by self

PSC Delete Public Sector Project Attachments added by Self

PSC Download Permit Attachments

Download Permit Attachments

PSC Schedule Inspection Duty

Allows user to schedule inspection

PSC Update Inspection Attachments added by self

Allows user to update inspection attachments added by self.

PSC Update Inspection Comments added by self

Update Inspection Comments added by self

PSC Update Permit Attachments that were added by self

Update Permit Attachments that were added by self

PSC Update Permit Workflow Attachments that were added by self

Update Permit Workflow Attachments that were added by self

PSC Update Permit Workflow Comments added by self

Update Permit Workflow Comments added by self

PSC Update Public Sector Project Attachments added by Self

PSC View Hidden from Public sections in the Permit Applications

Allows user to View Hidden from Public sections in the Permit and Planning detail form.

PSC View Inspection Attachments

View Inspection Attachments

PSC View Permit Attachments

View Permit Attachments

PSC View Permit Project Attachments OBSOLETE

View Project Attachments

PSC View Permit Workflow Attachments

View Permit Workflow Attachments

PSC View Planner Assignment

Allows users to view a planner assigned to planning application and pre-application.

PSC View Planning and Zoning Attachments

Allows users to view Planning and Zoning attachments.

PSC View Property Attachments

View Property Attachments

PSC View Property Attachments Detail

View Property Attachments Detail

PSC View Property Detail Attachments

View Property Detail Attachments

PSC View Property Information in Permit Intake form

Allows user to view property information

PSC View Property Information in Planning Intake form

Allows user to view planning intake form property information

PSC View Property Setup Attachments

Allows users to view property setup attachments.

PSC View Public Sector Project Attachments


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the PSC Inspections Supervisor job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

PSC Ad hoc Alerts Management

Allows users to manage public sector ad hoc alerts. This access is assigned to the internal users.

Manage Ad hoc Alerts

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

Access Permit Level Communication List

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

Access Permit List

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

Access Time Recording List

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Applicant Information

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Communication in Permit Level Communication List

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Inspection Calendar

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Inspection Comments

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Inspection Detail

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Inspection Request

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Inspector Calendar

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Invoice Payment List

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Payment cart

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Payments Calendar

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Amendment

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Application Information

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Comments

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Conditions

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Contacts

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Detail

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Fees

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Overview

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Plan Review

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Projects

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Property Information

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Related Records

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Workflow

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permit Workflow Comments

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Permits

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Plan Review Comments

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Planning and Zoning Fees

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Refund Fees and Payments

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Status History

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Time Recording Detail

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Void Fees and Payments

PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Agency Permit Application Inquiry Duty

View Workflow list

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

Access Planning and Zoning Level Communication List

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

Access Planning and Zoning List

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Communication in Planning and Zoning Level Communication List

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Comments

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Conditions

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Contacts

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Detail

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Overview

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Projects

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Property Information

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Workflow

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Workflow Comments

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Pre-Application Review Summary Comments

PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

The agency Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Status History

PSC Agency Springboard

Agency Springboard Duty

Access Agency Spring board

PSC Agency Springboard

Agency Springboard Duty

Access Navigation Page Finder

PSC Agency Springboard

Agency Springboard Duty

Access Navigator

PSC Agency Springboard

Agency Springboard Duty

Access PSC default access needed by all PSC Users

PSC Agency Staff

Default access needed by the Employees of the Agency. Duty roles assigned to this role grant access to the Agency Springboard, Task management.

Access Main Map in the Header

PSC Agency Staff

Default access needed by the Employees of the Agency. Duty roles assigned to this role grant access to the Agency Springboard, Task management.

Access Public Sector GIS Public Notification

PSC Agency Staff

Default access needed by the Employees of the Agency. Duty roles assigned to this role grant access to the Agency Springboard, Task management.

Access Public Sector Projects List

PSC Agency Staff

Default access needed by the Employees of the Agency. Duty roles assigned to this role grant access to the Agency Springboard, Task management.

Apply from Public Sector GIS Map

PSC Agency Staff

Default access needed by the Employees of the Agency. Duty roles assigned to this role grant access to the Agency Springboard, Task management.

View Property Detail

PSC Agency Staff

Default access needed by the Employees of the Agency. Duty roles assigned to this role grant access to the Agency Springboard, Task management.

