3Using the Agency Springboard and Worklists

Using the Agency Springboard

The Agency Springboard provides a landing page for agency staff to manage their work.

The Agency Springboard provides agency staff with a central launching page for access to tasks and pages that are relevant to the staff member’s role.

Some of the elements on the agency springboard are similar elements on the landing pages for public users, while others are specifically for agency staff.

This example illustrates the Agency Springboard. The springboard is configured to show the quick actions section (“I Want To” actions), the task list element (links to workflow tasks and to my plan reviews and my inspections), and a selection of springboard tiles. The alerts banner is not shown in the example.

Agency Springboard page

For information about setting up the elements on the Agency Springboard, see Setting Up the Agency Springboard.

Global Banner

The global banner appears at the top of pages throughout the system.

The global banner for public users does not include all of the elements that are available to agency staff. The banner for agency staff includes these elements:

Page Element


Back icon

Click the Back icon to return to the previous page. The banner doesn’t include this icon when you’re on the springboard.

Navigator icon

Click the Navigator icon to access pages using a hierarchical menu.

Home icon

Click the Home icon to return to the Agency Springboard. The banner doesn’t include this icon when you’re already on the springboard.

Global Search (unlabeled search box)

Enter search terms, then press enter or click the search icon to search for any of these objects:

  • Permits: In process and completed permit applications.

  • Planning Applications: In process and completed planning applications.

  • Inspections: Scheduled and completed building inspections.

  • Projects: Active projects.

  • Incidents: In process and completed incidents.

  • Cases: In process and completed cases.

  • Citations: Paid and unpaid citations.

  • Business Licenses: Active, inactive, expired, suspended, revoked, and closed business licenses.

Searching opens the search results page, which has tabs for each type of searchable object. Click a tab to see the indicated subset of search results, and click a row in the search results to access the object details.

Tabs for features that you haven’t implemented are hidden. For example, if you don’t use project functionality, the Projects tab is hidden.

Note: Public users also have access to the global search, but their search results do not include code enforcement objects (citations, incidents and cases).
Notifications icon

Click the Notifications icon to open a pop-up window that lists the most recent unread notifications. Each notification row includes an action menu for marking the notification as read and a details button for opening the Notification Details page. The pop-up window also has a View Allbutton that opens the Notifications list page, where you can access all of your notifications.

A badge on the icon indicates the number of unread notifications. If there are more than 99 unread notifications, the badge displays 99+.

Reports and Analytics icon

Click the Reports and Analytics icon to access the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog (BI Catalog) or access predefined dashboards.

Maps icon

Click the Maps icon to access these maps:

  • The main agency map lets you view existing transactions or start new applications for properties that you select.

  • The Public Hearing map lets you generate hearing notifications by defining an area and generating lists of parcels, owners, and addresses for that area.

If you only have security access to one map, clicking the Maps icon opens that map. If you have access to both maps, clicking the Maps icon opens a menu so you can choose which map to open.

Page Finder icon

Click the Page Finder icon to open a pop-up window where you can search pages by their full or partial page name. As you type, the page list is updated to match your criteria. Click any page in the list to access it.

The page finder provides a convenient alternative to the hierarchical menu navigation found in the Navigator.

Account icon

Your user account is represented by a circle with your initials. Click this icon to access a menu with options for updating your user preferences, changing your password, or signing out. This menu also includes a Help item that provides access to system documentation.


Alerts are displayed as a banner that broadcasts messages with important information. These alerts are configured by the agency administrators.

Quick Actions (I Want To)

You can perform quick actions section using the I Want Todrop-down list. Choose an action, such as starting an application or scheduling an inspection, then click Go to access the related page.

This table lists the actions in the I Want Tolist. You see only the actions to which you have security access.



Start an Application

Opens the Apply page, where you can chose an application type and start an application. See Choosing an Application Type.

Estimate Fees

Opens the Apply page, where you can chose an application type and estimate fees for your application. See Getting an Online Fee Estimate.

Schedule an Inspection

Opens the Inspection List page, where you can request a permit inspection. See Requesting Inspections.

Report an Issue

Opens the Select an Issue Type page, where you can being the process of reporting a code enforcement issue. See Reporting Issues.

Pay Citation

Opens the Pay Citation page, where you can enter a citation ID and enter payment information on behalf of a public user. See Paying Citations

Task Lists

The task list section provides links to the Task Management page. Each link corresponds to a specific tab on the Task Management page. Use the links and the tabs to view the indicated type of task. The number next to each link provides a count of the indicated type of task.

  • My Workflow

  • Group Workflow

  • My Plan Reviews

  • My Inspections

Note: Your security roles determine whether you see role-specific links such as My Inspections and My Plan Reviews.

For more information about tasks, see Managing Tasks.


The lower area of the springboard displays tiles that you click to access specific transactions.

Using the Planner Worklist

The planner worklist provides a central location for performing planning-related activities. Separate tabs list unassigned applications, applications that are assigned to the current user, and activities that are assigned to the current user.

Access the worklist by clicking the Planner Worklist tile on the agency springboard.

