8Setting Up Contractor Licenses

Setting Up Contractor License Options

Contractor license options are system-wide settings that control contractor license processing and data. You can maintain multiple sets of options, each with its own identifying code. But only one code at a time can be active.

Use contractor options to control:

  • Whether you integrate with an external licensing body to validate license information.

    • If integration is active, you need to set up status mapping that associate the licensing body’s statuses to your own internal statuses.

    • If integration is not active, you need to set up license types so that users who enter contractor information can identify the type for each license.

  • Whether to allow users to manually choose classifications for licenses.

  • Which sections for supplemental license information are visible to users.

To set up contractor options:

  1. Select Contractor Setup > Contractor License Options.

  2. Click Add to create a new set of options, or click an existing row to modify it.

  3. If you’re creating a new set of options, enter a unique Code as an identifier.

  4. Enter a Description for this set of configuration options.

    The description should be suitable for end-users because both public users and agency staff see the description when entering contractor information.

  5. Use the Setup Enabled switch to indicate whether this is your active contractor configuration.

    Only one set of configuration options can be active. If another configuration is already active, then an error message explains that you must turn off this switch for the active configuration first.

  6. Use these switches to enable additional configuration options:

    Page Element


    Integration Enabled

    When this option is enabled, users can retrieve license information from an external licensing body. The Integrations link becomes visible so you can identify the Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud (OIC) integration that retrieves the information.

    When integration is active, the Status Mapping setting is enabled and the Select License Type switch is disabled.

    Select License Type

    When this option is enabled, users can select a contractor license type when entering contractor information. The License Types link becomes visible so you can maintain the list of license types for this set of options.

    Either the Select License Type switch or the Integration Enabled switch must be enabled. Activating one option automatically turns off the other one.

    Use License Classifications

    When this option is enabled, users can manually maintain the license classifications for a license. The Classifications link becomes visible so you can maintain the list of classifications for this set of options.

    Use Status Mapping

    This read-only switch always has the same setting as the Integration Enabled option. If integration is enabled, use status mapping to associate the licensing body’s statuses to your own internal statuses. The Status Mapping link becomes visible so you can maintain this mapping.

    Choose Sections to Display

    When this option is enabled, you can mark any of the sections for supplemental contractor information as hidden. The Sections link becomes visible so you can set the visibility of each section.

  7. If the Integration Enabled switch is on, click the Integrations link to configure these integration settings:

    Page Element



    Identifies the process that uses integration:

    • Verify license online retrieves information for a specific license that a user enters in the main contractor page or in the intake form for a permit or planning application. These pages have a button that the user clicks to initiate information retrieval.

    • Batch load license data is not currently supported.

    You can create only one row for each integration type.

    Integration Name

    Enter the name of the OIC integration that retrieves contractor license information.

    Integration Parameter

    Enter the query parameter for the OIC integration end point.

    Integration Version

    Enter the version number of the OIC integration.


    Leave this field blank. The source key is maintained in the OIC integration definition.


    Indicate whether the integration type is enabled.

  8. If the Select License Types switch is enabled, click the License Types link to maintain the license types for this set of options.

    Enter the following information for each license type:

    Page Element



    Enter the unique identifier for the license type.


    Enter the descriptive name of the license type.


    Indicate whether the license type is enabled.

  9. If the Use License Classifications switch is enabled, click the Classifications link to maintain the license classifications for this set of options.

    Enter the following information for each license classification:

    Page Element



    Enter the unique identifier for the license classification. The contractor licensing body sets these codes.


    Enter the descriptive name of the license classification.


    Indicate whether the license classification is enabled.

  10. If the Use Status Mapping switch is enabled, click the Status Map link to maintain your status map.

    The statuses that the licensing body assigns are called source statuses. The statuses that your agency uses internally are internal statuses. The map that you create indicates which internal status to assign based on the source status. If a source status does not map to an internal status, the default internal status is Other.

    Enter the following information for each source status:

    Page Element


    Internal Status

    Select the internal status to assign to licenses that have the specified source status.

    If multiple source statuses map to a single internal status, there will be multiple rows for the internal status.

    Source Status

    Enter the source status that you are mapping.

    Decline Application

    Enable this switch to prevent applications from being submitted when a contractor license has this source status.

    Note: If an applicant supplies a license number but does not retrieve license details, the application does not include a source status for the license. In this scenario, the application will not be declined on the basis of the source status.


    Indicate whether the status mapping is enabled.

  11. If the Choose Sections to Display switch is enabled, click the Sections link to maintain section visibility settings.

    Sections are specific categories of supplemental information about licenses. License classifications appear in a section. Other sections contain information about bonds and insurance such as Workers' Compensation.

    In the list of available sections, use the Enabled switch to control section visibility. Turning off the switch hides the section from both agency staff and public users.

  12. Click Save.

Setting Up Contractor License Sections

Contractor license information can include sections with different types of data such as license classification information, workers’ compensation information, and contractors’ bonds. To ensure that users see meaningful labels for these sections, use the Contractor License Sections page to maintain section descriptions.

Note: This page is only for updating descriptions. To hide a section so it is not seen by either agents or public users, use the Contractor License Options page.

To maintain the descriptions of contractor license sections:

  1. Select Contractor Setup > Contractor License Sections.

  2. Review the Description for each delivered section, and update the descriptions as needed.

    These are the delivered sections:

    Section Code

    Delivered Description


    Other Bonds


    Contractor Bond




    Workers' Compensation

  3. Click Save.