View Trading Community Common Setup

PSC Agency Staff Profile Inquiry

Agency Staff Profile Inquiry Duty

Access Agency Staff List

PSC Agency Staff Profile Inquiry

Agency Staff Profile Inquiry Duty

View Agency Staff Profile

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

The anonymous Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

Access Apply for Planning and Zoning Page

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

The anonymous Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Conditions

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

The anonymous Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Overview

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

The anonymous Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Projects

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

The anonymous Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Property Information

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

The anonymous Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.

View Planning and Zoning Workflow

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Access Apply for Permit Page

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Access Inspection List

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Add Inspection Request for Own Permits

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Add Payment cart

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Add Permit

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Add Permit Amendment

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Add Permit Contacts

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Add Permit Property Information

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Add Public Sector Related Transactions

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Apply Permit

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Delete Contacts on Permits

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Delete Payment cart

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Delete Permit Property Information

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Delete Public Sector Related Transactions

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Print Payment Receipt

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Print Permit

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Update Contacts on Permits

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Update Inspection Request

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Update Payment cart

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Update Permit Amendment

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Update Permit Property Information

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

Update Public Sector Related Transactions

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Inspection Calendar

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Inspection Comments

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Inspection Detail

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Inspection Request

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Invoice Payment List

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Payment cart

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Permit Contacts

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Permit Detail

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Permit Plan Review

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Plan Review Comments

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Planning and Zoning Comments

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Planning and Zoning Workflow Comments

PSC Apply Permit

Apply Permit Duty

View Public Sector Related Transactions

PSC Hearings Inquiry

Allows users to view hearings.

View Hearings

PSC Inspection Request Management

Inspection Request Management Duty

Access Inspection Console

PSC Inspection Request Management

Inspection Request Management Duty

Update Inspection Detail

PSC Inspection Request Management

Inspection Request Management Duty

Update Inspection Request

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Access Mobile Inspector Landing Page

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Access My Inspections Task List

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Access Offline Resources

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Access Supervisor Calendar

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Add Inspection Mileage Recording

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Add Inspection Scheduling

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Add Inspection Time Recording

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Assign Workflow Task

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Capture Time in Time Recording

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Delete Inspection Mileage Recording

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Delete Inspection Scheduling

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Delete Inspection Time Recording

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Update Inspection Checklist

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Update Inspection Checklist Items

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Update Inspection Mileage Recording

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Update Inspection Scheduling

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

Update Inspection Time Recording

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

View Inspection Checklist

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

View Inspection Checklist Items

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

View Inspection Mileage Recording

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

View Inspection Scheduling

PSC Inspections Supervisor

Manages the workflow and people to get through inspection jobs everyday. Keeps track of inspectors, districts and workload.

View Inspection Time Recording

PSC Manage Related Transactions

Manages Related Transactions.

Add Public Sector Related Transactions

PSC Manage Related Transactions

Manages Related Transactions.

Delete Public Sector Related Transactions

PSC Manage Related Transactions

Manages Related Transactions.

Update Public Sector Related Transactions

PSC Manage Related Transactions

Manages Related Transactions.