Initially, all tabs to which you have access appear. Click a tab to see the applications or activities meet the tab filter criteria and to access the relevant actions. When you click a tab other than the one that is initially selected, only the newly selected tab (and its subtabs, if any) are visible. Similarly, when you select a subtab, only that subtab is visible. Click the Back icon next to the Search icon to return to the previous view.

Each tab provides access to relevant actions. Performing actions from the worklist is equivalent to performing the same tasks from the Activity Tracking page in the application details.

The planner worklist has the following tabs:



Available Actions

Additional Information

Unassigned Applications

Submitted and In Process planning applications that do not have an assigned planner.

This tab includes a map view for displaying application locations.


This tab is visible only to users who have assigning privileges.

Assigning an application removes it from this tab.

My Applications

Submitted and In Process planning applications that are assigned to the current user.

This tab includes a map view for displaying application locations.

This tab is visible only to users who have the Planner Job Function (ORA_PLANNER) and the attribute Planning Application Types (ORA_PLANNING_APPLICATION_TYPES).

Reassigning an application to a different user removes it from this tab.

Users with access to this tab can reassign applications even if they don’t have the additional security that provides access to the Unassigned Applications tab.

My Activities

Open activities that are associated with the current user’s assigned planning applications.

Activities are open if they are pending or in progress. Also, incomplete application review activities are open if they haven’t been resubmitted.


See Working with Planning Application Activities.

Completing an activity removes it from this list, but does not affect the application status.

Activities are initially sorted by due date, with the soonest due date at the top of the list.

This tab has subtabs that further filter the activities by due date: Overdue, Due Today, Due This Week, and Due Next Week.

Subtab action menus have the same actions as the main tab. To return from a subtab to the main tab, click the Back icon next to the Search icon.

Managing Tasks

The Task Management page enables you to review both workflow and non-workflow tasks and to reassign tasks (including claiming a task for yourself).

Application-related tasks include workflow tasks related to the transactions your agency is processing. For example, tasks can be associated with:

  • permit lifecycle

  • inspections

  • plan reviews

  • planning application lifecycle

Reviewing and Managing Tasks

  1. On the agency springboard, select the My Workflow tile.

  2. On the Task Management page, select the tab that lists the tasks that you want to review:

    Task Tab


    Available Actions

    My Plan Reviews

    Lists plan reviews that are assigned to you in ascending order by due date.


    My Workflow

    Lists tasks that are assigned to you.



    Group Workflow

    Lists workflow tasks that are assigned to a group to which you belong. Non-workflow tasks (plan review tasks and inspection tasks) do not appear here.

    Tasks on the Group Tasks tab are not assigned to individual group members. So this list functions as a group work queue from which individuals can claim specific workflow tasks. When a task is claimed, it is assigned to the individual and no longer appear in the list of group tasks.



    All Workflow

    Lists all tasks assigned to groups to which you belong, including tasks that are assigned to you and to other group members.



  3. Use the search, filter, and sort options to refine the list of tasks as needed.

  4. Use these fields to review task information:

    Page Element


    Task Type

    Identifies the nature of the task to be performed. Values include:

    • Inspection

    • Plan Review

    • Workflow

      The Workflow task type represents overall transaction workflow.


    Displays the transaction type number. For example, in the case of a permit, it displays the permit number and permit type for the associated permit.


    Displays a task name and identifier that depend on the task type:

    • For workflow tasks, the workflow process name and task ID appear. The task ID is for the specific instance of the task.

    • For inspection tasks, the inspection name and ID appear.

    • For plan review tasks, the plan review name and cycle count appear.


    Displays the task status. Different types of tasks can have different statuses. For example, inspection tasks can have the status Scheduled, which is not applicable to permit workflow tasks.


    Displays the date that the task assignment was last updated and to whom the task is assigned.


    Click to access details for the transaction to which the task is related. The page that appears depends on the type of task. For example, clicking the button for a permit workflow takes you to the Workflow page in the permit details.

  5. To update the task assignment, select one of these options from the task’s Actions menu:

    • Claim assigns the task to yourself. This action is available only for tasks that are currently assigned to a group. Once a task is claimed, it appears under the tab you find your tasks, such as My Workflow.

    • Release removes the assignment without assigning a new owner. The task will now appear on the Group Task list until it is claimed or reassigned.

    • Reassign opens the Reassign Task page, where you can select a new assignee.

Reassigning a Workflow Task

To assign a task to someone else, use the Reassign action.

Note: Only supervisors can reassign tasks. For example, agency staff members with the role PSC Permits Supervisor can reassign tasks, however, agency staff members with the role PSC Permits Technician cannot.

To reassign a workflow task:

  1. On the agency springboard, click the My Workflow tile.

  2. Locate the workflow task on either the My Workflow list, the Group Workflow list, or the All Workflow list.

    Use the search, filter, and sort options to help you refine the task list.

  3. Click the Actions icon, and then select Reassign.

    The Reassign Task page appears.

  4. Confirm that the Search By value is User.

  5. Enter your search criteria, then click Search.

    You can search by Keyword, First Name, Last Name, and Email.

  6. Locate the desired assignee in your search results, then click the Select button for that assignee.

    The system prompts you to confirm the assignment, then reassigns the workflow task and returns you to the task list.