Create a rating method




Supported Media Types
Body ()
The following table describes the body parameters in the request for this task.
Root Schema : publicSectorRatingMethods-item
Type: object
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Nested Schema : Rating Method Details
Type: array
Title: Rating Method Details
The rating methods resource is used to view, create, delete, or modify a rating method. A rating method identifies the ways in which the object of inspection can be rated. For a given rating method, there can be one or more rating ranges. When using scoring for inspections, rating methods are required. Rating methods are used at the inspection type level and are not required at the checklist or checklist item levels.
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Nested Schema : publicSectorRatingMethods-RatingMethodDetail-item
Type: object
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
Body ()
Root Schema : publicSectorRatingMethods-item
Type: object
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Nested Schema : Rating Method Details
Type: array
Title: Rating Method Details
The rating methods resource is used to view, create, delete, or modify a rating method. A rating method identifies the ways in which the object of inspection can be rated. For a given rating method, there can be one or more rating ranges. When using scoring for inspections, rating methods are required. Rating methods are used at the inspection type level and are not required at the checklist or checklist item levels.
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Nested Schema : publicSectorRatingMethods-RatingMethodDetail-item
Type: object
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