View Public Sector Related Transactions

PSC Map User

Map User Duty

View GIS

PSC Permit Conditions Management

Conditions Management Duty

Add Permit Conditions

PSC Permit Conditions Management

Conditions Management Duty

Resolve Permit Conditions

PSC Permit Conditions Management

Conditions Management Duty

Update Permits Conditions

PSC Permit Conditions Management

Conditions Management Duty

Update Permits Mandatory for making any updates to the Permit

PSC Permit Property Inquiry

Permit Property Inquiry Duty

View Property Conditions

PSC Permit Property Inquiry

Permit Property Inquiry Duty

View Property Detail

PSC Permit Property Inquiry

Permit Property Inquiry Duty

View Property Permits

PSC Permit Related Management Record

Permit Related Management Record Duty

Add Permit Related Records

PSC Permit Related Management Record

Permit Related Management Record Duty

Delete Permit Related Records

PSC Permit Related Management Record

Permit Related Management Record Duty

Update Permit Related Records

PSC Permits Attachments User

Permits Attachments User Duty

Update Permits Mandatory for making any updates to the Permit

PSC Permits Communication Management

Permits Communication Management Duty

Access Permit Level Communication List

PSC Permits Communication Management

Permits Communication Management Duty

Forward or resend Communication in Permit Level Communication List

PSC Permits Communication Management

Permits Communication Management Duty

Send Impromptu Alert Message

PSC Permits Communication Management

Permits Communication Management Duty

Send Impromptu Email Message

PSC Permits Communication Management

Permits Communication Management Duty

Send Impromptu Notification

PSC Permits Communication Management

Permits Communication Management Duty

Send Impromptu Text Message

PSC Permits Workflow User

Permits Workflow User Duty

Update Permit Workflow Tasks assigned to Self

PSC Permits Workflow User

Permits Workflow User Duty

Update Permits Mandatory for making any updates to the Permit

PSC Permits Workflow User

Permits Workflow User Duty

View Permit Workflow Comments

PSC Pre-Application Meeting Inquiry

Allows users to view a Pre-Application Meeting.

View Pre-Application Meetings

PSC Print Building Permit

Allows user to print building permit.

Print Permit

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Access Public Sector Projects List

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Add Public Sector Project Contacts

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Add Public Sector Project Property

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Administer Public Sector Project Permits

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Administer Public Sector Projects

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Delete Public Sector Project Contact

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Delete Public Sector Project Property

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Update Public Sector Project Contact

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Update Public Sector Project Overview

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

Update Public Sector Project Property

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

View Project Fees and Payments

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

View Project Inspections

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

View Public Sector Project Contacts

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

View Public Sector Project Permits

PSC Projects Administration

Allows users to administer Public Sector projects.

View Public Sector Project Property

PSC Projects Inquiry

Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This access is assigned to all users.

View Project Fees and Payments

PSC Projects Inquiry

Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This access is assigned to all users.

View Project Inspections

PSC Projects Inquiry

Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This access is assigned to all users.

View Public Sector Project Permits

PSC Projects Inquiry

Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This access is assigned to all users.

View Public Sector Project Property

PSC Projects Inquiry

Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This access is assigned to all users.

View Public Sector Projects

PSC Property Setup Inquiry

Allows the agency user to view property setup.

View PSC Property Setup

PSC Property Setup Inquiry

Allows the agency user to view property setup.

View PSC Property Setup Conditions

PSC Public User Account Inquiry

Public User Account Inquiry Duty

Access Public User List

PSC Public User Account Inquiry

Public User Account Inquiry Duty

View Public User Accounts

PSC Review Summary Inquiry

Allows users to view Pre-Application Review Summary.

View Pre-Application Required Applications on Review Summary

PSC Run Inspection Activity Report

Allows user to run Inspection Activity Report.

Run Inspection Activity Report

PSC Run Inspection Job card Report

Allows user to run Inspection Job card Report.

Run Inspection Job card Report

PSC Run Inspection Summary Report

Allows user to run inspection summary report.

Run Inspection Summary Report

PSC Run Permit Activity Report

Allows user to run permit activity report.1

Run Permit Activity Report

PSC Run Planning Application Report

Allows user to run Planning Application Report.

Run Planning Application Report

PSC Task Management

Task Management Duty

Access Task Management

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the PSC Inspections Supervisor job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Cloud Agency Staff

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc agency staff for all agency staff

Role: PSC Agency Staff

Privilege: View PSC Agency Staff (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Agency Staff

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc attachments for inspection attachments that were added by self

Role: PSC Delete Inspection Attachments added by self

Privilege: Delete PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc attachments for permit attachments that were added by self

Role: PSC Delete Permit Attachments that were added by self

Privilege: Delete PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc attachments for permit workflow attachments that were added by self

Role: PSC Delete Permit Workflow Attachments that were added by self

Privilege: Delete PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc attachments for project attachments added by self

Role: PSC Delete Public Sector Project Attachments added by Self

Privilege: Delete PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can download permit attachments for all permits when current user is internal

Role: PSC Download Permit Attachments

Privilege: Download Permit Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can download permit attachments for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Download Permit Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc attachments for inspection attachments that were added by self

Role: PSC Update Inspection Attachments added by self

Privilege: Update PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc attachments for permit attachments that were added by self

Role: PSC Update Permit Attachments that were added by self

Privilege: Update PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc attachments for permit workflow attachments that were added by self

Role: PSC Update Permit Workflow Attachments that were added by self

Privilege: Update PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc attachments for project attachments added by self

Role: PSC Update Public Sector Project Attachments added by Self

Privilege: Update PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for all projects

Role: PSC View Public Sector Project Attachments

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for inspection attachments

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for inspection attachments

Role: PSC View Inspection Attachments

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for inspection attachments of own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for no access project attachments as role is obsolete

Role: PSC View Permit Project Attachments OBSOLETE

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for permit attachments

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for permit attachments

Role: PSC View Permit Attachments

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for permit attachments of own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for permit workflow attachments

Role: PSC View Permit Workflow Attachments

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for planning applications attachments

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for planning applications attachments

Role: PSC View Planning and Zoning Attachments

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for property attachments

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for property attachments

Role: PSC View Property Attachments

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for property attachments of own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for property detail attachments

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for property detail attachments

Role: PSC View Property Detail Attachments

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Attachments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for property setup attachments

Role: PSC View Property Setup Attachments

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Attachments

Public Sector Cloud Cash Drawer

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc cash drawer for all cash drawer

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Cash Drawer (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Cash Drawer

Public Sector Cloud Cash Drawer Payment History

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc payment history for all payment history

Role: PSC Agency Staff

Privilege: View PSC Payment History (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Cash Drawer Payment History

Public Sector Cloud Cashier Session

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc cashier session for all cashier session

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Cashier Session (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Cashier Session

Public Sector Cloud Checkout

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc checkout for own checkout

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Delete PSC Checkout (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Checkout

Public Sector Cloud Checkout

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc checkout for own checkout

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Checkout (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Checkout

Public Sector Cloud Checkout

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc checkout for all checkout

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Checkout (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Checkout

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc comments for inspection comments added by self

Role: PSC Delete Inspection Comments added by self

Privilege: Delete PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc comments for permit workflow comments added by self

Role: PSC Delete Permit Workflow Comments added by self

Privilege: Delete PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc comments for inspection comments added by self

Role: PSC Update Inspection Comments added by self

Privilege: Update PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc comments for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Add Comments to Permit intake form

Privilege: Update PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc comments for permit workflow comments added by self

Role: PSC Update Permit Workflow Comments added by self

Privilege: Update PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for all review summary comments

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for inspection comments

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for inspection comments of own permits that are not marked as hide from public.

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for permit comments

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for permit comments on own permits that are not hidden from public.

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for permit workflow comments

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for plan review comments

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for plan review comments on own permit applications that are not hidden from public.

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for planning applications comments

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for planning applications workflow comments

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc comments for workflow comments on own permit applications that are not hidden from public.

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Comments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Comments

Public Sector Cloud Communication

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc communication for ad hoc alerts

Role: PSC Ad hoc Alerts Management

Privilege: Delete PSC Communication (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Communication

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc communication for ad hoc alerts

Role: PSC Ad hoc Alerts Management

Privilege: Update PSC Communication (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Communication

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc communication for permit communications

Role: PSC Permits Communication Management

Privilege: Update PSC Communication (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Communication

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc communication for web form in the status of sent

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Communication (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Communication

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc communication for all communication

Role: PSC Agency Staff

Privilege: View PSC Communication (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Communication

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc communication for communication with visibility is set to application owner

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Communication (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Communication

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc communication for planning applications communication with visibility is set to public users

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Communication (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Condition List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can resolve conditions for permit conditions

Role: PSC Permit Conditions Management

Privilege: Resolve Conditions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Condition List

Public Sector Cloud Condition List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc condition list for permit conditions

Role: PSC Permit Conditions Management

Privilege: Update PSC Condition List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Condition List

Public Sector Cloud Condition List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc condition list for permit conditions

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Condition List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Condition List

Public Sector Cloud Condition List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc condition list for planning applications conditions

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Condition List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Condition List

Public Sector Cloud Condition List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc condition list for planning applications with system status not in pending, void, expired, denied or withdrawn

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Condition List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Condition List

Public Sector Cloud Condition List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc condition list for property setup conditions

Role: PSC Property Setup Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Condition List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Condition List

Public Sector Cloud Favorite Comments

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can manage favorite comments for own favorite comments

Role: PSC Agency Staff

Privilege: Manage Favorite Comments

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Favorite Comments

Public Sector Cloud Hearings

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view hearings for all hearings

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View Hearings (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Hearings

Public Sector Cloud Hearings

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view hearings for hearings with status not set as tentative

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View Hearings (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Hearings

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add comments to inspections for all inspections in statuses other than completed or canceled.

Role: PSC Add Comments to Inspections

Privilege: Add Comments to Inspections (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add inspection attachments for all inspections in statuses other than completed or canceled.

Role: PSC Add Inspection Attachments

Privilege: Add Inspection Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can cancel inspection request for all inspections in statuses other than completed or canceled.

Role: PSC Cancel Inspection Request

Privilege: Cancel Inspection Request (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc inspection for all inspections in statuses other than completed or canceled.

Role: PSC Inspection Request Management

Privilege: Update PSC Inspection (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc inspection for all inspections raised by self in statuses other than completed or canceled.

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Inspection (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc inspection for all inspection

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Inspection (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc inspection for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Inspection (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A Psc Inspections Supervisor can update public sector cloud inspection for all inspections in statuses other than completed or canceled.

Role: PSC Inspections Supervisor

Privilege: Update PSC Inspection (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection

A Psc Inspections Supervisor can view public sector cloud inspection for all inspection

Role: PSC Inspections Supervisor

Privilege: View PSC Inspection (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection

Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc inspection checklist for all inspection checklist

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Inspection Checklist (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist

Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc inspection checklist for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Inspection Checklist (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist

Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist

A Psc Inspections Supervisor can update public sector cloud inspection checklist for all inspections in statuses other than completed or canceled.

Role: PSC Inspections Supervisor

Privilege: Update PSC Inspection Checklist (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist

Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist

A Psc Inspections Supervisor can view public sector cloud inspection checklist for all inspection checklist

Role: PSC Inspections Supervisor

Privilege: View PSC Inspection Checklist (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist

Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist Item

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc inspection checklist item for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Inspection Checklist Item (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist Item

Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist Item

A Psc Inspections Supervisor can update public sector cloud inspection checklist item for all inspections in statuses other than completed or canceled.

Role: PSC Inspections Supervisor

Privilege: Update PSC Inspection Checklist Item (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist Item

Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist Item

A Psc Inspections Supervisor can view public sector cloud inspection checklist item for all inspection checklist item

Role: PSC Inspections Supervisor

Privilege: View PSC Inspection Checklist Item (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Inspection Checklist Item

Public Sector Cloud Invoices

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc payment history for all payment history

Role: PSC Agency Staff

Privilege: View PSC Payment History (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Invoices

Public Sector Cloud Parcel

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add property attachments for permits that are not closed

Role: PSC Add Property Attachments

Privilege: Add Property Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel

Public Sector Cloud Parcel

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc parcel for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Delete PSC Parcel (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel

Public Sector Cloud Parcel

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc parcel for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Parcel (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel

Public Sector Cloud Parcel

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel for all parcel

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel

Public Sector Cloud Parcel

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel for all parcel

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel

Public Sector Cloud Parcel

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel for all parcel of planning applications not in pending, void, withdrawn, expired or denied statuses

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc parcel address for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Delete PSC Parcel Address (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc parcel address for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Parcel Address (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel address for all parcel address

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel Address (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel address for all parcel address

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel Address (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel address for all parcel address

Role: PSC Permit Property Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel Address (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel address for all parcel address of planning applications not in pending, void, withdrawn, expired or denied statuses

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel Address (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc parcel owner for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Delete PSC Parcel Owner (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc parcel owner for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Parcel Owner (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel owner for all parcel owner

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel Owner (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel owner for all parcel owner

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel Owner (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc parcel owner for all parcel owner of planning applications not in pending, void, withdrawn, expired or denied statuses

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Parcel Owner (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc payment cart for own permit payment cart

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Delete PSC Payment Cart (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc payment cart for own permit payment cart

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Payment Cart (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc payment cart for all payment cart

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Payment Cart (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc payment cart for all payment cart

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Payment Cart (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

Public Sector Cloud Payment History

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc payment history for own permit payment history

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Delete PSC Payment History (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment History

Public Sector Cloud Payment History

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc payment history for own permit payment history

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Payment History (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment History

Public Sector Cloud Payment History

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc payment history for all payment history

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Payment History (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment History

Public Sector Cloud Payment History

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc payment history for all payment history

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Payment History (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment History

Public Sector Cloud Plan Review

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc plan review for all plan review

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Plan Review (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Plan Review

Public Sector Cloud Plan Review

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc plan review for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Plan Review (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Plan Review

Public Sector Cloud Plan Review Documents

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view plan review documents for all plan review

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Plan Review Documents (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Plan Review Documents

Public Sector Cloud Plan Review Documents

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view plan review documents for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Plan Review Documents (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Plan Review Documents

Public Sector Cloud Plan Review Reviewer Documents

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view plan review document reviewer for all plan reviewers and status

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Plan Review Document Reviewer (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Plan Review Reviewer Documents

Public Sector Cloud Plan Review Reviewer Documents

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view plan review document reviewer for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Plan Review Document Reviewer (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Plan Review Reviewer Documents

Public Sector Cloud Plan Reviewers and Status

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc plan review users for all plan reviewers and status

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Plan Review Users (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Plan Reviewers and Status

Public Sector Cloud Plan Reviewers and Status

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc plan review users for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Plan Review Users (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Plan Reviewers and Status

Public Sector Cloud Property Setup

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc property setup for all property setup

Role: PSC Property Setup Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Property Setup (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Property Setup

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add comments to permit intake form for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Add Comments to Permit intake form

Privilege: Add Comments to Permit Intake form (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add comments to permit workflow task for permit workflow task assigned to self

Role: PSC Add Comments to Permit Workflow Task assigned to self

Privilege: Add Comments to Permit Workflow Task (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add comments to permits for permits that are not closed

Role: PSC Add Comments to Permits

Privilege: Add Comments to Permits (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add comments to permits for planning applications that are not closed

Role: PSC Add Comments to Planning and Zoning

Privilege: Add Comments to Permits (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add comments to planning and zoning for no access

Role: PSC Add Comments to Planning and Zoning

Privilege: Add Comments to Planning and Zoning (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add contact to permit for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Add Contact to Permit (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add new property information in permit intake form for own records

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Add New Property Information in Permit Intake form (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add parcel to permits for permits where applicant is self and status is pending

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Add Parcel to Permits (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add permit attachments for own permits that are not closed

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Add Permit Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add permit attachments for permits that are not closed and current user is internal

Role: PSC Add Permit Attachments

Privilege: Add Permit Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add permit workflow attachments for permits that are not closed

Role: PSC Add Permit Workflow Attachments

Privilege: Add Permit Workflow Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add psc payment cart for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Add PSC Payment Cart (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add public sector project record for all permits

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Add Public Sector Project Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add public sector project record for all planning applications

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Add Public Sector Project Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add public sector related transactions for all related transactions

Role: PSC Manage Related Transactions

Privilege: Add Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add public sector related transactions for records with self as applicant

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Add Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can apply conditions for permits in specific statuses where apply condition is allowed

Role: PSC Permit Conditions Management

Privilege: Apply Conditions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can cancel permit application for own permits in pending status or payment pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Cancel Permit Application (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can edit property information in permit intake form for own records

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Edit Property Information in Permit Intake form (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can print payment receipt for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Print Payment Receipt (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can print permit for all permits

Role: PSC Print Building Permit

Privilege: Print Permit (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can print permit for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Print Permit (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can remove property information in permit intake form for own records

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Remove Property Information in Permit Intake form (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can run inspection summary report for all permits

Role: PSC Run Inspection Summary Report

Privilege: Run Inspection Summary Report (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can run inspection summary report for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Run Inspection Summary Report (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can schedule inspection for all permits that are in inspection statuses

Role: PSC Schedule Inspection Duty

Privilege: Schedule Inspection

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can schedule inspection for own permits that are in inspection statuses

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Schedule Inspection

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can search and select property information in permit intake form for own records

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Search and Select Property Information in Permit Intake form (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc record for own permits in pending status or payment pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view hidden from public sections in the permit form for all permits

Role: PSC View Hidden from Public sections in the Permit Applications

Privilege: View Hidden from Public sections in the Permit form

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view hidden from public sections in the permit form for all planning applications

Role: PSC View Hidden from Public sections in the Permit Applications

Privilege: View Hidden from Public sections in the Permit form

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view hidden inspector names for inspector names

Role: PSC Agency Staff

Privilege: View Hidden Inspector Names (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view permit applicant only for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Permit Applicant only (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view permit applicant only for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Permit Applicant only (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view property information in permit intake form for all records

Role: PSC View Property Information in Permit Intake form

Privilege: View Property Information in Permit Intake form (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view property information in permit intake form for own records

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Property Information in Permit Intake form (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view property information in planning intake form for all records

Role: PSC View Property Information in Planning Intake form

Privilege: View Property Information in Planning Intake form (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record for all permits

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record for all permits

Role: PSC Agency Staff

Privilege: View PSC Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record for all permits

Role: PSC Permit Property Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record for all planning applications

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record for planning applications with system status not in pending, void, expired, denied or withdrawn

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector meetings for all pre-applications

Role: PSC Pre-Application Meeting Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Meetings (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector transaction assignment for all planning applications

Role: PSC View Planner Assignment

Privilege: View Public Sector Transaction Assignment (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 1 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 1 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 1 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 1 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 1 for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 1 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 2 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 2 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 2 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 2 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 2 for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 2 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 3 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 3 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 3 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 3 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 3 for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 3 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 4 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 4 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 4 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 4 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 4 for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 4 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant city for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant City (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant city for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant City (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant city for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant City (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant country for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Country (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant country for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Country (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant country for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Country (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant county for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant County (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant county for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant County (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant county for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant County (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant email address1 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email Address1 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant email address1 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email Address1 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant email address1 for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email Address1 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant email address2 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email Address2 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant email address2 for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email Address2 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant email address2 for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email Address2 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant first name for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant First Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant first name for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant First Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant first name for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant First Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant id for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant ID (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant id for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant ID (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant id for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant ID (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant last name for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant last name for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant last name for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant last updated by for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Updated by (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant last updated by for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Updated by (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant last updated by for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Updated by (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant middle name for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Middle Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant middle name for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Middle Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant middle name for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Middle Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name prefix for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Prefix (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name prefix for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Prefix (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name prefix for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Prefix (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name suffix for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Suffix (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name suffix for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Suffix (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name suffix for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Suffix (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone area code for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Area Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone area code for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Area Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone area code for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Area Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone country code for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Country Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone country code for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Country Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone country code for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Country Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone number for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Number (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone number for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Number (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone number for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Number (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant postal code for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Postal Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant postal code for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Postal Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant postal code for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Postal Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant profile id for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Profile Id (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant profile id for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Profile Id (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant profile id for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Profile Id (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant province for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Province (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant province for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Province (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant province for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Province (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant state for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant State (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant state for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant State (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant state for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant State (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted created by for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Created By (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted created by for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Created By (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted created by for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Created By (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted date of birth for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Date Of Birth (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted date of birth for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Date Of Birth (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted date of birth for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Date Of Birth (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted person title for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Person Title (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted person title for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Person Title (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted person title for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Person Title (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted phone extension for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Phone Extension (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted phone extension for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Phone Extension (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted phone extension for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Phone Extension (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted postal plus code for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Postal Plus Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted postal plus code for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Postal Plus Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted postal plus code for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Postal Plus Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted submitted by for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Access Redacted Information

Privilege: View Redacted Submitted By (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted submitted by for all applicants of all records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Redacted Submitted By (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted submitted by for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View Redacted Submitted By (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record

A Psc Inspections Supervisor can update public sector cloud record for permits that are not closed

Role: PSC Inspections Supervisor

Privilege: Update PSC Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record Assignment

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector transaction assignment for all planning applications

Role: PSC View Planner Assignment

Privilege: View Public Sector Transaction Assignment (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Assignment

Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc record contact list for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Delete PSC Record Contact List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc record contact list for own permits in pending status

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update PSC Record Contact List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record contact list for all contacts in records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record Contact List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record contact list for all contacts in records

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record Contact List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record contact list for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Record Contact List (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Contact List

Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record fees for all fees in records

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record Fees (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record fees for all fees in records

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record Fees (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record fees for own permits

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: View PSC Record Fees (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc record fees for planning applications with system status not in pending, void, expired, denied or withdrawn

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Record Fees (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

Public Sector Cloud Related Record Type

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete psc related record type for all related record type

Role: PSC Permit Related Management Record

Privilege: Delete PSC Related Record Type (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Record Type

Public Sector Cloud Related Record Type

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update psc related record type for all related record type

Role: PSC Permit Related Management Record

Privilege: Update PSC Related Record Type (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Record Type

Public Sector Cloud Related Record Type

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc related record type for all related record type

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View PSC Related Record Type (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Record Type

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete public sector related transactions for all related transactions

Role: PSC Manage Related Transactions

Privilege: Delete Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete public sector related transactions for records with self as applicant and link was added by self

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Delete Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update public sector related transactions for all related transactions

Role: PSC Manage Related Transactions

Privilege: Update Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update public sector related transactions for records with self as applicant and link was added by self

Role: PSC Apply Permit

Privilege: Update Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector related transactions for all related transactions

Role: PSC Agency Permits Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector related transactions for all related transactions

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector related transactions for all related transactions

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Related Transactions (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view required applications in pre-application for all required applications of pre-applications

Role: PSC Agency Planning and Zoning Inquiry

Privilege: View Required Applications in Pre-Application (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view required applications in pre-application for all required applications of pre-applications

Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry

Privilege: View Required Applications in Pre-Application (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions

Public Sector Meetings

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector meetings for all pre-application meetings

Role: PSC Pre-Application Meeting Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Meetings (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Meetings

Public Sector Project Addresses

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Delete Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Addresses

Public Sector Project Addresses

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Update Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Addresses

Public Sector Project Addresses

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Addresses

Public Sector Project Addresses

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Addresses

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete public sector project contacts for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Delete Public Sector Project Contacts (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update public sector project contacts for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Update Public Sector Project Contacts (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project contacts for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Contacts (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project contacts for no access

Role: PSC Projects Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Contacts (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 1 for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 1 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 2 for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 2 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 3 for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 3 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted address line 4 for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 4 (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant city for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant City (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant country for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Country (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant county for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant County (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant email address for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email Address (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant first name for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant First Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant last name for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant middle name for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Middle Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name prefix for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Prefix (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant name suffix for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Suffix (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone area code for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Area Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone country code for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Country Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant phone number for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Number (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant postal code for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Postal Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant province for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Province (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted applicant state for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Applicant State (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted person title for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Person Title (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted phone extension for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Phone Extension (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view redacted postal plus code for all users

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Redacted Postal Plus Code (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Delete Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Update Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

Public Sector Project Parcels

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Delete Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Parcels

Public Sector Project Parcels

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Update Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Parcels

Public Sector Project Parcels

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Parcels

Public Sector Project Parcels

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project property for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Parcels

Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete public sector project permit for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Delete Public Sector Project Permit (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference

Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update public sector project permits for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Update Public Sector Project Permits (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference

Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project permit for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Permit (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference

Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector project permit for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Project Permit (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference

Public Sector Projects

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add public sector project attachments for all projects in statuses where adding attachments is allowed

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Add Public Sector Project Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Projects

Public Sector Projects

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can add public sector project record for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Add Public Sector Project Record (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Projects

Public Sector Projects

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can administer public sector project for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Administer Public Sector Project (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Projects

Public Sector Projects

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can delete public sector projects for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Delete Public Sector Projects (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Projects

Public Sector Projects

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can update public sector projects for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: Update Public Sector Projects (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Projects

Public Sector Projects

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view psc attachments for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View PSC Attachments (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Projects

Public Sector Projects

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector projects for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Administration

Privilege: View Public Sector Projects (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Projects

Public Sector Projects

A PSC Inspections Supervisor can view public sector projects for all projects

Role: PSC Projects Inquiry

Privilege: View Public Sector Projects (Data)

Resource: Public Sector Projects